Independent Media Centre Ireland

Jordi killed the Dragon.

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Friday April 23, 2004 18:00author by iosaf mac di armada - the organists and early musicians and poets of address same as you really when you think about it.

the 23rd day of the 4th month is marked by 3 countries as their day of mythical connection.

In Catalonia, St Jordi day is marked by the exchange of gifts.
Boys give girls roses.
And Girls give boys books.
& Hey in a modern tippy toppy civilisation if boys want to give boys roses or books then grrrls will only be happy to exchange roses and books as well.
There is room for us all @ the inn.
and Jordi does his thing just like "paddy/eulalia/andy" _every time_...

Catalonia bears the cross of Jordi, since the crusades and period of the Templers, a much maligned bunch by historical record who well versed in much mumbo jumbo (we remember this was afore the hocus pocus of haec pisces) got a reputation for being a dodgy bunch of witches through their 23 grand masters, the last Guifré really got a roasting by the press.

Anyway, Portugal, also is one of the lands of Jordi, but in Portuguese Jordi is pronounced diferently. There in Lisbon, a most wonderful city like many others built on seven hills, Bertie, people mark the meaning of Jordi with less enthuasiasm and perhaps less connection to the far and mysterious past.

In England, people don't really do anything at all, there the popular sentiment gets torched on November 5. But Jordi does his trick. With Eulalia everytime. Eulalia is the patroness of Catalonia and she carries as is very significant the X cross which is also known to some as the PAddy's cross and to very few others the cross of the Tuatha de Danaan.

So If Jordi ever existed, what did he do to be remember so much in such strange places?

well every kid knows the tale. A Dragon, a bad kind of dragon, molested a village and extracted the most cruel tribute from the villagers who in their great fear began to sacrifice their daughters to it.

The dragon we remember is one of the symbol of the city of Barcelona and as well Hong Kong which like Lisbon, Bertie is built on seven hills. As anyone who remembers the Welsh or Cantonese story knows beneath all hills of seven sleep dragons.
Of the good variety, referred to in the final psalms of David's harp music, and the bad bad nasty variety which does not "sing praise" to the garden but alone extracts tribute.

We don't forget a thing.

Throughout the publishing, writing, filming, theatrical, dance activity of many collectives amongst which were in the English language prominent, "Q", "Luther Blisset" and "Wu Ming", the importance of connection to myth to our evoloving revolution was consistently stressed. We are nothing more than our myths and imagination. Which is why we must feed our heads well.

I have written to you with my various noms de plume over many years, and now total millions of letters and numbers in a form which may never be printed out and read from page one to page last.

I have mapped the psychogeography.
I deserve my Nobel Prize.
But I'm just going to get a Rose instead.

In 1981, 23º years ago, the box of tricks Voyager sent back a message. It had encountered a large cloud mass roughly the size of Earth, which was moving.

Under international law such a message had to be announced to all states, being members of the United Nations "big one world government scam better than nothing thing".

Under international law space exploration could not be exploitative and the militarisation of space prohibited.

Under international law, the continent of Antarctica was held to be inviolate and common cultural heritage of all the peoples of this Earth.

On the side of Voyager, was left a map with nine of the known solar system planetary bodies with a helpful arrow to the third.
Also depicted were two human characters of the american type one woman size 12 perhaps and a man rather rudely holding one of his arms up next to a scale representation of a molecule of hydrogen (because it's number one in their table) and little picture of the box of tricks.

There was no animal or plant representation included on the plaque. There was not a mention of carbon from which all of you american and african alike are composed.
There was not an iota of Leonardo, of Egpyt of China of Civilisation and Experience.

Today you may look at a picture of the biggest mountain in the Solar System, it's called Olympus the traditional home of the Pantheon of Hellenic civilisation mega dudes.

Only four countries give more than .7% of GDP to no strings attached development projects for all the other people on the planet who in the great universal scale of things might be just as worthy as you.
Those countries are:-
Denmark, Norway, Nederlands and Sweden.
Just in case you are wondering, the USA gives 0.10% of its declared money in no strings attached aid and the EU gives 0.33%.

I left a message for people here in space, which annoys loads of ye, sorry and in Barça space the other day and like for years in "irish/english/american/inglés..."anglès"".
Cool Thanks. There will be a shareholders meeting of the Akbar group in C/Pere mes Alt on the 21st & 22nd of April in the palace of Music. Then we may discuss the coatings that had been previsioned for several buildings in our tippy toppy civilised world.

Today a barrel of Crude costs 33.39$
I told you about Crude and comidity values and stuff like that in 2002.

From the 19th to 24th of April like till tomorrow we are enjoying, (aren't we all) the week of the Diamond. Carbon form very different to say a mammal.

The primary producer of biotech product has today announced in the tenders page that it is relocating forthwith to Madrid.

The King has opened the 8ºcouncil to review the constitution, known as the Magna Carta and has expressed his and many other peoples' wish that "there is room for all of us here". So Spain looks set to be a multipolar type thing if you go in for political speculation which I most certainly don't.

I do culture, music, dance, Arts and hang out with Circus people. I am an organist of the Cathedral Tradition and Early musician. Just like it said on my CV.
I also get a Nobel Prize. I'll add that to my CV. in the other interests section
like this:-
gonna to get Nobel,
gonna date the gorgeous girl down the road, gonna go on spinning vynll and playing drums and being jolly nice to animals".
gonna think about gardening.
not going to worry about the less important bills coz I don't have enough money to all my valuable thinking and playing time.
perhaps someone will pay them for me.
ooo eh? where was I?
Oh yes telling you all the meaning of the Orb album into the fourth dimension track 8, where the scientist goes "wow" and the anonymous early music doctors of Cambridge Hogworts colllege
mix some Medieval Chant with an italian girl singing "recordate" ricordar" oh then there's some phat reggae beats, and a bit of Bach and a snippet of Mozart and sure the youngsters loved it, dancing away for years. Thankye very much. We didn't say "control yourselves", we didn't say "you need a PC in every home", we didn't say "four fingers good". We just started to "drop hints" and "facilitate a global memory revival and connection to myth.

¿Do you dance Bertie?

For the benefit of foreign readers, this is where I ask the taoiseach of the Irish state that shares territory with my nation of Eire if he dances.
¿at the X-roads, Bertie?
This is where I start taking the piss out of him, just like I take the piss out of Joan Clos the mayor of Barcelona. Sloppy bIg hugs lads. oh yeah sloppy.

Now some people reacted very differently 23 years ago. Some of them indeed had reacted differently even before 23 years ago.
We have in these last days looked at some trans-national issues effecting the research material which the Occidental tradition of the death/torture/x camp has unbeknownst to most left us.
We muttered about South Americans and Russians and Germans and a bunch of irish nuns.
We have also muttered about an effin big war that we very clearly told everyone over a three year period would prove completely impossible to prosecute.

and we have told you that life really can be fun and good, if you use cars less, and rethink the direction of your technology and notice how intelligent the artificial systems you have developed over such a short period of time are, and what the significance of a performance given by five people in Dublin's Ely Place called "songs of cassandra" in 1987.

Now there ought be room for us all.
And we really ought be nice to our animals.
And we shouldn't be phobic of insects.
DDT was a bad idea, we all agree on that now.

So, Bertie Ahern and Joan Clos and whoever else happens to get the horizontal communication thread, if one street in Dublin can be ecofriendly in energy production then every street can be.
And you can turn the problematic torre de Agbar into an effin great windmill Joan, in the spirit of "Don Quixote".

Now today's listening tip is
Cosi fan tutti. "they're all at it".
that's where the men are from mars and women are from venus things from.
And give Macy Gray a spin too.
We preserved vinyl for a reason. You are not digital creatures, you really ought have thought to ask for such Xfiles assistance before, But ye didn't go near the auld secret weapons at all. And well, that's your tough titty.
Tough tough titty.

way hey I'm a believer!
I just monkey around.

And, heres ella fitzGerald with her good pal Mr Armstrong:-
April skies are in your eyes...

and here's Lou Reed again:-
just as I wrote on the 22nd of September to the Irish Times "you'll reap what you sow".

and here's the text of excellent piece of contemporary and valued Art which was demolished less than three months ago by one of the masters of the European school of graffiti "deja la luna a los poetas".
Everyone loved it. People came from all over to see it. Olé tio! K lastima que los ignorantes, they knocked it down to continue pouring concrete on the graves of the Colomines who protected thier city to build a tyre recycling plant and market with insect pattern inspired roofs that someone thought would be a tribute to Gaudí.

Man how shortsighted and blind are you?
Bertie and Joan and anyone else who is like getting the message now.

So I turn to Stephenson and Wood Quay, and the monstrosities that you dropped on our city of Dublin. Did we need those "narrow slits of norman fortification"? Still you could cover them in flowers perhaps. Which one was/were/will not be the CCTV camaras "the first in Europe" controlled and recorded from?
Still the nephew enjoyed his holiday destinations didn't he? Which brings me by a route of circumventilation to Temple Bar Properties and it's record. Let's send each other legal letters will we?

Now a gratuitous line I love:-
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
cool isn't it. yep. relax the head, find your myths, don't be a machine, look after your animals, smells and bells, and get those little feet hopping.
way hey I'm a monkey
I just keep monkeying around.

& as for the really very silly virgins of civilisatin and thier Oil, leave them to it.

Tomorrow I may go back to being the "creepy" world scourge character.
or maybe that would be yesterday.
That's the amazing thing about the book I always siad I try and write. There is no beginning and no end.

So for the archivists and posterists and pamhpleteers of anytime, this is

Chapter + Sant Jordi
Section X ipsiphi (not I sci fi)

sew and weave your poetry:-

© this means I reserve the right to be like thought of as the author poet of all my work.
And if you have used it with my tacit permission to pay your mortgage or car insurance etc., etc., you now "owe me".
© creative commons.
means this is in the public open source domain and you can quote it, copy it share it and stick it on the walls.

"the writing is always on the wall".

If you ever trusted these people with your safety you really deserve the government you gotl.

Related Link: http://www.UN.=

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