Judicial Harrassment Continues
A draconian sentence has been handed down to Owen Rice in the ongoing campaign of harassment that he is suffering under the Irish Judicial system.
Press Release re. Owen Rice
by Release Owen Rice Campaign. Thursday,
phone: 085 7395288 087 9777703
At Balinasloe District Court on Wednesday 3rd March he was fined three hundred Euro, banned from driving for twelve months, or alternatively sentenced to 45 days in prison for four counts of various driving charges relating to alleged offences on 5th December 2003. Eoin was on his way to Shannon to participate in the peaceful protest at Shannon due to take place on 6th December. When he eventually made his way to Shannon later that night he was again harassed, accused of further driving and public order offences and held in custody for about 12 hours thereby preventing him from attending the Shannon protest.
Owen Rice who is currently on remand in Limerick Prison, was in the custody the Gardai and had no funds available to him to pay his fine in the court, was taken away from court without access to his solicitor and brought back to the prison. Owen is expected to appeal this judgement to the Circuit Court.
Owen will be back in the District Court in Shannon with another peace activist Conor Cregan next Thursday 11th March. Both were arrested at Shannon Town shopping centre, on the morning of 7th December 2003. Conor Cregan was charged under Section 6 of the Public Order Act and Owen Rice was also charged on a number of counts. Both were released after two hours in custody in Shannon Garda Station. A week later Owen was again arrested in Galway and charged on various counts at Milstreet Garda Station in Galway. Owen alleges that he was severely assaulted while in Garda custody.
For further details
ring Conor Cregan 087 6981831
Ed Horgan 086 2380911
Tim Hourigan 087 9777703
Comments (9 of 9)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Did not have €300, for fecks sake!! Get some loot together people.
What's the story if he pays this now? Will he get released?
He should not pay the 300 euro for this trumped up charge. Anyway they intend to continue to harass him whenever he is released.
There should be a proper independent investigation of this harassment campaign, the gardai and judiciary have shown themselves to be grossly unfair in their handling of this matter. Its a bit like some out-of-control sheriff and judge in a one-horse town in the 'Old West'.
They must be made accountable for the perpetuation of this absurd situation.
Owen vitally needs our continued support. He sits in there alone.
Write to him at:-
Owen Rice,
Prisoner of conscience,
D-Wing, Limerick Prison,
Mulgrave Street,
"Send a card if you don't have time to get a letter together. Our solidarity is essential, and the simple act of writing a letter is a serious contribution to keeping his spirits high."
Fintan Lane (former prisoner of conscience)
Funds, of course, are badly needed for Owen's defence as well. Should you wish to contribute, no matter how small, please send something to the below account:-
A/c No. 50400007
Sort: 98-60-20
Ulster Bank, 95 O'Connell St., Limerick
If you need futher information please contact former Army Commandant, Ed Horgan on 086 2380911
Or email me at [email protected]
Let's not leave this draconian judicial and police system beat Owen, and consequently, us, around.
Thank you.
bobby sands he aint.......
To my knowledge Eoin is quite different to Bobby Sands and no one on this thread brought up the comparison except you ---Eoin is being vicitimised for his beliefs...... Bobby Sands was a young idealogical man who was also victimised by the state for his beliefs - the message and struggle they each particpated in may differ but each and every activist victimised because of their opposition to wrongs should be respected by all.
Would you do what Eoin is doing ? or are you content to sit and contribute sarky comments from a computer which keeps you sitting on yer arse?
Perhaps you were too lazy (or too thick?) to have read the reason outlined here:
Looks like Eoin has had enough of prison, he's decided to be a good boy and toe the line of the Fascist Collaborationist Irish State.
O where o where are all the heroes gone?
I will keep a place in heaven for owen.
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