a brief update.
No twister ever ended so quickly. The evil doers and liars and manipulators and warmongers are regrouping and attempting to attack the Borg.
Silly they really ought to have watched more
sci fi.
The press has surfaced a rumour that a coup d'etat was everted in the EU country of Spain last weekend. In response to this, PP loyalists were summoned by SMS text message to cheer Aznar "with sincerity" in thanks for his 8 years government.
4000 were reported as heeding the call.
They thanked Aznar for representing their interests and culture which we must remember now account for little than less of half of the democratically and constitutionally enshrined representation. And affirmed that they are very insulted by the rumour.
Burlosconi has today declared that ETA were resonsible for the attack despite the fact that both Italian Terrorism experts and the Italian Secret Service do not agree.
Burlosconi came to power in 1995.
Since then, the unitary state of Italy has almost been divided many times.
Since then the poor young of Italy have flocked to London, where most have been unable to find jobs and with limited language skills have many become trapped in the worst nightmares of very unsalubrious squat and very hard drugs.
It is unsurprising that of the non-Britons arrested for offences relating to the RTS! events in London in the 90s most were Italian. They had carried their anger to the streets of England.
burlosconi owns and operates a direct control over more than 50% of the Italian mainstream Media.
He has repeatedly been accused of exerting unfair and undue influence over their work and service in relating news to the Italian Public.
burlosconi's statement will come as no joy to the Spanish who confused and still shocked are being offered co-operation and solidarity from their European Peers.
Indeed it seems odd that this man, who in December had plastic surgery to reduce wrinkles and assist his re-election in 2006, would issue such an insensitive statement on an atrocity in a fellow EU state. It does not seem to be apt nor wise and rather appears to emanate from Washington.
Mr Burlosconi was relogated to the second row in the M12 mass black ribbon mobilisation which brought over 11 million people onto the streets of Spain to mourn the dead, and call for an end to Terror and War and support the Constitution. He walked looking at least two years younger on a good day behind Mr Aznar (who indeed is much maligned) who was between the premiers of France and Portugal, the Prince Felipe and the present President Zapatero.
Burlosconi as reported here by myself in the lead up to the Iraq war, was a sly and smart bastard who managed to avoid direct commitment to the illegal alliance. He withdrew his military offer of help, and instead sent police to the post "hotWAR" Iraq.
He has now issued another statement calling for more Italian troops to be sent to Iraq.
Italian males are obliged to serve ten months in military service.
They do not enjoy it.
Italian Police the most heavily armed in europe have long been associated with FAscist elements, Burlosconi has indeed relied on support from Fascist members of Parliament. It thus came as no surprise when a flag of the Republic of Lago (the Nazi puppet state given to Mussolini) was seen to have been hung in the barracks occupied by those police in Iraq.
If we are facing an enemy who originates either in Iraq or in sympathy with Iraq, then it surely seems prudent not to send confirmed racists to police those lands or guard those borders. Perhaps a more professional approach ought be considered, which would imply the U.N. which has decades of peace keeping experience. Very little of it pleasant.
The Italian Press carried Mr Burlosconi's insulting and destabilising statements yesterday which coincided with insults from Washington accusing the Spanish of appeasement.
Today the same press organs have issued statements that US troops have surrounded Osama in Afghanistan are fighting viciously to arrest him in time for the election. This is odd as French, British and German as well as Spanish Media reported yesterday that members of the Elite French special forces had located Osama in another part of Afghanistan.
Oh dear.
someone is lying.
big TIME.
but you'll get that.
Some of us do not forget the Dead
be they great and talented men who warned of the ambition of one who would re-write the Italian Constitution, or be they great and talented young people who died of drugs far far from their impovrished home.
In addition you may like to watch
Burlosconi's mousetrap.
oh and Bush 2 has upped a dirty tricks campaign against Senator John K.
hello america, boston even.........