Fertility for free !
WHAT ?; Now is the time to plan for next years' garden and nothing could be better or easier than creating your own compost. This course will guide you through establishing and maintaining a healthy, fertile and sustainable compost system. Bring a plan of your garden and get advice on where and how to set one up no matter how large or small yor garden is (or even if you do not have a garden at all!). Marcus Collier, who is a specialist in sustainable lanscape management, presents this course.
WHEN ?: Wednesday, November the 19th, from 19:30 to 21:30, 10 Euros (members) / 12 Euros
WHERE ?: At Cultivate Centre, 15-19 Essex Street West, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
More information at 01 674 64 15 or 01 674 63 96.
Mai to [email protected] or visit our website : www.sustainable.ie