US President George Bush is to visit Ireland for a European summit this summer, it was confirmed tonight.
Mr Bush will hold talks in Dublin with Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern in his role as president of the EU on June 25 and 26, a Government spokeswoman said.
A massive security operation will be put in place to safeguard the meeting in the Irish capital.
The meeting has been called in a bid to improve relations between the EU and the US.
The venue for the summit has yet to be confirmed, the spokeswoman added.
Comments (39 of 39)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39I'll be there to welcome him.
Owners of strategically placed properties on th main roads (which the world's media will be travelling) will allow large banners with anti-Bush slogans to be placed upon these properties. I'm sending a BUSH/CHENEY04 Dont change horsemen in mid apocolypse banner to a friend for display. Surely there are other people in the US who would make and donate such items provided they were assured that they would be displayed prominently in Ireland during the Bush visit. Is there a way to bring the donors and the properties together?
I'll be there to welcome him too. I'm a great admirer of what he has done to advance the cause of freedom in the world.
He is wonderful! I just love the way he is destroying America, subverting its constitution, and guaranteeing the USA will have plenty of enemies for a long time to come.
Wonder how much more damage he could do in 'four more years'.
When I was fighting the Soviet Devil in Afghanistan the CIA armed and trained me. In particular I thank then for the Stinger missiles, far superior to the Sovviet SAM-7s. I still have a few left.
I will be there to greet Bush and I'll bring the CIA supplied Stingers with me.
Howye! I'll be seeing you anyway!
Your all full of shit,
bush won't even notice you exist and noone will notice what your protesting against (again) because noone really knows, including you lot.
If any of you half wits think that rioting on the streets and going nuzzle to nuzzle with the police will help your "cause" then for the love of god and all sanity, GROW THE FCUK UP!
If bush wants to come to ireland then welcome him! go to a table to fight for what you believe.... has history not taught u a lesson?
Dont be foolish, stay at home when Bush comes for a pint!
how about Rockall?
wouldn't it be great?
he could park a aircraft carrier next to it.
after all it was a USAF base in the Azores.
So he could feel at home.
And you could ask Tony over, and since you hold the islet in dispute, but have signed certain accords, you could ask Bush to do another Solomon for us, and chop the baby of our future Oil reserves in as many pieces as you think neccesary.
Please, my little babies, don't go near Kerry.
Give it a wide berthie.
can you put on weight that quickly?
wasn't it mad to see Sharon looking tinchy next to Schwarzenegger?
He always wears a signal interrupter tin foil hat ki'ppa on his head.
anyway Little Babies,
and Lads and Ladetts,
and all the Judgers of Judger Land,
don't go near Kerry.
Don't look in his eyes.
Don't listen to his voice.
you know
I told you all before.
(in my blankverse days)
don't worry about bush me laddo's,
i told him there's a pot a gold in da corner of tha oval office of his,
the fecker ill be busy for months with tha wan
Hope the media won't make such a big deal out of this.I cant wait to get wet again(hopefully its hot in june).Wonder if Clover Hill or the Bridewell is my new home in june for a few days? Hope to see big numbers in june.
One Day!
Leave all of us alone, you lot are a just a bunch of crusty hippies with unrealistic ideals, no jobs and contempt for anyone with anyone who does. ps FUCK OFF.
Is there anything planned for Shannon when he comes? I know the cops are going door to door in Shannon looking for i.d. s and taking note of car plates!! They plan to call to every house in Shannon, oh I can't wait! Also wedding cancelled in Dromoland due to his visit. I know people won't get near there 3 days before he comes! And if your planning having a drink at the honk, it's goin to be closed for 5 weeks!!
if you see any water cannon in the vicinity make a mental note, it just might be carrying false plates. Our "info" has it, that it was imported for use by the British Thugs.
We are working to Reclaim Ireland from these British Thugs and we hopt to count on the help of those sections of the British Social Assemblies (still not completely diabolically brainwashed by the BBC tuesday and thursday tea time childrens programs of 1970s in the crucial pre-BOSCO period) who just may go on calling themselves Wombles, especially now that we feel superior for winning the cricket "so splendidly" against Surrey this morning, and then again in the afternoon, "we just won and won today", and because we feel so superior,
we're being magniminous.
Comrades of Reclaim Ireland!
we have after analysing all the facts, decided it was not the Wombles who single handedly and uniquely caused the riot with the British thugs of last Mayday weekend in Dublin, it was rather the Sesame Street Muppets who have been doing intensive seminar courses in the Irish Lilt and imitating us.
(Warn any members of the Civic Guards who may still show loyalty to the Repubic)
There were no riots on mayday in Dublin but because of the immature anarchists thinking that jumping on a van was going to make people change their minds about the counter culture millions of people believe that there were riots. Nice one you bunch of morons. That's exactly what had been planned by the security forces. If they make all the disillusioned members of society look bad and cast us all into one niche then they've won. The anarchists are doing their best to help them out too. Maybe they are really SAS agents. Nah, they're just incompetent fools.
This cretin should be completely and utterly shunned and ignored by everyone when he comes - dont dignify the slime with anything but a contemptuos Bushcott.
Deception Dollars for sale in Dublin, will post outside Dublin if required
This is a fantastic work of dissent, there are 3.5 million deception dollars printed already.
Check them out at:
I've got a pile of deception dollars ready for the Bush visit. I'm offering the lowest prices available:
100 DD's for 7 euro,
1000 DD's for 45 euro
Check them out at:
I live in Dublin, call me on 086 3378443 or e-mail me at [email protected] to order.
Bikinis Bikinis, hot pizza and blinis
Pink soda and warm apple pie
If we all get them out and then wiggle about
They will see what they're missin and sigh
"Aah those peace lovin boys darn they sure got the ploys for attractin hot women t' licks,
Lordy I would roll over and let them take over
For one night with them anarchist chicks "
YEEEEE HAAAAAA ! Just a slice of monumentally un pc light relief,oooooooh,yeeessss, but seriously the droney monotone bitchfest is somewhat tiresome this late in the game, jerk off on a more suitable chat forum boys, and when your spent and rested toddle down to Parnell Sq on June 25th and make yourselves usefull
Hey, anyone know of any protests planned for Limerick????
I didn't even know that Pres.Bush was going to Ireland. It's not covered in the media over here and i suspect any protests won't get much coverage either. Bush is going to get elected again. I reckon this time he will lose the 'popular vote' (again) maybe by a bigger margin than in 2000 but it doesn't matter he will still win the election by winning more states' electoral college votes.
It's true that he's more unpopular in the states that he lost last time BUT he's STILL popular in the states that he won last time. So even if more people vote against him in the states he lost, all he has to do is carry the states he won last time to WIN.
So what?? I suppose for the rest of the world it doesn't matter if Kerry or Bush is president......
It certainly matters to "the rest of the world" whether Kerry or Bush is elected. Try following the BBC News or the German news Deutche Welle, they both have excellent websites and air on PBS nationally (BBC on NPR, too).
The only chances that the United States have in restoring any semblence of international legitimacy is to oust George the Second, and internationalize the peace keeping effort in Iraq so as not to appear as an occupying force. It has to be communicated to the world that the current administration is a cabal of sociopathic (neo)conservatives that literally hijacked the American Presidential office.
If anyone was paying attention to alternative news sources, or even the little line at the bottom of CNN, the congressional committee that was formed to investigate the election impropriety found that Bush 2.0 had lost BOTH the popular and electoral college votes. The committee gave its findings mere days after 9/11, so it completely slipped beneath the public's radar. The feeling in Washington was that the country needed strong leadership in a time of crisis. So they let it slide.
Has the location of the meeting in Dublin Friday June 25th been released? Will there be a protest?
I'm a native San Franciscan in Dublin right now, and if there is a protest, I will be there. It's the patriotic thing to do. Even though the federal government is an imperialist power, I will still participate and vote "No On Bush".
A. Smith
(email me at [email protected] if there is a Dublin protest)
"The only chances that the United States have in restoring any semblence of international legitimacy is to oust George the Second, and internationalize the peace keeping effort in Iraq so as not to appear as an occupying force."
This theory of lesser evilism hasn't been proved. Kerry has shown no differences on foreign policy. He actually had the gall to suggest that Bush wasn't tough enough on Cuba and Venezuela. And his unquestioning loyalty to Israel is sickening.
I still haven't seen anything on the mainstream news channels over here about Pres.Bush's 2 hour stopover in Ireland. So the people who have the most power to change US foreign policy, namely the US electorate will maybe see about a 5 second soundbite on friday's news and won't see the protests.
Remote Irish protests won't rate so high on the US news sources compared with news about daily car bombs and videos of innocent unfortunates getting beheaded in the middle-east.
A definite sense of "de-sensitisation" has set-in.
Rush, you are right. Bush's few hours in Shannon will pass almost unnoticed here in New York. Which makes nonsense of Eamonn McCann's claim that Bush is going to Ireland to get the Irish-American vote. As if spending a few hours in Dromoland castle will induce people to vote for Bush.
Their obviously CIA trolls trying to weaken our spirit. Solidarity!! No Pasaran!!
Remember, the only people who can directly affect US foreign policy this year is the US electorate. So check CNN, Fox News, ABC news, NPR and see how much actual coverage Pres.Bush's visit to Ireland and your protests get...don't waste too much of your time on it. But on the other hand if you want to continue deluding yourselves about your actual significance then dream on.....
The President of the U.S. is welcome in this country no matter who he is. Whether his name be Clinton, Reagan, Roosevelt, Kennedy or Bush they are still representing the American people. If all these protestors are really not anti-American why are they protesting at the American peoples fairly elected representative visiting our country for the purposes of economic prosperity between the E.U. and the U.S. in the future. If Kerry is elected later this year, then this meeting will still have been important and will have produced positive results. He's not coming for a holiday to stay with Bertie he's coming on behalf of Americans, and if we welcome them then we welcome him. Congratulations to the Irish Govt. in the way they've conducted themselves here, and we've hopefully showed how (some of us) can be welcoming and the capability and professionalism of the defence forces.
Welcome to Ireland President Bush. I'm sorry a handful of idiots are concealing the real views of the Irish people.
Does putting REAL in capitals, or even spelling it out as R.E.A.L. guarantee that people will actually believe that you really are Irish? And does it matter anyway since this newswire is open to anyone with Internet access, and there have been American citizens posting comments supporting the protests.
Most of the short pieces welcoming Bush "in the name of the Irish people" are probably written by one or two individuals.
The fact is that the majority of the Irish people are opposed to this war. The only thing that we disagree on is how that opposition should be communicated to the government of the United States. Even Bertie was opposed to the war (or so he says) but because of his position he has to conform to the diplomatic niceties.
R.E.A.L. is actually a group. The initials work in one way-the word real. But in a second way they're also initials for the group.... Right-wing Educated Average Logical People. I on behalf of the group apologise for the arrogance the name may suggest. We or I personally don't believe that arrogance or cockiness is a good thing at all. We don't believe we are better than anyone else (Interestingly this echoes what George Bush says in his Prime Time interview). The name is clever and works in my and the groups opinion and this is why it is as it is. We welcome anyone who wishes to join the group who shares are standards and morales-Just e-mail the address above. The person who calls himself another REAL person would be most welcome to e-mail also even if they don't wish to join. Now just to respond to R.E.A.L.'s critic there, I think that more people welcome him due to his position to the country than wish him not to come on this visit. However the people who feel he shouldn't come, feel more strongly and therefore organise parades and such like to show it. However many protested be it 20,000 or whatever, there are 3.5 million people in this country and I am pretty sure a majority welcomed him. Also lets not confuse welcoming him to our country for this summit with supporting the war in Iraq because they are very different things.
R.E.A.L. is already taken by the Royal House of Bourbon, who rule Spain.
The finger to you Mr Bowman for using the acrynym of the royal Spanish academy and football club.
"Right-wing Educated Average Logical People"
Now that is quite clearly a contradiction. Just as the term "right-wing intellectual" is a contradiction. The right has always despised intellectuals, and it is no coincidence that the "dumbing down" of America took place during the regime of Reagan.
I certainly don't see much logic in US foreign policy. Logical thinking would demand co-operation rather than dictating to the rest of the world.
The word "average" is (unfortunately) accurate, though the term that springs to mind is "lowest common denominator".
First to the first critiscism, it's not superbly clear but from what I can grasp you're saying that R.E.A.L. is copying Real Madrid FC and other sub groups. However Real Madrid have a capital first letter and lower case latter letters so the two words are different. Also R.E.A.L. is initials whereas Real (Madrid) isn't (as far as i know-and if it is i doubt it stands for Right-wing Educated....etc.). So that concludes that it is not a copy of that and if it does have any similiarities to other groups out there, both R.E.A.L. and I apologise. The name was an original.
Now on to Mr. Moore. I and R.E.A.L. can appreciate your opinions and wit. So first of allif that is all it is, then well done but you have made no real (excuse the pun) argument or case for the "bearded lefties" * out there. However the tone appears to be quite a serious attempt at arguing a case. May I suggest Mr. Moore that you decide on what you're trying to do and stick to it. By including such "points" as 'Right-winged intellectual is a contradiction' you stop your other points from being taken seriously. I mean obviously 'Right-winged intellectual' isn't a contradiction thats just your opinion or (more probably) a petty remark you think is witty. You give one example to prove this point-Reagan. Well if you're trying to make a point against the Right its probably not a good idea to give the man who ended the Cold War. That'll probably have the opposite effect to your desired effect so I guess I should thank you. Now onto your "analysis" of the use of 'Average'. You say 'unfortunately' that this is true. So what Mr. Moore? Do you believe that you are superior to others? Oh sorry wait, of course I forgot you're left wing so by your logic you must be very intelligent. NOT. I and R.E.A.L. believe in the goodness of the Human species and therefore that being an 'Average' person is a compliment. It is not perhaps the best word but it does represent R.E.A.L.'s feelings that it is in no way better than any one else. Lastly to your points on logic and U.S. Foreign Policy. R.E.A.L. whole-heartedly agrees that it is more logical to co-operate than to dictate as you say. However America has not Dictated anything. And they try to co-operate with international groups and other countries as much as possible but unfortunately this is not always possible. If Saddam had "co-operated" with the Coalition's ultimatum there would have been no need for a war. The U.S. tried to bring an end to his reign of terror peacefully but unfortunately this couldn't be done. So what then could they do when no "co-operation" was possible, if his reign was to be ended it unfortunately had to be done through war. The U.S. is just this week ,meeting to "co-operate" with the E.U. and N.A.T.O. to create a safer and more prosperous world. So I think it is more a case of you mis-understaning what U.S. Foreign Policy is about than you having the wrong beliefs on what are better or worse way of doing things.
If you have any opinions on R.E.A.L.'s arguments or views or would be interesting in joining after viewing our arguments and beliefs on this page please e-mail the above address. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to e-mail also but we ask if they would refrain from the use of obscenities etc. Thanks for reading this.
* My attempt at humour-not a serious argument as its just a "witty " stereotype. And is not factually correct as remarkably some of them have actually advanced to shaving.
you would have fauned more at the Bourbon.
You would have written something about it being a fixed photo, or it not really being what Jaun C thinks about the Basques he was visiting.
Instead you just go off on your "big letters little letters".
you're sad. Mr Bowman. Never write to Michael Moore without asking him for some money.
Firstly I reall didn't study/analyse the picture at all. So I don't know or care whether it's a fake or not. Also I didn't really consider it an argument or point.
But I am not familiar with 'Bourbon'. I don't see how I could know where Juan Carlos was visiting and I don't know enough about him to declare that he could never have raised his finger at anyone.
I really think your taking the picture too seriously, I think the person meant it as a funny item.
In regards to their actual argument i think I've made my responses to that and they were clearly rather good considering you're nit-picking through my comments ((or lack of) about the picture to find criticism.
Sorry I also forgot to correct you on one matter. I was not writing to Michael moore at all, if you look above said article you'll see it was infact a critiscism by a Peter Moore. Just a co-incidence clearly. Also I really can't see how you justify calling me sad with your points but your probably just a bit bitter due to the fact that My response to Mr. Moore and others were well written,comprehensive and right ( Don't wanna sound cocky but to be honest, if thats the best you can come up with in the line of critiscism, they probably were)
quite right. you couldn't have know.
more rope----
I'm afraid I don't get this reference/statement( "more rope....". Could you explain..... Also I'm not sure what angle you're coming from with the question "so its this easy to be right wing in todays world is it?" If you would like to elaborate....
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