digital version.
Behold I tell you a great mystery...
Trinity means 3.
You don't need a college to explain it
Nor a Commission.
Neo means you.
It doesn't matter how you/we/they "the little babies" are made, because even if some mad and evil scientist thought to create afresh a garden, only God Alone may put souls into bodies.
Love your children no matter where they came from.
We are united, the Forum of the Roman city of Barcino is open after two thousand years to judge the transgressions of the Empire.
We are united, the flames of the Olympiad are lit.
We are united through time.
We are indeed the ipsiphi.
Monday ought be Happy.
Tuesday ought be less ruby.
Wednesday is not so creepy she just hears her sisters.
Thursday is like a bolt of lightning.
Friday is Crunchie day.
Saturday is for loving and giving.
Sunday is for
Knowing Yourself.
Now make it a better world, you have everything you need to make it so. Today and Tomorrow and everyday can be a May Day.
You don't need nuch history anymore to understand some secrets which were long kept to keep you safe @ night.
Sharon is no Rose, and the Dome which glitters so gold sits above a rock which isn't the one that was there a few centuries ago.
Nor is it even the same rock that was there more than a few centuries ago.
The Faeiries moved everything.
Now If ever you meet a little "grey/gray" faeirie just rest assured it represents a "most rightously fucked off with envy" little people who though beautiful and timeless have less "mojo" than you sweet little Wookies of Endor.
Jedi you have arisen.
You know who you are.
Just Do it.
I'm loving it.
yum yum.
reading texts for this week can be the doctoral thesis of the Late + Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Ryan on Angels, and the reply to his appointment by that other fine Doctor of North George's Street.
also Mr Joyce.
and one more thing:-
Feed your Pigeons, they are only foul fowl when you are foul. If you are clean they shine.
oh and another thing:-
Look after your "handicapped children be it mental or physical" because they shine more than you, ¿perchance it's all in the eyes? Those children truly are the blessings and you ought work to keep their light burning.
Oh and last thing, no-one ever ever said that Humans were the end of Evolution. Look around you, how much chance you give the other creatures of the garden?
Yes Brothers and Sisters, Africa is off the Menu, and guess what !?
"I'm lovin it!"= "We're lovin it" = "it's not really good for you but yum yum once in a while during _crises_ is forgiveable".
= endgame
= Do Not Underestimate the Power of Play.
You know where the ministries of Truth, Love, and the hatcheries are.
But everything has changed now, a terrible beauty, oh awesome monsters of grace were born.
And if you think in digital you still find God.
You find God quicker indeed.
We are one people.
We are one race.
We are one Humanity.
you never saw us comin.
Lovely thoughts to share with our brothers and sisters. Is it not?
For we are awaiting a child, and special it is.
OH and not all of you can smoke tobacco, so don't go trying.