...or how to become a millionaire by abusing your position as a trade union official.
General Secretary of the CWU, Con Scanlon, has been in the news in recent days. Over the past number of years Scanlon has overseen the scrapping of over 5000 jobs in Eircom. At the same time thousands of ordinary people were taken to the cleaners when Scanlon used the Employee Shares (ESOT) to hand Eircom over to Tony O'Reilly and a handful of international speculators. What has been his reward? As a result of Eircom being re-floated on the stock-market, Scanlon is to receive a bonus of €1million, Shares worth in excess of €1/2million. He will also receive large pension entitlements. All this is on top of an annual director's fee of over €100,000. He also received a similar sum as a director of ESOT and a similar sum again as General Secretary of the CWU. Is it any wonder that he is in the process of negotiating the scrapping of approx. 1500 post office jobs and trying to arrange the privatisation of An Post. I will leave people post their own opinions on this situation
Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Con Scanlon should be ahamed of himself - particularly when you consider that the average salary of a postman is €440 per week - of which almost 1% goes to the CWU (to fund his €100K per annum salary).
What do you expect. It is called social partnership and the trade union bureacracy has sold out more times than they pat each other on the back and that is more times than you or I have hot dinners.
All Union members have been stupid for years. CJ Haughey reacted to half a million PAYE workers on the streets of Dublin in the 1980s by setting up a Commission on PAYE and what did we get from it??
Union leadership was weak then and has never recovered. The fundamental issue is the worker and the Capitalist have different agendae. Having the union represent the workers in an ESOT was fund
amentally silly.
The capitalisticos "co-opt" the "leadership" of the workers .... they always have and always will ... there is sadly always sufficient corruptibility in human nature to give them a reasonable chance of success .....
In plain man's language it means they give the union "leaders" enough of a "sweetner" to induce them to betray those whose interests they allegedly represent ....
(Scanlon must have rotten teeth at this stage being fed such an amount of "sweetners" ....)
As a previous poster recognised it's basically a form of corruption ..... and indeed one could say betrayal or even treason ......
A union "boss" like Scanlon is clearly no longer representing the interests of the members of his union .... he is in the pocket of the capitalistico "bosses" and basically acting as their agent while still unashamedly milking the workers to ... ahem ... "supplement his income" (to the tune of 100 grand p.a.)
But what is the price to be paid for such treason ?
Scanlon and his ilk certainly don't pay it. They laugh all the way to the bank congratulating themsleves on their clever "deal-making skills" ....
It is the ordinary workers who are left to pay the price of their treachery ......
what about the one hundred thousand euro each eircom staff member and subsidaries have got so far over the last few years from the esop con scanlon has set up he has put more money in to workers pocket the papers say theres more money to come maybe you all should donate all of your money to charity if you feel so bad about it ooopps youve probably spent it on a car holiday or home improvements ive never read such a load of old crap in my life name one other job in ireland where the worker has gotten as much as free cash handouts as all you have i wish my union boss could have made me as much money maybe then i wouldnt have to work two jobs in my opinon well done con what an achieviment nevermind the begrudgery the world is full of them
If you look at the careers of most ex Union grandees you'll not be surprised to see the cosy arrangement between the Unions and their political masters. Directorship and Boards of State bodies are a standard for the top brass. Don't take my word for it. See this article in the Irish Independent dated 3rd December 2012.
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