Independent Media Centre Ireland

USI Affiliation Referendum in NCI

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Wednesday April 07, 2004 15:03author by Ian McGahon - NCI Studentauthor email ian_mcgahon at yahoo dot ie

Because of the increase in USIs affiliation fee to €5 there are now affiliation referendums happening in colleges around the country. This was expected in many colleges but the most surprising is that of NCI. The disafillaition campaign is being run by Bob Quinn, who is an NCI Student, a former NCISU President, a former PD General election candidate and a member of the equality authority of Ireland

Why does he want to disaffiliate?

It's complicated:

These are some of the reasons which Bob stated last week at an NCISU EGM which I am summarizing

* USI is a farce and is not representative of students

* USI was responsible for stopping the reintroduction of fees - Mary Harney was

* USI has never done anything for NCI students

* Why should NCI "waste" €9000 euros on this organisation

* The increase of €5 is a lot to ask students

* The USI Officer Board Never visit NCI

* NCISU can form alliances outside of USI with other individual unions

* The financial situation/debts etc are appaling

* The motions put forward at USI congress show that USI is "a farce"

* USI is full of sabbaticals with inflated egos

* There were other reasons but I cant remember averything that was said

What do I personally think?

# USI is 250,000 students it is not people 15 people sitting in an office in Grattan street saying how will we fight against student rights

# People are very quick to knock USI yet when it comes to doing anything positive to change the oprganisation they just step back

# Direct student action meant that tuition fees were not reintroduced.

# €5 is very cheap for national student representation

# There is no alternative to USI

# I have been a student in NCI for 6 years and have seen the hard work that USI has done on NCIs behalf

# I am proud to be a member of USI

In closing I would like to quote Taragh Donohoe the former Student President of NCI

"Ask not what USI can do for you, Ask what you can do for USI"

ps: One thing that mystified me. Mr Quinn claimed that when he was President he set up an alliance between IT Tallaght and NCI and St Pats. If Brendan Ferron is reading this could you let me know if thats true

pps: Any colleague of Bobs who is reading this you can tell him I consider this article to be very kind and I could have been much more critical

Comments (9 of 9)

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author by former ncipublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 15:12author address author phone

Bob I though he was dead!

author by Dermot Looney - UCD SUpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 15:24author address author phone

Fair play to you Ian, USI is far from the organisation it can be but don't let this McDowell wannabe fuck up NCI's chances of student development through national student activism. In the words of the motto of USI (and St Patrick's Athletic) - "Ní neart go cur le chéile" - Without unity there is no strength.

Related Link:
author by OLD HACKpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 16:19author address author phone

But Aonghus took over his spirit

author by Student - UCDSUpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 16:21author address author phone

It's correct to say that USI is far from perfect and the task is to transform it into an organisation that will fight in our interests.

For Bob Quinn to say that motions at the USI Congress justifies how bad the organisation is is bogus. Bob is a USI member and could have submitted motions to the NCI SU Council and as a USI member could become a delegate if he wins enough support. There were many motions I disagreed with, many I supported. I disagree with the choice of President next year. BUT that's what happens in organisations. There are differences etc.

Bob Quinn is a tired old hack that is ear marked for big things in the PDs. I'm sure he opposes USI for taking Anti War, Anti Citizenship Referendum, Anti Deportations positions. As he is all for Deportations, War etc.

When will the referendum take place? This year? or next?

I would advise anyone running the pro-USI vote to critise and point out where there are problems and then put forward an alternative agenda for USI. Don't allow the USI Officerboard play a big role.

author by Ian McGahon - NCISU/USI Memberpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 16:24author address author phone

It looks like this is unlikely to reach quorum

author by Ian McGahonpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 16:33author address author phone

The referendum is taking place on 22nd and 23rd April. These are the last 2 days of Classes in NCI this year. The following week is a study week and after that exams. Students will only care about exams and will be hostile to this unnecessary referendum. It will not reach quorum. I will personally be campaigning but respecting those who are more concerened about their exams.

If those who pushed this referendum really cared about the issues and did not have other agendas, this referendum could have been in September

So far officerboard have been quiet apart from Gareth Keogh (being a former NCI student he is going to oppose this)

The President and Vice-President elect of NCI students union are both supporting the campaign to stay in USI.

author by Brendan Ferronpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 17:20author address author phone

Well done on your stance. To echo the words of Dermott, USI is far from where it needs to be. My argument has been consistent, In order to get there it requires dam hard work. It requires those who want change to make it happen. Nothing is gained from walking away. Fees are back on the agenda as is further cuts. If ever a national union had a role to play its now.
As for an alliance, as I recall I organized a social with Bod while he was president. This was the extent of the co-operation. I doubt very much if I would of been able to find much common ground politically on which Mr Quinn and myself would agree.
I wish you well in you efforts in the next weeks. It always appears that the right attempt to put the boot in when the organization is at its weakest. To quote my executive when I asked if we should disaffiliate, "If its not working then get up of your arse and make it work, you get paid enough."

author by Ian McGahonpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 17:48author address author phone

Thank you Brendan. Exactly my point, the people who criticise USI openly could very easily try to do things to improve. But no they just bitch about how ineffective the organisation is.

author by Ian McGahonpublication date Wed Apr 07, 2004 21:38author address author phone

The referendum is not happening. Proper procedures were not followed in calling it.

This is genuine. I have been speaking to 3 incoming SU officers in NCI who have informed me that it is not happening

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