The long dark night of Fianna Fail's tyranny
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politics / elections |
Thursday April 22, 2004 22:37
by john mc dermott - Remove Fianna Fail Party

The ghosts of Burke,Lawlor,Redmond and Haughey haunt the body politic'
Fianna Fail is a party without precedent.It is immersed in its own corruption.It has a mission to be re-elected.In that process it is fully set to destroys our heritage,our countryside,and our national dignity.Nothing has changed .Nothing ever changes.Redmond and Haughey,and their mentality will live on -will never die -so long as this party ,and their bedfellows,led by their comely courtesan Mary Harney,-hold office.
The present government-from cabinet minister to local councillor,-have made abundantly clear on countless occasions to numerous to quantify, their attitude- one of undisguised contempt- to the orderly implementation of established professional procedures nationwide, by their own planning authorities, and ‘An Bord Pleanala’.
Fianna Fail’s recently highly publicised ,disreguard for punitive measures against systematic abuses of all kinds, by developers,businessmen,and local councils alike;- therefore comes as no surprise.
This has emboldened the worst of the ‘Gombeen Mentality’men of their tradition,within the worst county councils,to increase their scurrilous attacks against ‘An Taisce’and call for its virtual annihilation,as a ‘Cinderella’guardian against their unchecked abuses.
If a responsible coalition is ever newly elected ..,their first duty lies in removing the corrupting powers of arbitrary reversals and rezonings by local –or, indeed,central government-politicians.
A body totally independent of politics, a proper, professional ‘ Department of Planning’ entity is the only answer to the current debacle.
The ghosts of Burke,and Lawlor,Redmond and Haughey will continue to re-surface until this concept becomes a reality.
if Fianna Fail are ever wrenched from power and their tyrannical overlordship contained; if their electorate vote buying- at any cost- is halted;if their self serving obeisance to Big Business comes to an end;- the new administration must lay the old era and regime to rest- forever.!
A New Entity with powers of implementation of swift and sizable financial penalties,against illegal developments,quarrying,dumping,agricultural pollution,etc in combination with a decisive prosecution mandate,is the most urgent requirement of this state .
When the ‘ Department of the Environment’and its Master and Overlord ,Martin Cullen,and all the bad memories associated with it, are consigned to history ,then and only then will our small nation emerge from its present,long dark night.
God willing ,may it not be too long,for many good hearts are sorely tried by these shysters in charge,in Leinster House.
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