Nazi Death Threats on Prisoner Cassidy Wheeler
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news report
Tuesday January 13, 2004 21:23
by thomas - Anarchist Prisoner Support

Appeal for letters to Superintendent
Cassidy Wheeler was sentenced to eight years for shoplifting and he feels the severity of his sentence is due to his political activist background. He’s been going through a hard time of it lately. All his property was stolen, with some of it being held ransom by other prisoners and Nazis. Unfortunately, Cassidy’s last letter suggests thing are getting worse....
Dear “Dublin APS” Brothers/sisters,
Hello again, my friends! I wish I could give you good news, but I’m afraid it’s quite the opposite! I must ask you for your help once again. I recently learned of a plot against my life by Nazis/their supporters, and must be transferred to another institution for my safety. The cops won’t listen to me (and I obviously refuse to give them details…), but a sympathetic staff told me that if I got lots of folx to write letters demanding I be moved, they may comply. Would you please consider starting a letter writing campaign/spreading the word to other groups? Again, I would never be asking if it wasn’t serious, but I fear the bastards aim to really hurt me this time or worse.
You can write to the Superintendent at this same address and the more people the better.
Thank you so very much… I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.
In solidarity,
Cassidy Wheeler #14282456,
777 Stanton Blvd.,
Ontario, OR 97914-8335,
Please take a few minutes of your time to write to the Superintendent and demand that Cassidy be transferred to another prison as his life is in danger in SCRI…
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3I was able to travel to Onatario, Oregon and visit with Cassidy Wheeler on January 14, 15, and 16. We had a great time laughing and eating overpriced junk food from the vending machines. I have not heard from him since I left him in the visiting room at the prison. I hope that he has not been hurt or sent to the hole and that I will hear from him soon.
Cassidy was doing well when I left, but still feared for his safety and was spending most of his time in his cell, venturing out into common areas of his housing unit only when necessary. He asked that folks contact prison officials and petition for his transfer to another facility. I am posting the texts of two letters that the Lawrence (Kansas) ABC has been asking Cassidy's supporters to send in. Thanks to anyone who can help by copying and pasting these letters and either printing them out and sending them via the postal service or sending them seperately as e-mail to [email protected]
in solidarity,
Chantel G.
Oregon Department of Corrections
Director Max Williams
2575 Center Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301-4667
Dear Mr. Williams:
In has come to my attention that an inmate at your facility at Snake
River, Cassidy Wheeler #14282456, believes that he is now in a climate
that makes his safety a concern. Mr. Wheeler has notified me that the
situation continues to intensify, and that he feels he is at risk.
I, as a concerned citizen, have grown alarmed by Mr. Wheeler's feelings
for his safety. Mr. Wheeler does not feel that he is secure at your
I urge you to transfer Mr. Wheeler to another facility. Your department
maintains three other medium security prisons that house male offenders in
the state of Oregon.
The Department of Corrections' Code of Ethics states that the Department
will "protect Department of Corrections incarcerated persons against
deception, oppression or intimidation, violence or disorder."
I ask that you maintain your ethics and show compassion for an inmate that
feels that he is in danger.
Superintendent Jean Hill
Snake River Correctional Institution
777 Stanton Road
Ontario, Oregon 97914
Dear Superintendent Hill,
It has come to my attention that an inmate at your facility, Cassidy
Wheeler #14282456 believes that he is now in a climate that makes his
safety a concern. Mr. Wheeler has notified me that the situation
continues to intensify, and that he feels that he is at risk.
I, as a concerned citizen, have grown alarmed by Mr. Wheeler's feelings
for his safety. Mr. Wheeler does not feel that he is secure at your
I urge you to consider transferring Mr. Wheeler to another facility. If
this is not in your power to decide this, I would urge you to recommend an
immediate transfer for Mr. Wheeler.
Snake River holds itself to values that include: "minimizing the risk of
harm to staff, inmates and community." I ask that you hold to your values
and show compassion to an inmate who feels he has a risk of harm.
I received a lettter(dated 1-28-04)from Cassidy today stating that he has
been moved. He is now in Umatilla, Oregon at Two Rivers Correctional Institution. He is adjusting to being in a new place after what he described as "a gut wrenching bus ride through 200 miles of blizzard (w/ only my leg irons, shackles, & "black box" restraints to keep me company.)" He is happy that during the bus ride he "got to see some trees/rivers/even a deer or two."
For those of you who would like to write to Cassidy, you can contact him as follows:
Cassidy Wheeler #14282456
82911 Beach Access Road
Umatilla, OR 97882
(Those of you who are involved in publications, please update his address
in the next issue.)
Thanks to all of you who took the time to write a letter or e-mail message to Oregon department of corrections officials on Cassidy's behalf. Cassidy and I both appreciate your help.
in solidarity,
Chantel G.
In the last two days, I have received two letters from Cassidy Wheeler. The news is not good.
In a letter dated 5-30-04, Cassidy wrote, “…now it’s Sunday at about noon, and this morning I woke up to my cellie informing me that a Disciplinary Report (DR) had been delivered to our tray slot for me….So here’s the damage: Extortion 1, Unauthorized Organization 1, Disrespect 1,
Disobedience of an Order, and Disturbance.”
The most recent letter is dated 6-2-04. It reads, “…I went to my disciplinary hearing today and was fully convicted of all the horrible crimes against humanity I had been
accused of…can’t say that I’m exactly surprised, but now it’s official!”
Prison officials have singled out Cassidy and five other prisoners as organizers or ringleaders of the May 12 chow hall boycott; all six have received the same punishment. The punishment includes “120 days in the
hole (disciplinary segregation), with the possibility of an extra 60 days
on top if the superintendent deems fit.” For Cassidy, time in the hole is calculated from 5-29, not 5-11 when he was first put in administrative segregation. Punishment also includes (for all six of them) $200 EACH in fines, 14 days loss of privileges after the time in the hole, “and a pretty damn good chance of being put in I.M.U. after all that.”
Cassidy says that at the “hearing, several letters sent to me were used as evidence.” He goes on to report, “There was one snitch (‘confidential/reliable informant’)” who implicated Cassidy as “the one who organized the whole thing!” Apparently, “The hearing officer didn’t believe that it was Krshna consciousness that we were speaking of all that time, but did tell me a (very apropos of nothing) story about how he was at UC Berkeley in the 70s and knows what ‘in solidarity’ really means!”
“So, I, of course had to top off the whole experience by telling him ‘fuck the system!’ etc. after he convicted me,…which earned me another DR and means I have to wait yet another 30 days for them to allow me real
toothpaste and to keep my letters in my cell for more than 24 hours (before they are collected)…I guess it is some sort of pride thing ‘I will not go quiet’, etc…so that those who sit in judgement of their fellow man
(and daily plot to throw them in yet smaller cages) will at least have their peaceful little tyrannies disturbed once in a while.”
All six of these prisoners could use monetary donations to help pay the excessive fines as well as cards and letters of support. Their names and ID numbers are as follows: Tim Butler #8286092, Randy Miner #11829527,
Michael Cole #12064857, Ryan Sauter #12713073, Dave Scalera #13405480, and
Cassidy Wheeler #14282456. Their address is 2500 Westgate Pendleton, OR
If you want to make a monetary donation you can do one of two things.
#1 Send a money order or well-concealed cash to Chantel Guidry c/o Lawrence ABC P. O. Box 1483 Lawrence, KS 66044. I am willing to collect funds, divide it up equally among the six, and send money orders to each of them. I have already collected $30 to go towards this cause, but among the six of them, they owe $1,200 in fines.
#2 Send a money order to any one or all of the six of them. Of course, money orders must be sent for each individual. Funds must be sent in the form of a POSTAL money order. DON’T SEND CASH; cash will be confiscated and the prisoner will never see it! Money orders must include the prisoner’s
first and last name and ID number and must be sent to Department of Corrections Central Trust P. O. Box 14400 Salem, Or 97309-5077. If you send a money order directly to a prisoner, it will also be confiscated. Money orders MUST be sent to the Central Trust.
On behalf of these prisoners, thanks for any and all support that you can offer. Cassidy seems, as always to be in good spirits, but I'm not sure how the other guys are doing. I'm sure a card or note of encouragement
would help all of them a lot, but please be discrete in what you write, as we don't want to get our brothers in any more trouble than they are already in. The evidence presented against Cassidy makes it abundantly
clear that both incoming and outgoing mail are being read by the prison officials.
in Solidarity,
(and we all know what that means HA!)