There were angry scenes at today's INTO conference when delegates attacked the union's endorsement of a 'killer coke' stand in the conference foyer at the main entrance to the conference.
Handwritten posters protesting Killer coke were distributed around the conference. A petition was circulated among the delegates and a number of speakers denounced the stand to loud applause.
One delegate, John McAnulty of East Down INTO, halted the business of conference under standing orders to demand the removal of the stand.
He condemned what he claimed was a deliberate policy of support for coke - one third of INTO Northern delegates had voted for a boycott, The union had been contacted by Columbian trade unionists and were well aware of the boycott call. They were also aware of the debate in the trade union movement and that even unions opposed to the boycott stopped well short of actually supporting or promoting coke.
The union leaders have promised a statement later