Reading them, reading us, reading them
"Proven medical fact:
Reading indymedia will make you go blind and insane. For the love of christ, don't do it."
Irish Military Online......trolls galore
On Bushs Visit
"If IDF soldiers are on security duty i wonder will they get told "shoot to saves lives" too? or i wonder will they be stuck with there normal rules of engagement!?! Id be afraid to be around the american secret service - i bet they'll be on edge and as a result will be "Trigger Happy, shoot first, ask questions later"
"And before anyone asks...We will NOT be discussing irish rules of engagement here"
On Indymedia & Osama Bin Laden
"OK, I thought I'd seen it all but apparently not.....Indymedia is allowing posts by some nutter supporting Bin Laden....To be fair, it might be a flame and some of the other IM contributors write as much as well as rejecting the thrust but where the $%^& is the moderator - if crap like that appeared here, a mod wd shut it off in a heartbeat. Similiarly, if I posted on IM that I thought Hitler was a great guy, I wd expect their mods to shut me off.....sorry, just want to highlight once again what a waste of space IM is, know I'm preaching to the choir."
"Proven medical fact:
Reading indymedia will make you go blind and insane. For the love of christ, don't do it."
"Yeah, but it's good for a laugh - some of these guys make Comical Ali seem like a credible, rational, well-reasoned individual....
That aside, the old adage about knowing your enemy applies"
"YJ, I will eat some humble MRE - you're right, I got into a thread there with another moron who thinks OBL ain't so bad - Jesus, some people really are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
I'll take your advice - NEVER AGAIN!!!!!"
On Mayday
Mayday Riots Pdf On Call For Reinforcement To Gardai
"Because of the likelyhood that there will be a massive protest/riot in dublin on mayday the pdf have been put on alert and around 1000 have been given special police crowd control training to act as reinforcement to the gardai if/when they are needed. why oh why did they not think of mobilizing the rdf and save a hell of a lot of money, a few weeks of training in the curragh/templemore and duties on mayday. it would also put a great light on us and a good profile for recruitment."
"and if anything serious goes wrong, what happens?
who do you pick to do this training?
would employers be compensated?
what about students?
the special olympics put us in a good light, riot control most certainly would not. can you imagine members of this board being let loose on a crowd of crusties? theyd probably end up in a pretty bad state, staining the image of the organisation and leading to squillions of compo claims and a few no, i dont agree with your suggestion. why not put us on barrack duties?"
"God, I'd love to kick some crustie heads in.....
I mean, if I were asked to aid the civil power in this manner, I would do so to the best of my ability."
"Anti-riot and crowd control are a little bit more complicated than you think its something that requires quite a lot of preparation time even for excellent personnel.
I wonder if the Inf Gp rotating out of Kosovo form part of the govts "specially trained" 500?"
"Indymedia are watching .... All round defense lads please. YMMV. can't say any more."
Seriously. i can't see the R.D.F in a riot situation without the proper training, i agree with the idea of barrack duties.
the majority of the protest will be peaceful but we all know the saying about a few bad apples. The anarchist organisation the wombels (not of the wimbeldon common variety) had threatened to cause havoc. if they start and the riot troops have to intervene whose to say how far things could escalate. it might even add fuel to the fire. any one remember Genoa a few years ago? this is not scaremongering. i believe this will only be a kind of build up to when George W is going to visit. (a topic i'm sure will be discused later)"
"Im back!! In an RDFRA newsletter it gives the roles of the "New Reserve" and one of them IS ATCP. Without saying to much we have a PSO coming up and iv been told its Riot Training with the PDF."
On Mary Kelly trial
"having assholes like that and allowing them express their opinions is part of living in a democracy - there's plenty of them in the US, as soCal Tanker cd attest to, he lives beside the largest concentration of them. What I object to is a jury failing to convict someone despite clear-cut evidence. If someone who shared my political outlook vandalized Indy Media HQ and I was selected for jury duty for the case, I wd not allow the fact that I hate Indy media influence my decision - I wd still vote the guy guilty".
"hate to say this but i would probably buy the lad who vandalised indy-media a pint, but then i'm not known for my fondness of crustie's."