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National Parents Council bash the teachers

category national | consumer issues | opinion/analysis author Thursday January 29, 2004 23:17author by Phelim Murnionauthor email phelimm at iolfree dot ie Report this post to the editors

Parent teacher meetings

The demand of the National Parents Council that teachers be available in the evenings has nothing to do with Parenting and everything to do with the new Amercanised workplace where we live to work rather than work to live. Definitely more Boston than Berlin.

Once again the National Parents Council lines up beside the right-wing government to bash the teachers. This time they condemn teachers because they won't work late hours so that parents can finish work and then attend meetings.

Let me see if I get this right. It is too much trouble to get a half hour off work to oversee the education of your flesh and blood ( as opposed to say visiting the bank for yet another loan). And this is proposed by the National, wait for it, "Parents" Council!
Shouldn't that be the National Worker Ant Council?
I'm not alone in giving out that the PD's (with only 8 TD's) are running the country. It's worse than that; they're running the culture. This is indoctrination at a level that would cause envy in Herr Goebbels. I thought we worked to live ... ?

Speaking as a Parent, I am formally resigning from this particular club.

It's ironic that the nearest topic I could find to categorise this story was "Consumer Issues". Has even Indymedia been corrupted ...

author by Michael Turleypublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Cultural ideologies aside, if the majority of students parents do work why is it such a big issue that teachers stay late for 2 nights a year to facilitate parents?

Related Link: http://www.michaelturley.com/
author by turleywatchpublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is a problem because it represents a further attack on the working conditions of teachers. Teachers and all workers should be entitled to decent pay WITHOUT having to work harder for it.

Turley, you are a FFer, you and your party has presided over a massive distribution of wealth from ordinary workers to the rich big business elite. Big business have got away with corruption, tax amnesties and cuts in their taxes. Meanwhile workers have been attacked again and again, houses have trebled in price, stealth taxes are rising...

Teachers are justified in wanting a pay rise without strings. As are all workers.

author by Leonpublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 13:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Teachers are justified in wanting a pay rise without strings?????

Maybe they are but that doesn't deepen the contradictions so fuck 'em.

They're a bunch of halfwits who bully their students, drink, don't wash and frankly don't care.

Teachers are part of a 19th century approach to education which is about conditioning you to obey.

My [1] kid started school last year and they spent more time teaching them to stand in line then anything else.

(In fairness her teacher was very nice and reasonably competent but the approach is out of date.)

Children of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your parents.

[1] This is how the relationship is expressed in English, which is a shit language.

author by Watching turleywatchpublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 13:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Teachers are justified in wanting a pay rise without strings. As are all workers."

Careful, Turley might look for a rise or worse still those 'workers in uniform'.

author by as4publication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 13:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Turley is not a worker. He is not justified in an increase wage. He is a public representative, all public reps should be paid the average wage of those they represent.

As for 'workers in uniform' (I take it you mean the army as cops are NOT workers) I see no reason why the army are not entitled to a decent wage.

As for 'Leon'', you are an ultra left fool if you think that teachers are not workers and are like cops just because they work in an institution that is a toool of bourgeois rule.

author by Michael Turleypublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 13:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Are working parents not workers also? And are teachers refusing to recognise worker solidarity by not facilitating other workers? Or is this really all about money?

Related Link: http://www.michaelturley.com/
author by Leonpublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

who gives a fuck about teachers.

i want them paid less.

starve them until they rebel

deepen the contradictions.

in every action we must ask 'does this bring Tony O'Reilly closer to death by hanging'

author by as4publication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Michael you are a fool, this is not about workers solidarity. It is NOT the parents that are pushing for teachers to work these extra hours it is the department of education.

There have been many reports in the media recently reporting that a later time does not neccesarily suit parents any more. Childern have to be looked after in the envening as well as during the day.

author by Turleypublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Micheal Turley lives in Donnyer, so should he be paid 250 grand a year or something?

By the way as he downs syndrome I think he's doing well.

author by as4publication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Leon you are an ultra left. Teachers are coming into conflict with the state over pay and conditions. It is through this conflict that they will learn about the nature of the state and of capitalism. To sit on the sidelines of this dispute and call for the victory of the capitalist state is disgusting. Revolutionaries should be fighting alongside the worker in day to day disputes. The picket line is the best class room in the teaching of revolutionaries.

author by Michael Turleypublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Michael you are a fool"

"this is not about workers solidarity."
I know that.

"It is NOT the parents that are pushing for teachers to work these extra hours it is the department of education."
That is why the National Parents Council are being criticised in this article?

"There have been many reports in the media recently reporting that a later time does not neccesarily suit parents any more."
Yes, the media says it so it must be true.

Related Link: http://www.michaelturley.com/
author by Leonpublication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well As4 they say 'no one ever found God at the Proms' and no one's going to become a leftist driving a merc.

Who gives a fuck about improving conditions under capitalism. If the scenario doesn't end with me in a balck suit shooting Gavin O'Reilly I'm not interested.

Fuck school.

Fuck teachers.

author by as4publication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Who elected the national parents council??

Nobody did. They are appointed by the government.

author by as4publication date Fri Jan 30, 2004 14:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Leon, not every worker is going to jump from accepting life under capitalism to revolutionary activity. It is a gradual process. Workers learn the nature of the state and of capitlaism through struggle.

author by Parentpublication date Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Took place from 3.30pm, most of the parents there that I spoke to would have preferred it earlier. There are divisions within the various parents groups over supporting the teachers, the leadership of the NPC have ridden shotgun for the govt in the past. All of these groups are failing parents. They should be campaigning for parents to receive time off of work for attending these meetings (one or twice a year as they keep saying to the teachers) rather than taking Dempseys side in the arguement.

author by flowery languagepublication date Sat Jan 31, 2004 15:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Leon old chap, if English is such a "shit language" why don' t you just ditch it as presumably your ancestors probably ditched the old Gaelic tongue in which they waffled ....
you could for example take up grunting .... most people probably wouldn't notice the difference ......

In fact I get the impression that the problem is not with the English language itself which can be as expressive as any other language but rather with your rather limited command of it ......

For example instead of "my kid" (are you a goat ?) you might try "the fruit of my loins" .....
I am sure that even you will be forced to admit that that is a somewhat more lyrical formulation which accurately expresses the relationship between you and your child ......

Or failing that can you please enlighten us as to what better formulations exist in other languages ?

author by Davidpublication date Sat Jan 31, 2004 15:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Was the "MY" aspect not the "kid" bit. Leon probably objected to the fact that the english language denotes ownership of ones offspring.

author by flowery languagepublication date Sat Jan 31, 2004 16:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And pray tell which languages use formulations which do not denote or suggest ownership of the child by the parent ....

Let's start with some mainland European ones ....
- mon enfant (Fr.)
- mein Kind (Ger.)
- mio bambino (Ital.)

To my ear all of these sound just as horribly "possessive" as the beastly Anglo-Saxon tongue ......

We could try that rather moribund old Gaelic which might offer a few alternative formulations ....
"mo leanbh" is wee bit too close to the English syntax for comfort .....
But maybe "an leanbh seo agamsa" is a bit better not being quite so directly possessive .....

Nevertheless I think that you will have your work cut out finding a language which doesn't make the same "possessive" presumptions about the relationship between parents and their children ......

Children generally start out life in a state of dependency on their parents and most languages tend to reflect this .....

Of course if someone does know of a language which is "better" than English in this regard, perhaps they would be kind enough to let us know .......

The only acceptable alternative I can find is for the mother to refer to "the fruit of my womb" and fathers to refer to "the fruit of my loins" ...... this accurately expresses the biological-reproductive link between parent and child while cleverly omitting any connotations of ownership .......

In the case of children resulting from in vitrio fertilization some modification to the above phraseology may be necessary .......

author by clarion callpublication date Sun Feb 01, 2004 13:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The PDs don't run the country.

They only follow orders from the American Chamber of Commerce ......


author by A. Teacherpublication date Fri May 28, 2004 04:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Stay late? I spend 7 hours with these parent's children. Stay late with them? What about my own three children? When did becoming and being a teacher require that my own family should make accomodations and suffer the loss of their own parents love and attention in order for me to accomodate these parents? Start acting like parents, not spoiled, entitled young adolescents. There are too many of them already.

author by as wellpublication date Fri May 28, 2004 20:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

so are you the one who thought you were getting an alpha?

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