This page contains information on updated websites, new issues of journals and newspapers, videos available on the net etc. A similar page will be published each week.
Please add your information here. Include direct links if you have them, or details on where the print publication is available, if not.
This is not a normal newswire page and has different editorial rules. It will stay at the top of the wire no matter how many stories are published in the meantime. It is also designed as a pointer to other sites, so please do not (a) post full articles, or (b) add comments that don't consist of information on new content in the paper/website/whatever. This means that comments on who did what to whom, which party got more votes, what you think of a particular author or article, whose hamster was eaten by Freddie Starr , or anything else, will be hidden. If you are upset by an article linked to, you can add a comment or an (original and more-than-a-single-line) article as a standard newswire story. This is a page for links and updates only. The normal practice of hiding links to sites that are racist, discriminatory etc. will be followed.
Media Updates March 1st - March 7th