Independent Media Centre Ireland

AIr America US Democrat radio

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Wednesday April 14, 2004 23:21author by paul c

listened to it for a while last night

A radio network has been setup across america to try and bring change to the right wing dominated talk radio in the us...

You might have already heared of but there hasn't been any articles on so i though i'd write one...

listened to last night for a while, it was talking of the bush newsconference and taking the piss out of him, liberal info-tainment i guess , quite funny...

it tried to highlight the hyprocracy of bush and his men pointing out their dodgey connections and the way of morning radio does lots of wisecracks....

at one point somebody said that it was the war a precurosor to a corporate take over of the country, i dunno bout that, perhaps the station is only preaching to the converted there but hard to get away from that

but again its show interesting use of technology to get your point across on a small budget and if its goes off air every now again who cares

reading about it i've heard its had financial techincal diffuclties and been up and down all the time, but is alwasy available on the net at

ps a good link which picks out the errors in both parties tv/internet ads

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