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They don't call them the filthy rich for nothing...
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Saturday April 17, 2004 18:39 by babsdebrawl

The cultured rich/middle classes irrespective of their religous/national identity are deservedly called the 'FILTHY RICH', because despite their outward veneer of pillar of society respectability and their smug professonal social statuses, they are at heart the amoral lowest of the low dog eat dog capitalist monsters. Rich/middle class scummy snobs with their pretend religious piety, in their capitalist heaven, there is no such thing as human dignity for the poor, as everything to the cold hearted professional is just a commodity, women and children are just commodities to be bought, sold and used in the capitalist playground of life.
The Rich believe their wealth, their possesions their social status, their high powered professional jobs, translates into outward religious piety, and quarantees to elevate their pompous social standing in churches and other places of worship, depending on their religion.
You will see the rich given privileged pews and special places in churchs, mosques and synagoges all over the world, as if being rich somehow meant you were holier than everyone else.The exact opposite is the truth, the rich in reality are the scummy nasty filth of the world.
The rich like to spice up their tediously boring empty lives by looking down on the poor and working class people in council estates.
To this end the rich have developed their own sickening pet names by which they refer to the poor, working class people and people who live in council estates, derogatory names which make the rich/cultured middle classes feel superior and confirmin their insecure nasty minds, their social status and privilege.
Our whole society/system is run by, and for the benefit of the rich and the snooty professional middle classes, and these people openly conspire amongst their elite professional snobby cliques/professional bodies to keep the working class and poor in their places and continually held down, through discrimination based on class/economic background which begins in primary school, continues through secondary school etc. That nice well mannered, demure, well spoken teacher, is a hateful rancid rottweiler, who looks down her/his nose at the scruffy poor children in the class, and singles these children out for verbal abuse.
This happens all over the world in every known society, the rich/middle classes, are so discontent, miserable and nasty, despite their wealth, possessions, social statuses, holidays, leisure pursuits, they still have to put the poor/working class, and others less well off then themselves down, in order to spice up their empty isolated lives. If you go into a private estate/middle class area, you will find far extreme competition between neighbours, over gardens, cars etc, each and every rich bastard is jealous of their neighbour about something. They only have a neighbour watch to spy on each other, with a view to digging up dirt about each other, not because they care about each other.
Have you ever wondered why a rich/middle class persons dream is always to move out to the country, to live in isolation, thats because they are so nasty, competitative and anti social, they can't live peacefully and cooperatively with other human beings, also they want to live in isolation, where they can be master of their own little tinpot world.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5Snobs are quick to look down on working class people/spides who live in council estates, and blame them for crime etc, in truth it is the establishment government who are the biggest criminals ever, flooding council estates with smack and drugs through their FRU special branch agents, such as King rat , C company etc, yet middle class professionals bastards have the cheek to complain, look down on and blame the poor and paramilitaries of working class areas.
It is essential that as middle class professionals we ensure working class children are given crap teaching, and as little educational opportunities as possible, to ensure their only career option would be to join daddies RUC.
Join daddies RUC or Bryce Staffords RIR, or do trolley recovery for Sainsburys, the only career options.
that goes down as one of the most bitter, hate filled, incoherent posts i've ever read. what exactly is the point in tarring all middle class people with the same brush??? using your "logic", this makes your opinions no better than the snobbery that you talk about. all people are basically the same (ie the vast majority of people have some element of basic human goodness regardless of their socio-economic background). you either posess the iq of a glass of water, or else are just so bitter and opinionated that you are basically blind to the reality of life.
hardly news is it
definately opinion shouldnt be on this website