Meeting 6pm at Parkgate St/Benburb St
Attention all noisy disaffected people!
Come join the Dublin Grassroots Network march, as we disrupt the salubrious
dinner of the heads of state, paid for with OUR taxes!
Let warmongers Blair and Berlusconi know that we disagree with their
violence & aggression.
Let Bertie know that we do not care for his policies of cutbacks, corruption
& croneyism.
Let the leaders of Fortress Europe know that we do not share their vision of
an exclusionary EU superstate - everyone is welcome here, regardless of
Our intention is to have a loud, vociferous and colourful march. We will
raise the roof off Farmleigh House with the sounds of our discontent! Please
bring saucepan lids and spoons, pots and pans, whistles and kazoos, sound
systems & fog horns, musical instruments, drums, and any other noisemaking
instruments you can get your hands on.
We intend to get as close to Farmleigh as possible so that those inside can
hear our chorus as they eat their expensive fine meals. We have the right to
protest - any denial of our right to march is a denial of our civil
liberties. The Dublin Grassroots Network march will be lead off by a banner
and white flags. If you want to stay with the march, follow the flags.
As it is a relatively long march towards the baron's banquet in Farmleigh
House, we will be stopping along the way for food and drink breaks so people
can relax and take in the atmosphere of the march. These brief rest points
will also act as a brief space to gather information, and to take stock of
each situation as it arises.
We want to march to Farmleigh House to express our dissent. We have the
right to protest in our own city. If we are stopped by police lines it is
our intention to find ways around them.
We respect diversity of methods of protest against Fortress Europe. Dublin
is a big city and the Phoenix Park is the largest enclosed city park in
Europe. There is room for us all to demonstrate in the way that we choose.
If any group or individual wishes to take part in any other activity beyond
the guidelines stated here that apply to the Dublin Grassroots Network
march, we ask them to split off and separate themselves from the march.
We desire no physical confrontation with the Garda, the Army, or anybody on
Mayday - and we never have. We have made all our plans for our No Borders
Weekend of actions publicly available for months. We do not intend to use
any form of offensive physical confrontation on our march.
The Dublin Grassroots Network march will Bring The Noise to Farmleigh House.
We do not want anyone to bring any weapons. People that bring weapons on the
march are not welcome to participate and will be asked to leave.
It is everyone's responsibility to ensure the march is a safe and successful
event. We are a community and we should all work together towards this end
and look after each other’s welfare. If you see someone that is acting in an
inappropriate, explain to them the nature of this march and suggest that if
they want to act outside of this that they first leave the march. Don't
start shouting at them, just make sure that someone (if needs be you)
approaches them and calmly explains that their behavior is not welcome here.
If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, talk to the people around
you. Take responsibility for the safety of yourself and others around you.
Finally we ask people to join us over the Mayday No Borders weekend. The
State has circulated scare stories in the media through unnamed "security
sources" to discourage people protesting against injustice and intolerance.
Don't believe the hype! You have the right to protest on the streets - this
is your city after all, it is not just for the EU bosses and their