Independent Media Centre Ireland

tyranny unchallenged

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Sunday April 11, 2004 17:12author by john mc dermottauthor address Ashtown,Dublin

Fianna Fail-A Dictatorship in all but name.

The basic freedoms of our democracy are being eroded ,one by one.The ultimate coup for the Builders/Land Speculators Party(Fianna Fail )is ready .Legislation enabling their cronies all across the land,in every county council,
The power to build anything,anywhere,without right of appeal against -by any citizen.!

Minister Cullen proposes to remove decision-making on all major infrastructure projects from both the local planning councils and An Bord Pleanala.
On the surface, this might seem like an isolated proposal to smooth the way forward for controversial projects.
But look a little deeper. Look at a succession of decisions taken by Minister Cullen and his predecessor, and they all have one common thread.
Taking the cue from his predecessor, who removed waste management decisions from elected officials and granted them to unelected city and county managers, Mr Cullen is systematically removing checks and balances to preserve and protect the environment, and removing the democratic right of every citizen to voice their opposition to or concern about certain projects.
First, he subsumes a formerly independent agency, Duchas, into the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, from where it will be answerable to Departmental objectives rather than being independent.
He then takes a second independent agency, An Bord Pleanala, and removes the appeal mechanism to An Bord Pleanala for planning application objectors where the applicant has been approved by the local planning board and that applicant is connected to or has contributed to the local community (whatever that means!)
Wasn't An Bord Pleanala established to be an honest broker to take local politics and connections out of the planning process?
Isn't this why the current planning tribunal is investigating past planning decisions involving Quarryvale, Mr Lawlor, Mr Gilmartin, elected politicians etc?
Now he proposes to create a whole new review board, the Strategic Infrastructure Board.
That's just what we need right now - another review board.
This way, the government can appoint the board members and there will be no avenue for review or appeal on major projects that affect hundreds of thousands of people. This is dictatorship.
(letter recently sent to national newspapers)

The breathtaking arrogance of the, infamous, Martin ‘Cu’Cullen’s(The Hound of Ulster -or The Hound of Hell’s) proposed legislation to emasculate ‘An Bord Pleanala’and subsume the rights of unhindered execution of Fianna Fails ‘One Off Housing Blitz’,must meet with a measured response from all of the Media(while they are still free!) and all other responsible and authoritive citizens of this state-whatever their politics or role in the nations affairs,may be.
The public must be alerted to the Nazi-style tyranny which is currently in train,and respond accordingly.This is a challenge to the checks and balances of our democratic state.
Why ,for example, is the mass deportations plans for unwilling Civil Servants ,not meeting with an appropriate response from those directly affected?
Are they really going to pack their bags like so many sheep and move to their appointed green pastures without so much as whimper/
Can Fianna Fail drive a coach and four through everything we hold sacred,-including the Hill Of Tara, itself?
People power, taking to the streets, removed Marcos,and other dictators from office.
Is this what it takes to get Bertie ,’Cu’ Cullen and their henchmen off our backs for good?

Comments (2 of 2)

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author by Arthur McKevittpublication date Tue Apr 13, 2004 01:16author email arthur at mckevitt2047 dot fsnet dot co dot ukauthor address author phone

John you're quite right about tyranny. Unfortnately writing to the national newspapers will not solve anything as they copy all correpondense of a critcal nature to Government first, to see if it's OK to publish.

You have experienced nothing yet regarding tyranny and arrogance, but should you be aware of a cross-border road scheme called the N1/A1 linking Dublin and Belfast, all the tyrannical arrogance is areadily here in abundance to the extent that safety has been sacrificed. However, the situation is being challenged in NI and the arrogance and tyranical mess will hit the fan on the 13th May at a public inquiry, in Newry, into the vesting orders into this scheme.

The landowners don't want to give up their land to a grotesque corrupt unsafe road scheme and why should they. At previous inquiries, and there was two, the media and politicians of this area were conspicuous by their absence.

The NRA and NI Government say they haven't the money for a motorway.

What we should all be asking is why road schemes like the Dublin Port Tunnel, which is now 500 million Euros over budget, have happened and how can these sums be justified. Is it like GB, where big contractors were able to get cost over-runs agreed and in returns they made sizeable donations to party funds.

One organisation in GB called the Economic League, kept secret lists of people who they deemed to be contra, and when these people changed jobs they ran into difficulty getting further employment. I sued this organisation and they placed themselves in liquidiation when they discovered a former director general of that organisation was on my side. He also advised me that the League was handling money for the Tory party, donated by construction companies.

Could the same be happening here?

author by under 35spublication date Tue Apr 13, 2004 01:43author address author phone

because 'I was so much older then I'm younger than that now'

tell all the grey bloc at dublin castle about the pleasures of indymedia!

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