Ireland Joins US and abandons Europe.
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Monday February 23, 2004 01:02 by An Bean Siodha - Irish Defence Association foi at taoiseach dot gov dot ie The White House, Kildare St,. Dublin 01-6194020
Ahern and Cowen praised by US on Shannon stance
22/02/04 00:00
The Sunday Business Post, in an article by Pat Leahy reveals that the US and Ireland are far more closely interconnected than many Irish people realised. This article can be read on Page 4 of the SB Post on 22 Feb 04.
A nation once again? Ireland Joins US and abandons Europe.
It is still unclear as to just when Ireland surreptitiously became the 51 State of the United States of America.
The US Embassy in Dublin will shortly close down, as the US does not maintain embassies within its own national territory. It may retain a consulate to deal with travel and immigration queries for other EU citizens who may be living in Ireland. It seems that Ireland will be allowed to maintain its association with the European Union, provided of course that it only acts in accordance with the US national interests in a European context. This should not be a problem as this has been the de facto situation for almost a decade. An Tainiste’s statement that Ireland was closer to Boston than to Berlin simply reflects past international political reality that has now become national reality (Ireland now being within the US nation, and no longer a player in the international stage). Of course these matters have not been subject to approval by the Irish electorate. Focus groups and opinion polls taken by CIA funded pollsters, Jane Doe Inc., in early March 2003 indicated that the majority of Irish people were opposed to integration with the US. Just as the people of Iraq and Afghanistan needed liberation from themselves, at a cost of about 25,000 and 8,000 lives respectively, the Irish people, suffering from false consciousness, needed the leadership of An Taoiseach agus An Tainiste, respectfully, to do for the Irish people what they knew was best for the Irish people. Just as An Taoiseach always knew that he was on the side of the Irish peace protesters all along, he also knew that the Irish people were closer to Boston than to Berlin all along, because An Tainiste told him so. In secret negotiations held in Washington on St Patrick’s day in 2002, and finalised on St Patrick’s day 2003, just three days before the Iraq war, An Taoiseach brilliantly succeeded in outmanoeuvring President Bush, who had been determined to pull US investment out of Ireland at the cost of 95,000 Irish jobs, by agreeing to Irish participation in the war against Iraq, but only on condition that Ireland secretly became the 51st state of the USA. This move was necessary to get around the small problems presented by Bunreacht na hEireann, the United Nations and international law. These matters were overcome by the clever dual devices of getting the judiciary to declare that any articles of the Irish Constitution that were inconvenient, were only aspirational, i.e. waffle, while at the same time declaring that all matters of international law, the UN and Geneva Conventions et al were subservient to the Irish national law. The cleverness here was that since any article of the Irish Constitution could now be declared aspirational, and since An Bunreacht is the basis for all Irish law, which in turn is superior to all international law, then that makes all international law aspirational, i.e. waffle. Under this new regime, it becomes ok then to kill foreigners, provided they are not killed on Irish territory or within Irish airspace.
An Dail voted on 20 March 2003, not to participate in the war against Iraq, but just to send 130,000 US troops with over 260,000 weapons, and about one million tons of munitions through Shannon airport to kill some people in Iraq. Nice one that.
Government sources (it was not clear which government) also undertook to effectively silence the Irish peace protest movement by denying them access to TRE (Telecumersaid Rialtas Eireann), the Irish government broadcasting service, and to use the services of secret agents to create disharmony within the peace movement. As a token of his esteem for the Irish people, George Bush, President of the Republic of the Greater United States of America and Ireland, will visit Ireland in June 2004. President Bush will arrive appropriately at Shannon airport and will be hosted at Dromoland Castle Hotel in Co Clare. For security reasons, all Irish people will be banned from Co. Clare for the month of June 2004. All peace activists have already been banned from Clare by Chief Justice O’Mórán, in compliance with US demands over the past year.
Ex-warmonger Ed Horgan, who has been banned from Shannon airport in order to avoid embarrassing regular commuters, and peace activists, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld, said ‘I knew Bertie Aherne was on our side all along. With friends like Bertie, who needs enemies.’ Under the Irish Freedom of Information Act, no information on these matters is available from Irish sources so the author has had to rely on insider/outsider information sources. Any likeness between the above events and reality will be refuted by appropriate authorities.
An Bean Siadhe.
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