Independent Media Centre Ireland

INTO sells out for free bottle of coke

category kerry | anti-capitalism | news report author Wednesday April 14, 2004 12:54author by INTO DELEGATE

There were angry scenes at today's INTO conference when delegates attacked the union's endorsement of a 'killer coke' stand in the conference foyer at the main entrance to the conference.

Handwritten posters protesting Killer coke were distributed around the conference. A petition was circulated among the delegates and a number of speakers denounced the stand to loud applause.

One delegate, John McAnulty of East Down INTO, halted the business of conference under standing orders to demand the removal of the stand.

He condemned what he claimed was a deliberate policy of support for coke - one third of INTO Northern delegates had voted for a boycott, The union had been contacted by Columbian trade unionists and were well aware of the boycott call. They were also aware of the debate in the trade union movement and that even unions opposed to the boycott stopped well short of actually supporting or promoting coke.

The union leaders have promised a statement later

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author by conor (wsm personal capacity)publication date Wed Apr 14, 2004 15:49author address author phone

Sounds very interesting but you don't say exactly what happened

- in what way were they supporting coke - freebies for the delegates ?

Maybe I'm just out of touch


author by Starstruck - UCD Leftpublication date Wed Apr 14, 2004 16:22author address author phone

An update on that or even a clarification as to the nature of what happened would indeed be welcome..

author by second handpublication date Wed Apr 14, 2004 16:26author address author phone

My second hand understanding of the event was that Coke had a stall inside the union conference and handed out free products and propaganda (or publicity as they would see it) to delegates. They were there with the permit of the INTO executive.

author by pcpublication date Wed Apr 14, 2004 21:28author address author phone

if it been advertised beforehand
they could give out info but they shoudln't give out product

author by guy baguepublication date Thu Apr 15, 2004 01:27author email guybague at eircom dot netauthor address author phone n.a

Teacher's doing coke? Shame. How else can we distinguish them from the students...

author by Des Derwinpublication date Thu Apr 15, 2004 02:17author address author phone

Coca Cola promotions at trade union conferences?

That'll finally take the teeth out of the movement.

author by (L)SD watchpublication date Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:24author address author phone

Seeing as how John's lot write a denouncitory pamphlet on all important events, I am really looking forward to this one.
Should be interesting to see what leftists he blames on his stopping of conference not being successful.

author by Peter Sutherlands Nemesispublication date Thu Apr 15, 2004 17:04author address author phone

I do not find it surprising that the INTO Leadership allowed a global for-profit anti-democratic entity like Coca Cola to distribute free products at their annual conference.

The main four reasons I am not surprised are:

The GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) is an international [progressive liberalisation] trade law which has the privatisation of all secondary and third level education systems as one of its main objectives. See: . Coca Cola are one of many global corporations spending a lot of money promoting the GATS.

Most members and leaders of the INTO have no idea the GATS exists. Of those few who do they are either professionally negligent in failing to demand a debate on the implications of GATS, or are complicit with the GATS in their silence in that they want the privatisation of education and want reduced working conditions and pensions for education workers.

The only teachers union people that do know about GATS and realise it means the Law Of The Market coming to education and reject this, are the ASTI (Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland). This is the reason the Irish corporate media gives ASTI such a terrible hard time. See for example:

People like Pat Cahill and the membership of the ASTI know that Benchmarking is not just about Benchmarking, it is about removing pensions and about the sectioning and sub-sectioning and compartmentalising of each tiny part of a teachers job so that piece by piece the private sector can be brought in to take over the system. This will only be (a) practically possible when the EU Commission includes education in its submission to GATS as a result of being legally allowed to do so under the proposed EU Draft Constitution in its current form, and (b) politically possible in Ireland when the government is able to say 'There's nothing we can do legally to stop it (as a result of GATS and the EU)’.

The GATS and the inability and reticence of the media (and Teachers Unions) to link GATS and education and government policy is the reason why the former president of the ASTI, Bernadette O'Sullivan, ran for the Seanad. See bottom right of page: Because she was a high profile character that had the altruism and bravery to link GATS and Benchmarking and Privatisation, she was personally hounded, vilified in the media with rude and spurious insults and bullshit spread in media about her. That’s what happens people who raise their heads above the parapet and speak the truth. The only paper that would carry her voice was the Business Post, see:

4. The GATS is also all about removing the ability of governments, parents, teachers, school boards, NGOs etc to be able to for example (i) ban junk food in schools, or (ii) ban adverts for junk food in schools. GATS is also about removing the right of governments to refuse corporations like Coca Cola the contract to print school books - this is already happening in the USA where maths books add two bottles of coke to three bottles of coke and what do we get … [not health apples and oranges anyway].

So in conclusion it would appear
(a) the Irish corporate media is refusing to link the WTO GATS with benchmarking and privatisation with its hatred of ASTI,
(b) that the INTO will be more than happy to see Coca Cola win the contract to write and publish the secondary school books in Ireland,

At least the INTO have firmly nailed their colours to the mast now:
DOWN with high quality free education for all.
UP with schools for them that can afford it
UP with private-profit from schools.

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author by mecca colapublication date Sun Apr 18, 2004 19:14author address author phone

Good on Them

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author by Steve Bannin - Radio station ownerpublication date Mon Aug 02, 2004 17:52author email stevebanning at hotmail dot comauthor address 404 Western Ave #24, Goleta CA 93117 USAauthor phone unlisted

Teresa "SHOVE IT" Coke Bottle..for sale on EBAY...

This is very funny...

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author by Steve Bannin - Radio station ownerpublication date Mon Aug 02, 2004 17:53author email stevebanning at hotmail dot comauthor address 404 Western Ave #24, Goleta CA 93117 USAauthor phone unlisted

Teresa "SHOVE IT" Coke Bottle..for sale on EBAY...

This is very funny...

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