Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Chief Solicitor of Navajo Nation Protests Tara Motorway
dublin |
environment |
event notice
Wednesday October 29, 2003 15:53
by Vincent Salafia - Save Tara/Skreen Valley Campaign
vsalafia at eircom dot net
(087) 132-3365

Dr Jim Zion to Speak at Trinity Tomorrow Night and 'Halloween at Tara/Skreen' Festival on Friday
Save Tara/Skreen Valley Campaign is hosting an event in Dublin tomorrow to raise awareness of the current crisis at Tara, stemming from the recently approved M3 motorway. We are also hosting 'Halloween at Tara/Skreen' Festival all day and night on Friday, on both the Hill of Tara and Skreen Parochial Hall.
Wednesday, October 29th
“Chief Solicitor of Navajo Nation to Protest Tara/M3 Plans at Trinity College Dublin Tomorrow Night”
Save Tara/Skreen Valley Campaign is hosting an event in Dublin tomorrow to raise awareness of the current crisis at Tara, stemming from the recently approved M3 motorway.
Special guest speaker will be Dr. James W. Zion, Chief Solicitor for the Navajo Nation, New Mexico. Dr. Zion is a lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico who specializes in indigenous law, and particularly the law of American Indians. He is participating in the protest of the proposed M3 Motorway Plan for the Tara-Skreen Valley out of respect for Ireland's ancient past.
The City of Albuquerque proposes that the voters
should approve bonds to finance the running of a new road through part of the Petroglyph Monument.
Accordingly, Indian organizers formed a political
action committee with a name and program that
carefully avoids mentioning Indian issues at all.
Their campaign focuses on the road being a waste of taxpayer money and discriminating in favour of
Albuquerque's West Side. The local paper reported
yesterday morning that the street bond vote is hotly contested.
'Doctor Z' has done research on indigenous healing
methods, and cautions that part of the healing process for many people is a sense of "place." That is, healing is largely an exploration of self-identity, and an important part of identity is a sense of place.
For that reason, great caution must be taken when
sacred sites, such as those in the Tara-Skreen Valley, are developed. If they are destroyed or marred, it is difficult for people to visit them to get a sense of their identity in a sacred place. Dr. Zion will develop those views when he visits over the Samhain weekend.
According to Mr Vincent Salafia, PRO for Save
Tara/Skreen Valley Campaign:
“It has just been reported that the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government has applied to have Clonmacnoise designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While we support the effort, it is pure Irish hypocrisy to destroy Tara on one hand and preserve Clonmacnoise with the other.
“But this is no surprise, coming from the same man
who: abolished Duchas, The Heritage Service; consented to the partial demolition of the Carrickmines Castle site; proposes weakening the National Monuments Act; failed to appeal the hotel proposal at Trim Castle; and is silently facilitating the holocaust of heritage that is accelerating across this country.
Dr Zion will speak at Aras an Phiarsaigh, Trinity
College Dublin, Room 2.03 at 7.00 PM Thursday October 30th. The talk is sponsored by the Environmental Society, TCD.
Dr Zion will also speak on Friday, October 31st, at the ‘Hallowe’en at Tara/Skreen’ festival.
The ‘Hallowe’en at Tara-Skreen’ festival, organised by local residents, will commence this Friday, in Skreen (aka Skryne) Hall, Skryne, Co Meath, at 3 PM with a series of events, designed for children. Adult events will begin at 9.00 PM.
A bus service will bring people from Dublin, and ferry them back and forth between the Hills of Tara and Skryne all evening. The bus leaves Nassau Street gate of Trinity College Dublin at 6.00 PM on Friday, returning at 2.00 AM and costs 10 euros.
3.00 PM Skryne Hall opens for children’s events,
which will include: bouncing castle, storytelling,
trick or treat, treasure hunt, toffee apples,
face-painting, and many other traditional fun and
6.00 PM Fancy dress competition for children.
7.00 PM Hall closes until 9.00 PM – Bus takes people to Hill of Tara.
8.00 PM Hill of Tara; Dr Jim Zion address from Mound of the Hostages.
8.00 PM Skryne: Mass
9.00 PM Adult party begins at Skryne Hall. Features include variety of DJs, including Saoirse Sounds; traditional musicians, as well as fancy dress, raffle and more.
2.00 AM Close. Bus returns to Dublin.
According to Mr Vincent Salafia, PRO for the Save the Tara-Skreen Valley Campaign:
“We will have plenty of information on the motorway, and possible alternatives, but the main idea is to have fun!”
“Bring a bodhran and a candle!”
Vincent Salafia
(087) 132-3365
[email protected]