Our boys are coming home
Reports are coming in that the Colombia Three have been found NOT guilty of training FARC guerrillas in Colombia.
The men were found guilty of using false passports but are to be released under time served.
More details as it happens. Has not yet broken on establishment media.
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Delighted phone calls from comrades in Colombia :)
Now confirmed on Ireland.com
Pints on me tonight.
flights being arranged to bring the men home.
I am about to cry.
Two of them were sentenced to over three years for passport offences.
Still a few months to go folks.
do not allow them to be de-briefed my any of those we have made it clear we do hold no trust in.
Do not allow them to continue any drug therapies they might have been under.
Do not allow to watch to much TV, and maybe keep them "offline" for a while.
Welcome Home Lads.
Go Slowly go gently know you are not alone, and there is (you sort out your accomadation) a cead mile failte in Columbine Barça for you whenever.
There is a lesson in this for all activists. If ever caught in a distant country with a dubious, even outright criminal, human rights record on trumped up charges and facing decades in prison, don't call the Irish Government, embassy or media.
They won't care.
Call Sinn Féin. Love them or loathe them, it's your only chance of getting home.
Can't wait fopr them to explain why they were travelling in a war zone on false passports.
I presume they'll give a full and frank answer to that when they arrive home.. ah, shit, they're shinners so they'll just continue to lie.
A 9 month trial and then 8 months delay before the sentence was handed down is suggested to be due to interference from the government.
Perhaps if you did a small bit of research you would not be long in working why they were traveling with false passports. And if you had bothered you'd have noticed that both Martins previous solicitors have been murdered? Please verse yourself with the facts before you make such off the cuff comments.
Eat your heart out Conor Cruise O'Brien. This so-called liberal had these men convicted from day one. O'Brien is about as liberal as his bigoted, pro-Unionist cohorts-Eoghan Harris and Ruth Dudley Edwards. Lets hope the welcome home for these Irish republicans is huge.
I've done the research. Why were they travelling on false passports? They would receive 15 years for falsification of documents in Ireland. They got off rightly. What a joke and an insult to the victims of 9/11 and other global terrorism.
On the otherhand, it will save us having to endure an indeterminable amount of shit from so-called folk singers and artists with their 'support' concerts and other diaorrehea.
why the false passports??
and why does their arrival in columbia correlate with an urban car bombing campagin by the FARC???
Columbia is a country ,like most south American states torn apart by corruption in politics,American (C.I.A.)interference,and the usual poverty of a huge landless,and jobless population.
I do not however agree with any 'well meaning'republicans teaching foreign armed factions the art of manufacturing car bombs.
The only victims of these hideous instruments of terror are innocent civilians-as we have seen in our own country.
If they are imprisoned for a long spell ..no harm.Unfortunately the world we live in is full of people willing to replace them tomorrow.
A previous poster claimed "They would receive 15 years for falsification of documents in Ireland". Is s/he crazy ? You don't even get 15 years for rape or murder in Ireland ! There are hundreds--maybe more-- of people going around Ireland with false passports. The courts, in the rare event that such cases are brought, treat falsification of passports more leniently than breaking the speed limit, even to the extent of not deporting those found guilty.
As to the Colombia 3, I welcome the verdict. Apart from sparing the 3 men from the prospect of long years in jail far from home, the verdict gives the lie to the many ill-informed slanders about the Colombian justice system. Ask yourself, would men similarly charged have fared any better in front of Ireland's Special Criminal Court ?
Viva Colombia !
If Irish law has a provision for 15 year sentences for falsification of identity documents it would appear to be at odds with many other European countries.
British law for instance has no provision for such punishment and if the authorities seek to prosecute it can only be done on the basis that the documents were used in the commission of another offence.
As much Irish law is in fact British law I would suspect that the above also holds in Ireland.
15 years would appear to be much more severe than the minimum sentence for murder if your facts are right??
Any legal expert care to comment??
As for why they were travelling under false papers I think it is fairly obvious that had they been travelling on their actual papers they would never have got into the FARC controlled areas.
Furthermore, it has been suggested that many other visitors to Colombia investigating that country's human rights record also choose to travel on false papers to avoid interference, arrest or even assassination by right-wing elements close to the government and other powerful interests in Colombia.
Great news! The Best ive heard all year..Lads We prayed for this Day to arrive, God Bless save trip home & your families are in our thoughts..We shall Overcome what!!!
WAHOOOOOoooo!!! Pints all round
......and lock them up.
with charges and international evidence put to the test of Law.
and international witnesses.
that would mean Uribe.
and the section heads of the FBI and CIA Drug sections and of course would open a can of worms on Base 2.
are they up for a show trial in Ireland?
is Ireland up for a show trial of Colombia?
is Ireland up for a show trial of Columbia?
snort a line. clear the head. think about it.
Listen to the Sound of My Voice.
"lock stock and two smoking barrels"
Have been reading posts about this subject for the last year on how it was a show trial and a massive miscarriage of justice and now they have been set free!!!!
If they were to be tried here for falsifying documents, should we not insist that those who sold Irish passports for "investments" should also be put on trial.
Oh yes, we can stir up some very murky waters indeed.
As for 'rooster', well life is tough, you don't always get your own way, do you? You will just have to live with it.
Its strange that the SDLP are so quiet on the columbia 3 thing.
You'd think they would be happy that fellow Socialists have been freed.
Durkan on Columbia Case - ''Verdicts are verdicts''
Yes indeed this is great news. Maybe now we'll be spared the relentless whining from Irish nationalist murder gang supporters about "justice" and "our lads" and whine, whine, drone, drone, whinge, whinge.
They are long-term experienced activists in the self-styled "Republican Movement" who knew the risks they were taking. They got better justice than their victims in Warrington and La Mon and Enniskillen and Kingsmills. Let's hope we hear as little about the Columbia 3 in the future as we do now about the Winchester 3.
Yippee - it's Caitriona Ruane's last hurrah. No more from the Princess of Whinge.
to hear so-called Irish leftists complaining over the fact that three Irish republican socialists are not being kept imprisoned by one of the most vicous right wing regimes in the world.
they are just bitter and twisted, lashing out like wounded animals. they would be cheering on FARC if it wasnt for the irish connection. ah well! it fair cheers the cockles of me heart to see the indy west brits throwing a tantrum!
There are as many right wing trolls on here as there are leftists, so don't go feeding them.
Re the verdict has anyone heard if they're going to be allowed time served for their lengthy pre-sentencing incarceration?
theres a long tradition of posters on indy claiming to be leftists who think their hatred of republicans prove their credentials. imho theres plenty of lifestyle "anarchists" who are annoyed at the verdict.
Interesting James Davis article in Counterpunch on this case. He makes some strong claims:
1. Claims that CIA had photos of the 3 detonating fuel-air bombs with FARC were lies peddled by The Times' David Cracknell
2. Initial positive explosives tests on their luggage were done by someone in the US embassy and subsequently found to be inaccurate
3. SF comrades abandoned the trio to their fate! Release was due to relatives and the Dept. of Foreign Affairs.
So who is Caitriona Ruane then?
I think you will find Sean Crowe Td of Sinn fein has been out to see them over 12 times. does not sound like abondonment to me!
For the last three years I don't think there was an issue of An Phoblacht not advertising a fund raising gig arranged by Sinn Féin members, Seán Crowe travelled over there many times, Barry McElduff travelled over as well. Caitriona Ruane is a Sinn Fein MLA.
While the rest of the left in Ireland sat on its hands or secretly prayed for them to be found guilty, we raised the money, campaigned, held pickets, wrote letters, protested and sent our elected representatives into Colombia.
We're going to get our people home, and a big thank you to the micro-left for for all the help we got. It will be well remembered the next time some SWP activist asks me to buy a paper for the purpose of 'showing solidarity.'
"While the rest of the left in Ireland sat on its hands or secretly prayed for them to be found guilty"
thats not correct, i doubt if any member of the wca, isn, wsm, swp or sp wanted to see them found guilty. maybe a lot of people could have done more but i was referring to the "left" who think its radical to condemn all things republican.
'An Saoránach', I notice when people like you mention Warrington, La Mon, etc., You'se always shy away from any mention of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings on the 17th of May 1974. Obviously those massacres are much lower in your list of priorities, or don't even matter to you at all.
Presumably the guys will all get heroes' welcomes... but what documentation will they be travelling on, and is 'home' not Cuba for Mr Connolly?
Personally I'd rather that no-one fucked up the image of the Irish passport abroad... whether they be Saudi stud owners or "shinners" on a skite.
Surely it should be an offense to forge our passport and if it isn't then it's every bit as morally dubious as selling them to pet food factory investors.
The cant that ex-prisoners have difficulties travelling on legit papers - ie as themselves - is laughable. What trouble, as convicted criminals? Getting into the US? Dear dear, how unforgiving of the State Department... try putting 'homosexual' on your visa application, you may also find the doors locked.
Two men and a translator on their hols in FARC-land... get real! And if the FARC are Colombia's provos then the country's in even more trouble than we know it is... it's a cess-pit of coke and human rights violation.
Regarding SF abandoning the 3 to their fate. Back in the earliest days of this case when SF were under enormous pressure from their pals in the US, Adams denied knowing Niall Connolly, an absolute falsehood. The official SF position was and remains that these three, whatever they were doing, were freelancing. That the three recieved plenty of support from SF activists is undisputed, what is interesting is the manner in which the heirarchy attempted to create distance between the leadership and the cadres, in this sense abandoning them to their fate and effectively not claiming their prisoners. this is a big break with 'tradition' and reinforces the similarity between SF and all other State actors.
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