The desolate wasteland of one of north belfasts notorious peacelines, and favourite hunting ground of the Shankill butchers, Duncairn gardens, interface between loyalist UFF, tiger bay, and republican New lodge, the few remaining families on lower Duncairn had their windows broken on Monday.
An elderly protestant lady who has cancer, and a another catholic male resident, had the windows of their houses broken, by rampaging UFF thugs from loyalist UFF tiger bay. The isolated lower Duncairn community, whats left of the once mixed religion Duncairn gardens area, working class protestants and catholics who lived side by side in the once thriving Duncairn gardens. New lodge Sein fein were the first on the scene, and they offered their support to the residents who had their windows broken, regardless of the residents respective religions. As a former prod resident of Duncairn gardens, i can say that Sein Fein have given us their utmost support and unbiased friendship to all the lower Duncairn residents, and have stood side by side with all residents of Duncairn Gardens, regardless of the religion of the residents against UFF neo nazi thugs.