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DHKC:To the NATO Secretary-General

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Saturday May 25, 2002 00:55author by DHKCauthor email dhkc at post dot com Report this post to the editors

To the publicity department of NATO

On May 22 a piece of journalistic provocation appeared in the newspaper Milliyet, which is published in Turkey.

DHKC:To the NATO Secretary-General
To the publicity department of NATO

On May 22 a piece of journalistic provocation
appeared in the newspaper Milliyet, which is published
in Turkey. NATO is named as a source. The source is
said to be CONFIDENTIAL. Since this news is about us,
we are a Party and our institution would like to have
a public statement clarifying to what extent this news
is true or false. For news that appears in the press
is no longer confidential. From that point on it
must also be regarded as in the public domain.
The subject covered in the news is completely untrue.
This kind of mendacious news is an attempt to
discriminate against people. An attempt is being made
to create a basis for repression and massacres. If
NATO which is given as the source really is the
originator of this news, NATO must comment upon it. If
it is not true, if NATO did not issue such
information, if it is an invention by Turkey?s
contra-guerrillas as a part of their psychological
warfare, then NATO should make public that the news
item does not stem from it.
Once again. Every word of the item in Milliyet is a
lie and has no connection with the truth. We are
adding for your better understanding: the news
published by Milliyet; the official comment from our
organisation on this incident; and another declaration
made by our organisation in this connection over the
past two weeks. We await a comment from your
institution on this matter. The public has the right
to learn the truth.


ate: May 16, 2002
Statement: 254
Yet more news about a suicide attacker.... Just wait
for the police raids and plots that will follow!

The TV news of May 15 spent all day repeating that
there are three DHKP-C suicide bombers (?living
bombs?). All the news readers recited the police
warnings almost too frantically to pause for breath.
That?s the way it was. The police had come up with
very important (!) information.
There could be a suicide attack at any second.
The living bombs, that is, the suicide attackers, are
supposed to be from the DHKP-C. And it is precisely
the DHKP-C which was put in the EU?s list of terrorist
groups last week. Either all the news bulletins were
written by the same person, or else the police press
release had the following note attached to it:
?Mention at every opportunity that the DHKP-C was put
on the terrorist list last week.? That is how the lie
is multiplied! And isn?t that what the information
about living bombs is?
How many statements have we issued on this subject?
Remember, dig around in the archives a little. And on
every occasion it turned out that the police lie
without shame simply to create grounds for fomenting
plots and carrying out raids.
Here are some examples from the series of police lies
about ?living bombs?: LIE... February 13, 2001... The
newspapers wrote that 10 women were preparing to carry
out a suicide attack. Once again the Istanbul police
headquarters did brilliant investigative work. It
turned out that some of them were in fact in prison,
others were working quite legally?
LIE: October 19-20, 2001... It was announced that
Yunus Guzel was allegedly a living bomb. He was then
tortured to death while he was being detained in
investigative custody. It is quite clear what their
purpose was in calling him a living bomb.
LIE: November 21, 2001...In our statement numbered
227, we denied the veracity of news being put out
about a living bomb. The title of our statement made
clear what the purpose of such news was: ?Put out
false news items? Destroy the opposition? The lie
factory of the Interior Ministry and the police is
hard at work??
February 8, 2002... Again the same heading: ?Suicide
attack alarm?: This time Fatma Kozupinar was described
as a living bomb. She had recently been released from
prison, was being treated at the TIHV * and was living
with her family.
LIE: March 8, 2002...The police headquarters put out a
statement that according to their information, the
newly released Halil Aksu was going to carry out a
suicide attack. Halil Aksu was not even able to walk
LIE: April 10, 2002 ?The Istanbul police published a
new list of ?living bombs?. According to the news, the
police had uncovered 10 living bombs. And then? There
was no ?then?. In this way it became clear that they
are lying. LIES... LIES? LIES... Alongside the
demagogy about terrorism lists they will continue
attacks such as these, resorting more and more to lies
like these. With great detective work (!) they have
turned up the names of three living bombs! Just wait.
They will be the names of uninvolved people or people
they want to imprison by means of a plot. Various
legal and democratic institutions can be raided on the
pretext of preventing suicide attacks (!) The demagogy
about living bombs will be counter-productive for
those who spread it. Together with the USA and the EU
they can continue demagogy about terrorism. The
bourgeois media can continue to put out news dictated
to them by the police, and even though it has turned
out on dozens of occasions that the contra news were
lies, they can present them to the public as though
they were the truth. But this demagogy will rebound on
those who disseminate it. Everybody can draw their own
lessons from the demagogy of terrorism put out by the
USA and Israel. Lessons can be drawn from the reality
of our country. If the police put more news about
suicide attacks into circulation, everyone can ask
themselves: what plots are they up to, what internal
power struggles are going on, what filth are they now
trying to cover up?
The same goes for the media. If they publish police
press releases, treating them as if they were
government statements, everyone can see that this or
that media group is after a government contract or has
other interests at stake.
So just keep it up!

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
Revolutionary People?s Liberation Front

*TIHV(Turkiye Insan Haklari Vakfi, Turkish Human
Rights Foundation). Helps give medical care to
seriously ill prisoners who have been released.

======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================Date May 23, 2002 Statement: 255

The American and Turkish contra-guerrillas are
continuing psychological warfare by using

In the May 22 newspapers, the headline could be found:
?NATO has issued a warning?. In fact this article
served to firm up the lies that had been on the table
for days. Apart from that, it contained nothing new.
May 15: It was stated that there were ?three living
bombs? of the DHKP-C. This information ?stemmed from
the Turkish police?. The whole day through this news
was read out and there were still isolated mentions
the next day. But to tell the truth, nobody took the
news seriously. The lying news items put out by the
police in Turkey failed to produce the desired effect.
Because they had issued news about suicide actions
previously, which turned out to be false.
May 19: To give the news some credibility, the CIA and
MOSSAD got involved. The same news about the ?three
living bombs of the DHKP-C? was spread by MOSSAD, who
moreover said they had learned from the CIA that three
DHKP-C living bombs ** had arrived in Turkey or would
arrive there. The news was presented in the following
way: ?the terrorists would hijack a plane and hit
American targets by May 22? (Hurriyet, May 19, 2002).
So first a lie was sent out into the world. But when
it was not credible, the name of MOSSAD was put to
use. And when that didn?t work, NATO was brought in.
Whoever wants to believe it can say MOSSAD. Others who
are into psychological warfare say, ?No, no, it?s the
CIA?, or ?it?s NATO?. But no, that too is not enough.
The US president now must say it personally. Now, if
Bush wanted to confirm the news about the ?three
living bombs of the DHKP-C?, there would also have
been some people who believed it.
The contra-guerrillas? psychological warfare is
carried out on many levels. Such news items bring the
oligarchy many benefits. They offer the necessary
excuse to unleash plots and police raids. They offer
arguments for repressing the people and coming up with
repressive new laws. They want to send a message to
the revolutionary organisations that ?we know
But they know nothing. Up to the present they could
neither investigate nor prevent the actions of the
revolutionary movement. Revolutionary actions and our
revolutionary struggle will come about as a matter of
course. When and where will only be learned by
everyone when the action is carried out, as was always
the case up to now. With regard to such news, we would
like to say the following to our people and to the
press: whether it came from MIT (the civilian as
opposed to the military intelligence service of the
state in Turkey), the police, MOSSAD or the CIA, these
news items were never true. Nor will they be. These
news items merely pursue an aim. That aim is, more
repression, more bans. This should be known. This
should be known and nobody should pay any heed to
these news items. These news items were concocted to
set conspiracies in motion, and nobody should let
themselves be used. As was once said by Zekai Okte,
who is one of the founders of the contra-guerrillas
and was one of the first to practise psychological
warfare in Turkey: ?Ozel Harp *...psychological
agitation ... such things come to the fore where the
state is weak.? That the state is in such a condition
is proved by the lying news items.
PS: On May 22 someone came under fire because it was
assumed he was a living bomb. ** The person who was
shot at has not the slightest connection to our
organisation. It turned out that he was ill. He had no
bombs, merely his medication. It is not improbable
that those who whip not only the police but the entire
population into a paranoia about ?living bombs? will
shoot dead dozens of innocent people. They are
panicking as a reaction to their own lies.

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
(Revolutionary People?s Liberation Front)

*Ozel Harp = ?Special Warfare?: special killer units
in the service of the state in Turkey. Officially
these units do not exist.
**Living bomb; suicide bomber

Newspaper article from Milliyet, May 22, 2002
After the news from American Vice-President Dick
Cheney about actions by Osama Bin Laden put Ankara in
a high state of alertness, this time information came
from NATO, which stated that the DHKP-C in Europe and
in Turkey will carry out actions against embassies and
consulates. The information, from the Interior
Ministry, contained the heading ?NATO SECRET? which is
only used for news of the highest importance, and says
that, after the DHKP-C was put in the EU terror list,
it prepared actions aimed at freeing its militants in
the prisons. The news, which contains information
about the DHKP-C, also reports on certain activities
in Georgia and Iraq. This written message was sent to
all governors.
The target groups
The warning, signed by Emin Arslan, of the police
headquarters, stated that it would disturb the DHKP-C
to be on the terror list and to free the prisoners it
was preparing attacks on diplomatic representations
and international institutions. Reference was made to
it carrying out new armed actions. The item stated
that the organisation particularly sought to target
security officials, employees, buildings and
installations of the Justice Ministry.

Related Link: http://www.dhkc.net
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