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Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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| Chiapas Human Rights![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() INTERNATIONAL CIVIL COMMISSION OF OBSERVATION FOR THE HUMAN RIGHTS The Civil Commission Internaciónal of Observation for the Human rights wants to express its gratefulness to the members of the civil corporation Chiapaneca and to the indigenous communities for the trust deposited in its work. Likewise, we thank to the State government of CHIAPAS the facilities proporciónadas for the agreement of the interviews instituciónales. This commission one believes in February of 1998 soon after the indignation that untied the massacre of Acteal in the opinion public internaciónal. In November of the 1999 he/she was organized a second commission. This third visit, as well as the previous one, seeks to give pursuit mainly to the observation of the human rights in the state of CHIAPAS. This CCIODH began its works the day February 18 in the DF, where he/she has already interviewed with the following institucióneses, organizaciónes of the civil corporation and personalities: the State Department, the PGR, the CNDH, the State Commission of Human rights of the federal District, the Attorney's office of Justice of the DF, the Federal Government's General Secretaria, the COCOPA, the Commissioner for the dialogue in Chiapas Luis H Alvarez, the office of the Indigenous Matters of the Presidency, the special district attorney of the case Deigns Ochoa, the bishop emérito Samuel Ruiz, former-integral of the CONAI, SERAPAZ, the Civil Mission for the Peace, the Institute Guerrerense of DDHH, the Net All the Rights for All, the FZLN, the Sr Armando Bartra, the Sr Andrés Barreda, the Association of family of missing of Mexico, dońa Rosario Ibarra of the committee Eureka, the Center of DDHH Miguel Agustín For, representatives of The Loxichas, state of Oaxaca, the Committee of coordination of Defense of DDHH of the Small Costa of Guerrero and the Polytechnic Community Paliacate. Likewise, he/she was carried out an interview with the siblings Cerezo,recluidos in the jail of Almoloya of Juárez. The 104 observers coming from 14 countries, they will begin today their program of activities in CHIAPAS that will be carried out from the 21 to February 27. During these days we will visit more than 50 indigenous communities of the areas North, High, Ocosingo, Forest Lacandona, Altamirano and South frontier. At the same time, we will interview with more than 20 ONG, social, humanitarian organizaciónes and personalities of the civil corporation. Also, we will open a permanent office, in the street Belisario not 9, to receive accusations of violaciónes of DDHH. We will also visit the penitentiaries of Hollow Hill, San Cristóbal, Beautiful Villa and Macuspana. The days 26 and 27 will dedicate them to the realization of interviews with the Governor of Chiapas, the Government's General Secretary, the General Attorney's office of Justice of the State, the Agrarian Attorney's office, the state Commission of human rights, the SEDESO and the SEMARNAT, the SEPI and the INI, the International Red Cruz and the bishop Felipe Arizmendi. On the other hand we regret that he/she has not been possible to concert the interview requested to the group Development, Peace and Justice, as well as the interview requested with the General one Major of the VII Military Region. The International Civil Commission of Observation for the Human rights bill with the collateral signature of more than 400 organizations, institutions and personalities, among which the European parliament's deputies figure. For that reason, the Commission has assumed the commitment of giving the results from its work to the different entities that support him. The first appointment will be the presentation of the report before the commission of DDHH of the United Naciónes that will begin sessions in Geneva in March of the present year. The summations and recommendations will also be presented before the European and Central American parliaments. In the same way that in the 1998 and in the 99, all the speakers of the Commission in Chiapas will receive a copy of the report.