Evil anarchists made use of the June bank holiday to set up a summer camp on Achill island. Over 50 of these hardcore trouble makers engaged in hillwalking, canoeing and of course drinking.
Despite Gardai hysteria in advance of their arrival (apperantly schools were warned!) the reception from the locals was warm with one establishment donating two bottles of spirits to the final nights celebrations. In the end the major problem they faced down was the weather which alternated blowing the tents into the lake with trying to flood them from above.
Other reports of evil doing included setting up a collective kitchen, preparing vegan meals and staying up half the night drinking illicit spirits and singing around a roaring camp fire. Some of these professional hooligans went so far as to throw themselves into the sea and the lake.
Security sources reveal that next year a similar event is planned and have warned the cops in Sellafield and Seville to watch out for camps there in the near future.