News of the world - page 3. Headline reads "Anarchist Army plan bloodbath for Mayday" - I kid you not.
I'd bet money that this fuckwit did it himself to raise a bit of media attention to his sad candidature in the local elections. The message is much more in line with what the liers in the mainstream media are saying than any anarchist.
My intention, and I believe the intention of most people, is to demonstrate peacefully. It is becoming obvious that the crooks that run this state are intent on disrupting our protests and on blaming us for their wrongdoing. If I was a Fianna Fail candidate looking for cheap publicity I would pay someone to do a paint job like that.
This has all the hallmarks of a dirty tricks operation. It only takes one or at most two people to do a paint job like that, but they must have brought a step-ladder. I just wonder, does there just happen to be a step-ladder on those premises?
Unless they can produce the individuals, and show that those people definitely painted on that sign, then we should not accept that this is anything other that a crude attempt to smear the protestors.
The people resisted the repressions. Thenceforth, they called their May sports, the "Robin Hood Games." Capering about with sprigs of hawthorn in their hair and bells jangling from their knees, the ancient charaders of May were transformed into an outlaw community, Maid Marions and Little Johns. The May feast was presided over by the "Lord of Misrule," "the King of Unreason," or the "Abbot of Inobedience." Washington Irving was later to write that the feeling for May "has become chilled by habits of gain and traffic." As the gainers and traffickers sought to impose the regimen of monotonous work, the people responded to preserve their holyday. Thus began in earnest the Red side of the story of May Day. The struggle was brought to Massachusetts in 1626.
At the grassroots meeting today there were bellows of mirth as the various articles were read out. It seems that the corporate media has lost all connections with reality and are just making any old thing up. Unfortunately I don't have any hard copies of the articles - just read them in the newsagent (somebody from Grassroots is keeping a track of them all though I think). Anyway, my summary of the mayday fiction is the following:
News of the World - covered above.
Sunday World - rehash of the examiner piece about the indymedia video.
Ireland on Sunday - infiltration of wombles reveals that they have arms dumps across dublin. (I swear I'm not kidding)
Independent on Sunday - gardai threatening a blue flu for Mayday to protest the fact that 9 of them are still being prosecuted over RTS (again no kidding)
That was all that I saw. The mirror probably had something as well - maybe an exclusive about anarchist brain-eating alien zombies. I'm surprised that they haven't picked up on that one yet.
about - arms dumps -
Makes it very plausable that there is a one size fits all approach to summitt security within the eu.
Hype hype hype - self fulfilling prophecies about violence -
I shouldn't mention what I think might be next. 2 in a row is kinda scary. (pic in paper / arms dumps)
If this is the crack 3 weeks before hand what will the crack be in the few days before?
Time to call Pot Kennedy - ???
– 1st April 2004 – The Indo.
“Graffiti encouraging people to become involved in rioting during the May Day events has been appearing on street signs around Dublin in the past few days. One target for the graffiti vandals was a sign that had been erected outside a North Strand constituency office for Fianna Fail local election candidate Nial Ring”.
“This sign was up less than 16 hours when it was attacked by the vandals,” Mr Ring said last night. “I hope this is not an indication of what is in store for us on May Day”, He added.
What's with the Workers Solidarity Movement? Why do they care what the corporate media say? Do they expect an article with a headline like "Upstanding Anarchists Hand Out Pamphlets"?
Is it standard practice for the Workers Solidarity Movement to attribute every action they don't like to police or politicians?
There is a group of CIA advisors helping the Irish pupper government prepare for the Bush visit. This is a classic tactic of theirs to demonise the opposition.
Yeah right, I saw 2 american blokes with armani suits and mirror shades with ear pieces carrying a bucket of black paint and a ladder past connolly station.
Can someone with access to copies of the sunday papers listed above please provide more detailed copy of the articles, including the 'arms dump' one. It's important to record this information online.
Anarchists "seem" to you to be getting excited about this, because you seem to want to think so. I have no idea where you got the impression from, but I know that it is nonsense and you probably do too. There have been a long list of recent articles and press releases published on this site by anarchists which have all complained at length at the lies being put about in the media - I don't know how you get excitement out of that.
Found this on ie-rant (not read the offending rag myself, anyone got exact text?)
the 'Irish Daily Star' (page 8,Saturday 03/04)
"Medics Prepare For May Day Protests Bloodshed"
The Star has learned that Gardai fear protesters will use laser pens. They think the pens will be used to point out weak spots in the Gardai riot line, protesters will apparently point to an offending Garda and ambush him/her
Stockpiles of weapons have been stashed by anarchists at secret
across Ireland in the run-up to the May Day celebrations.
On this occasion, no fewer than 25 EU heads of state will be here to
the accession of 10 new member states.
Ireland on Sunday, which has infiltrated the inner sanctums of
anti-globalisation groups both here and in Britain, has discovered that
London-based protestors have been advised to buy their 'tools' - and
motorcycle helmets they use to hide their faces - in Ireland to avoid
alerting security officials at our airports and ferry ports.
Notorious anarchy group the Wombles is one of the driving forces
the campaign, and it has been in regular contact with similar groups in
They first came here in February, when they met with a federation of
left-wing, anti-globalisation groups in Cork. Further meetings have
held in Dublin, where the elaborate preparations for demonstrations and
confrontations with the gardai have been finalised.
4 April 2004 page 7
200 troops on standby
Mayhem planned on the net
Exclusive by Danny Conlon
A secret army of anarchists is drawing up plans to turn Ireland's May
Day EU
party into a bloody hell. In last week's News of the World, we reported
anarchist groups from across Europe are planning to descend on Dublin
wreak havoc.
But we can now reveal that another sinister threat lies closer to
The anarchist group, Dublin Grassroots Network, has a blueprint for
which includes taunting inexperienced young gardai in front of TV
cameras in
a bid to provoke them into losing their tempers and using batons.
The anarchists believe they can win the public relations battle by
claming that the gardai started the trouble. May Day is to be the high
of Ireland's EU presidency when 10 new countries will be welcomed into
But senior garda officers predict that up to 1,000 people may be
in Dublin during the event. And an Irish News of the World internet
investigation has shown that an Irish anarchist organiser calling
Gurrier, Irish for a yob, claimed gardai will be overwhelmed by the
Gurrier said: "There are only about 11,000 gardai in the whole
and very few have any experience in handling militant protests. "They
have a
limited supply of riot geat and only half a dozen horses; they have
little in the way of hi-tech crowd control gear; they don't use gas or
grenades of any of that nasty stuff."
And when it comes to arresting troublemakers, he advises that gardai
not be able to handle the job. "They would probably have serious
problems with mass arrests," he said.
And he claimed that gardai will not be willing to lay down the law
because of recent events. He said: "They have been dogged by corruption
brutality scandals. This has meant that they have shied away from large
scale attacks on protesters."
And although the Garda has refused to comment on security
surrounding May
1, they are planning for the worst as elite troops from the Irish
Forces have been put on alert. The soldiers are being specially trained
an undisclosed location near the Curragh. A Defence Forces Spokesman
"We will have about 200 soldiers on stand-by in case the gardai feel
the situation warrants it."
Meanwhile, Fianna Fail's Nial Ring had his office targeted recently
anarchist vandals. He said: "These signs are appearing all over the
There is definitely a sinister undercurrent to them."
Editorial 4 April 2004
May Day thugs won't triumph
Anarchists have drawn up a secret plot to turn one of the most
celebrations in Irish history into a potential bloodbath.
On May Day Ireland will play host as 10 new nations join the
Union - the biggest every expansion of the EU. No fewer than 25
prime ministers will be in Dublin. But those who deal in chaos want to
what should be a joyous day.
The Irish News of the World has uncovered a plan to taunt and
provoke the
gardai into overreacting as they carry out crowd control duties.
are portraying them as a bunch of poorly equipped amateurs with no hope
experience of dealing with rioting yobs.
The truth is that An Garda Siochana has a long and proud history of
dealing with whatever challenges come its way. People have a right to
and protest if they have concerns about the enlargement of Europe.
But these dangerous thugs have no principles and no beliefs other
than to
cause violence and disorder. If they get their way they will destroy a
historic moment for Ireland and tarnish our image abroad .
It must be made clear to potential troublemakers that if they are
guilty of rioting and violence then only one thing awaits them. A
jail sentence.
Jaysus, thats a real hatchet job. I see they mention "an Irish anarchist organiser calling himself Gurrier"! Now that is absurd. They obviously based that on someone who has posted here under the same name. How could someone totally anonymous be described as "an organiser"? I would have more right to describe myself as an 'organiser'. Why not quote me, in fact quote this comment in full?
That "Editorial" is a straightforward ultra-right propaganda piece. What I make of it is that the gardai intend to do what the British Parachute Regiment did in Derry. It is the establishment and their paid thugs and their lickspittle "journalists" who are intent on bloodshed, and on intimidating people from opposing their destruction of society by the privatisation of public services and undermining of social supports.
That editorial is a disgrace to the profession of journalism. Quote THAT in full. (and in case anyone is interested, I'm not going to be specific, but I do have a qualification in journalism).
Yes, 'Auld anarchist', any of us posting here could be described as organisers, and the media should give a balanced view of what is said here. There is definitely an agenda behind those scare stories. No rational person with any kind of background in political activism could believe the garbage that has been printed.
I will be at the protest with the intention to protest peacefully. I sincerely hope it will not be a rerun of what happened on Bloody Sunday in Derry, as mentioned above. That too was a peaceful protest until a prearranged plan to "teach the Paddys a lesson" was put into effect. Is that what the Guards are intending to do?
And I think we are all entitled to be quoted in full.
These stories are just so similar to the UK press before other Mayday protests in London and others.
In particular there was the infamous "RTS Stockpiling Weapons" story before Seattle WTO N30 in 1999, and the more recent "Anarchists Plan Bloodbath" before the Bush Visit to London.
There's loadsa references to similar stories in the indymedia uk mayday archives - check the current frontpage feature for links.
For now here's references to the arms / bloodbath stories taken from indy uk:
The RTS "arms stockpile" story was run by the Sunday Times in October 1999 just before the Seattle WTO protests on N30.
Following this there was an interesting analysis of the dodgy treatment given to environmental and direct action campaigns by the suday times that appeared in the Guardian Media section:
The "Anarchist Bloodbath" story is indeed much more recent having been run by the good old Daily Mail before the Bush visit in London last autumn (again an article with a full on headline but with little to back it up following in the main body of the article):
by R Isible - Secret Anarchy NetworkMon Apr 05, 2004 20:03
I can reveal that the 3rd subcommittee of the Secret Anarchy Network (whose tentacles stretch into the royal famililes and corporate boardrooms of most European nations) have announced that Mayday in Dublin will consist of the following events:
1. Face painting for children
2. A petting-zoo of indigenous Irish fauna
3. Shoe-shine for charity (probably Feed The World but some also to the Garda Benevolent Association).
4. Traditional dancing display to welcome our leaders . Cell-27 leader Daniel O'Donnell will be laying down some break beats as backing for this event.
5. Sexually humourous balloon-tying contest.
Anarchists are advised to stockpile large amounts of boot polish in secret pre-arranged locations (contact your cell leaders) as there is expected to be heavy demand due to the presence of the Gardai. Balloons are also predicted to be in short supply and may be confiscated by Gardai for their own purposes and should be smuggled in by advance scouts (ferries and fishing-boats from Wales are advised over air-travel as the Irish customs inspectors are very diligent in searching due to rumoured large numbers of weapons and foreign soldiers passing through Shannon).
Report to your leaders at the pre-arranged secret meeting spot at the 40-foot at 3am.
by Gurrier too (sure aren't we all!)Mon Apr 05, 2004 21:25
is the new headline for Ireland On Sunday
Motorbike helmets are going cheap in Lidl at the moment!!!!
Indymedia Ireland is a media collective. We are independent volunteer citizen journalists producing and distributing the authentic voices of the people. Indymedia Ireland is an open news project where anyone can post their own news, comment, videos or photos about Ireland or related matters.
Comments (27 of 27)
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News of the world - page 3. Headline reads "Anarchist Army plan bloodbath for Mayday" - I kid you not.
I'd bet money that this fuckwit did it himself to raise a bit of media attention to his sad candidature in the local elections. The message is much more in line with what the liers in the mainstream media are saying than any anarchist.
My intention, and I believe the intention of most people, is to demonstrate peacefully. It is becoming obvious that the crooks that run this state are intent on disrupting our protests and on blaming us for their wrongdoing. If I was a Fianna Fail candidate looking for cheap publicity I would pay someone to do a paint job like that.
This has all the hallmarks of a dirty tricks operation. It only takes one or at most two people to do a paint job like that, but they must have brought a step-ladder. I just wonder, does there just happen to be a step-ladder on those premises?
Unless they can produce the individuals, and show that those people definitely painted on that sign, then we should not accept that this is anything other that a crude attempt to smear the protestors.
I think he said 'News Of The World', not 'Sunday World'.
Either way its just more shit stirring lies.
think there is more stuff in the sun world - trying to keep track of this and document it and journalists involved as it goes along -
It's my new job
next thing they'll be talking about arms dumps / squats etc i'd wager
or are they at that already too?
maybe the 'anarchist army' were on that plane with the jolly rodger? I mean it makes as much sense as all this supposed journalism.
The people resisted the repressions. Thenceforth, they called their May sports, the "Robin Hood Games." Capering about with sprigs of hawthorn in their hair and bells jangling from their knees, the ancient charaders of May were transformed into an outlaw community, Maid Marions and Little Johns. The May feast was presided over by the "Lord of Misrule," "the King of Unreason," or the "Abbot of Inobedience." Washington Irving was later to write that the feeling for May "has become chilled by habits of gain and traffic." As the gainers and traffickers sought to impose the regimen of monotonous work, the people responded to preserve their holyday. Thus began in earnest the Red side of the story of May Day. The struggle was brought to Massachusetts in 1626.
At the grassroots meeting today there were bellows of mirth as the various articles were read out. It seems that the corporate media has lost all connections with reality and are just making any old thing up. Unfortunately I don't have any hard copies of the articles - just read them in the newsagent (somebody from Grassroots is keeping a track of them all though I think). Anyway, my summary of the mayday fiction is the following:
News of the World - covered above.
Sunday World - rehash of the examiner piece about the indymedia video.
Ireland on Sunday - infiltration of wombles reveals that they have arms dumps across dublin. (I swear I'm not kidding)
Independent on Sunday - gardai threatening a blue flu for Mayday to protest the fact that 9 of them are still being prosecuted over RTS (again no kidding)
That was all that I saw. The mirror probably had something as well - maybe an exclusive about anarchist brain-eating alien zombies. I'm surprised that they haven't picked up on that one yet.
about - arms dumps - Makes it very plausable that there is a one size fits all approach to summitt security within the eu. Hype hype hype - self fulfilling prophecies about violence - I shouldn't mention what I think might be next. 2 in a row is kinda scary. (pic in paper / arms dumps) If this is the crack 3 weeks before hand what will the crack be in the few days before? Time to call Pot Kennedy - ???
Now there indeed is a headline.
– 1st April 2004 – The Indo.
“Graffiti encouraging people to become involved in rioting during the May Day events has been appearing on street signs around Dublin in the past few days. One target for the graffiti vandals was a sign that had been erected outside a North Strand constituency office for Fianna Fail local election candidate Nial Ring”.
“This sign was up less than 16 hours when it was attacked by the vandals,” Mr Ring said last night. “I hope this is not an indication of what is in store for us on May Day”, He added.
What's with the Workers Solidarity Movement? Why do they care what the corporate media say? Do they expect an article with a headline like "Upstanding Anarchists Hand Out Pamphlets"?
Is it standard practice for the Workers Solidarity Movement to attribute every action they don't like to police or politicians?
Are they "tactically" against rioting?
Pretty pathetic.
There is a group of CIA advisors helping the Irish pupper government prepare for the Bush visit. This is a classic tactic of theirs to demonise the opposition.
Yeah right, I saw 2 american blokes with armani suits and mirror shades with ear pieces carrying a bucket of black paint and a ladder past connolly station.
Anarchists are not and never have been the silly stereotype portrayed in the media. Sorry to disappoint.
Well Chekov why then is it the case that anarchists on this site seem to be reveling and being excited by these reports in the media?
Can someone with access to copies of the sunday papers listed above please provide more detailed copy of the articles, including the 'arms dump' one. It's important to record this information online.
Anarchists "seem" to you to be getting excited about this, because you seem to want to think so. I have no idea where you got the impression from, but I know that it is nonsense and you probably do too. There have been a long list of recent articles and press releases published on this site by anarchists which have all complained at length at the lies being put about in the media - I don't know how you get excitement out of that.
Found this on ie-rant (not read the offending rag myself, anyone got exact text?)
the 'Irish Daily Star' (page 8,Saturday 03/04)
"Medics Prepare For May Day Protests Bloodshed"
The Star has learned that Gardai fear protesters will use laser pens. They think the pens will be used to point out weak spots in the Gardai riot line, protesters will apparently point to an offending Garda and ambush him/her
IRELAND ON SUNDAY 4 April 2004 page 2
Stockpiles of weapons have been stashed by anarchists at secret locations across Ireland in the run-up to the May Day celebrations.
On this occasion, no fewer than 25 EU heads of state will be here to mark the accession of 10 new member states. Ireland on Sunday, which has infiltrated the inner sanctums of shadowy anti-globalisation groups both here and in Britain, has discovered that the London-based protestors have been advised to buy their 'tools' - and the motorcycle helmets they use to hide their faces - in Ireland to avoid alerting security officials at our airports and ferry ports.
Notorious anarchy group the Wombles is one of the driving forces behind the campaign, and it has been in regular contact with similar groups in this country.
They first came here in February, when they met with a federation of left-wing, anti-globalisation groups in Cork. Further meetings have been held in Dublin, where the elaborate preparations for demonstrations and confrontations with the gardai have been finalised.
NEWS OF THE WORLD 4 April 2004 page 7
200 troops on standby Mayhem planned on the net Exclusive by Danny Conlon
A secret army of anarchists is drawing up plans to turn Ireland's May Day EU party into a bloody hell. In last week's News of the World, we reported that anarchist groups from across Europe are planning to descend on Dublin to wreak havoc.
But we can now reveal that another sinister threat lies closer to home. The anarchist group, Dublin Grassroots Network, has a blueprint for trouble which includes taunting inexperienced young gardai in front of TV cameras in a bid to provoke them into losing their tempers and using batons.
The anarchists believe they can win the public relations battle by claming that the gardai started the trouble. May Day is to be the high point of Ireland's EU presidency when 10 new countries will be welcomed into the organisation.
But senior garda officers predict that up to 1,000 people may be arrested in Dublin during the event. And an Irish News of the World internet investigation has shown that an Irish anarchist organiser calling himself Gurrier, Irish for a yob, claimed gardai will be overwhelmed by the numbers.
Gurrier said: "There are only about 11,000 gardai in the whole country and very few have any experience in handling militant protests. "They have a limited supply of riot geat and only half a dozen horses; they have very little in the way of hi-tech crowd control gear; they don't use gas or stun grenades of any of that nasty stuff."
And when it comes to arresting troublemakers, he advises that gardai will not be able to handle the job. "They would probably have serious logistical problems with mass arrests," he said.
And he claimed that gardai will not be willing to lay down the law because of recent events. He said: "They have been dogged by corruption and brutality scandals. This has meant that they have shied away from large scale attacks on protesters."
And although the Garda has refused to comment on security surrounding May 1, they are planning for the worst as elite troops from the Irish Defence Forces have been put on alert. The soldiers are being specially trained at an undisclosed location near the Curragh. A Defence Forces Spokesman said: "We will have about 200 soldiers on stand-by in case the gardai feel that the situation warrants it."
Meanwhile, Fianna Fail's Nial Ring had his office targeted recently by anarchist vandals. He said: "These signs are appearing all over the city. There is definitely a sinister undercurrent to them."
NEWS OF THE WORLD Editorial 4 April 2004
May Day thugs won't triumph
Anarchists have drawn up a secret plot to turn one of the most significant celebrations in Irish history into a potential bloodbath.
On May Day Ireland will play host as 10 new nations join the European Union - the biggest every expansion of the EU. No fewer than 25 European prime ministers will be in Dublin. But those who deal in chaos want to spoil what should be a joyous day.
The Irish News of the World has uncovered a plan to taunt and provoke the gardai into overreacting as they carry out crowd control duties. Anarchists are portraying them as a bunch of poorly equipped amateurs with no hope or experience of dealing with rioting yobs.
The truth is that An Garda Siochana has a long and proud history of dealing with whatever challenges come its way. People have a right to march and protest if they have concerns about the enlargement of Europe.
But these dangerous thugs have no principles and no beliefs other than to cause violence and disorder. If they get their way they will destroy a historic moment for Ireland and tarnish our image abroad .
It must be made clear to potential troublemakers that if they are found guilty of rioting and violence then only one thing awaits them. A lengthy jail sentence.
Jaysus, thats a real hatchet job. I see they mention "an Irish anarchist organiser calling himself Gurrier"! Now that is absurd. They obviously based that on someone who has posted here under the same name. How could someone totally anonymous be described as "an organiser"? I would have more right to describe myself as an 'organiser'. Why not quote me, in fact quote this comment in full?
That "Editorial" is a straightforward ultra-right propaganda piece. What I make of it is that the gardai intend to do what the British Parachute Regiment did in Derry. It is the establishment and their paid thugs and their lickspittle "journalists" who are intent on bloodshed, and on intimidating people from opposing their destruction of society by the privatisation of public services and undermining of social supports.
That editorial is a disgrace to the profession of journalism. Quote THAT in full. (and in case anyone is interested, I'm not going to be specific, but I do have a qualification in journalism).
Yes, 'Auld anarchist', any of us posting here could be described as organisers, and the media should give a balanced view of what is said here. There is definitely an agenda behind those scare stories. No rational person with any kind of background in political activism could believe the garbage that has been printed.
I will be at the protest with the intention to protest peacefully. I sincerely hope it will not be a rerun of what happened on Bloody Sunday in Derry, as mentioned above. That too was a peaceful protest until a prearranged plan to "teach the Paddys a lesson" was put into effect. Is that what the Guards are intending to do?
And I think we are all entitled to be quoted in full.
These stories are just so similar to the UK press before other Mayday protests in London and others.
In particular there was the infamous "RTS Stockpiling Weapons" story before Seattle WTO N30 in 1999, and the more recent "Anarchists Plan Bloodbath" before the Bush Visit to London.
There's loadsa references to similar stories in the indymedia uk mayday archives - check the current frontpage feature for links.
For now here's references to the arms / bloodbath stories taken from indy uk:
The RTS "arms stockpile" story was run by the Sunday Times in October 1999 just before the Seattle WTO protests on N30.
Details are here:
Following this there was an interesting analysis of the dodgy treatment given to environmental and direct action campaigns by the suday times that appeared in the Guardian Media section:
On the press: Is the Sunday Times telling the whole truth?
Roy Greenslade
Monday November 8, 1999,5673,248163,00.html
The "Anarchist Bloodbath" story is indeed much more recent having been run by the good old Daily Mail before the Bush visit in London last autumn (again an article with a full on headline but with little to back it up following in the main body of the article):
Anarchist Thugs Plot a Bush Demo Bloodbath
Daily Mail
Friday November 14th 2003
by David Williams
Chief Reporter
I can reveal that the 3rd subcommittee of the Secret Anarchy Network (whose tentacles stretch into the royal famililes and corporate boardrooms of most European nations) have announced that Mayday in Dublin will consist of the following events:
1. Face painting for children
2. A petting-zoo of indigenous Irish fauna
3. Shoe-shine for charity (probably Feed The World but some also to the Garda Benevolent Association).
4. Traditional dancing display to welcome our leaders . Cell-27 leader Daniel O'Donnell will be laying down some break beats as backing for this event.
5. Sexually humourous balloon-tying contest.
Anarchists are advised to stockpile large amounts of boot polish in secret pre-arranged locations (contact your cell leaders) as there is expected to be heavy demand due to the presence of the Gardai. Balloons are also predicted to be in short supply and may be confiscated by Gardai for their own purposes and should be smuggled in by advance scouts (ferries and fishing-boats from Wales are advised over air-travel as the Irish customs inspectors are very diligent in searching due to rumoured large numbers of weapons and foreign soldiers passing through Shannon).
Report to your leaders at the pre-arranged secret meeting spot at the 40-foot at 3am.
Don't tell any journalists.
is the new headline for Ireland On Sunday
Motorbike helmets are going cheap in Lidl at the moment!!!!
Indymedia Ireland is a media collective. We are independent volunteer citizen journalists producing and distributing the authentic voices of the people. Indymedia Ireland is an open news project where anyone can post their own news, comment, videos or photos about Ireland or related matters.