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Israel-US conspiracy in six-day war

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday June 05, 2003 11:49author by Ali H. Report this post to the editors

How Israel and the US conspired to attack Egypt during the 1967 war.

The BBC revealed last night that the US had come very close to launching an unprovoked nuclear attack on Egypt (UAR) in 1967.

The pretext for this operation was the attack by unmarked Israeli jets and torpedo boats on the USS Liberty (an NSA spy ship) which was stationed off the Egyptian coast in international waters.

US seamen from the Liberty explained how the boat had been observed from low altitude by 9 Israeli aircraft on the morning before the attack. Finally during the afternoon they were attacked with cannon and missile fire by 3 Israeli fighters whose markings had been obscured.

During the attack the Liberty was unable to transmit an SOS because all of their operating frequencise were being jammed. These operating frequencies were well known as US communications channels to the Israelis according to the seamen leading them to conclude that the attack was pre-meditated and deliberate.

During the initial phase of the attack 8 US seamen were killed and dozens of others were wounded.

But worse was to come, as the Liberty was attacked by Israeli torpedo boats which arrived later. These boats launched multiple torpedos and straffed the boat multiple times, deliberately targeting the ships boiler in order to blow it up and sink it. In addition the Israelis were observed by crewmen as they straffed and sank all of the Liberty's lifeboats.

During the second phase of the attack the death toll rose to 34 and over 70 were seriously injured.

During the gunboat attack the crewmen of the Liberty eventually managed to send a distress signal to the US fleet which was stationed some 500 miles away off Crete.

Rather than dispatching help for the Liberty or calling the Israelis the response of the US fleet commander was to dispatch A4 aircraft armed with nuclear weapons and a Phantom fighter escort to bomb Cairo!

These aircraft were recalled early in their flight by direct order from US secretary for defence McNamara. The aircraft returned and were re-armed with conventional weapons and took off again. At this point when McNamara attempted to recall the aircraft the fleet commander resisted and only gave in and recalled the aircraft on the orders of president Lyndon Johnson himself.

The Liberty was eventually towed to Malta under armed escort and the whole affair was hushed up by the Americans and Israelis, to the extent that the capitain of the Liberty received the congressional medal of honour (the highest military award in the US) behind closed doors (the first and only time this happened in US history).

Evidence brought to light by the BBC showed how the attack on the Liberty formed part of a US inspired plan called project "Cyanide" to attack the UAR (Egypt) and depose president Nasser having failed to do so in 1956 when the Israelis siezed the Suez canal with the help of the British and Frence in another unprovoked attack. The plan was formulated by the secretive 303 comittee in a building close to the White House in such a way as to maintain plausible presedential deniability for Johnson.

The programme revealed that US military involvement with the Israelis was not limited to planning, when photographs of US spy aircraft with Israeli markings were shown on the ground at Israeli airfields in the Negev desert. These same aircraft took the photos which enabled a devastating Israeli surprise attack on Egypt which started the six-day war and destroyed the Egyptian airforce on the ground before it ever got into the air.

Former secretary for defence McNamara and numerous Israeli military figures were asked to comment but refused citing national interest and confidentiality agreements.

During the morning before the attack the communications officers onboard the Liberty had been Israeli military communications including an attack on the Golan heights and massacres of Egyptian soldiers which has lead to claims that the Liberty was attacked to hush up their evidence.


Related Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/features/dead_in_the_water.shtml
author by Terrypublication date Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I saw the program too and what struck me most was that the US had without checking facts properly, basically on
a whim had dispatched a nuclear armed aircraft towards Cairo, with the intent of incinerating the place.

It really scared me that they would use such flimbsy evidence and shows that the nuclear threshold is very low indeed,
when US opponents are the target. When the US then realized it was the Israelis, they not just quickly dropped all
thoughts of attack, but as the program demonstrates, they went to great lengths to coverup the whole affair.

So what we have is a country that will gladly nuke weaker foes, but is very scared of stronger opponents. It must also
be remembered that back in 1967, the Israelis probably had not quite got nuclear weapons themselves them, but were
certainly on the brink of doing so and the very highest levels of the US administration would have had a fair idea.

The attack of the Liberty is also well documented in the book, 'Body of Secrets' by James Bamford which was published
two or three years ago. The book covers National Security Agency (NSA) from the early days to the present. It is
most detailed in the era from the 1950s to the early 70's and then is more general from the 1980's to the present.
For anyone who knows very little about the NSA, it is a very good place to start.

See related link for book review

Related Link: http://archive.salon.com/books/review/2001/04/25/nsa/print.html
author by Irish Americanpublication date Thu Jun 05, 2003 17:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Better say nonexistant. That's the evidence that "nuclear-armed" aircraft were launched by the USS Saratoga for a trike on Cairo.

If the BBC said that, more evidence that they're blind to anything but their own ideological template.

Ridiculous. Whatever Lyndon Johnson was, he was not the type that would nuke Cairo in reprisal for an attack on one ship.

Besides, if he were going to nuke any city in 1967, it would have been Hanoi.

author by Ali H.publication date Thu Jun 05, 2003 18:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you had watched the programme or read the post before shooting your mouth off you would have seen that both Johnson and McNamara countermanded the commander of the US fleet who attempted to launch a retaliatory strike against Egypt.

Finally in your infinite wisdom exactly what ideology are the BBC promoting ... we wait with baited breath?

author by Irish Americanpublication date Thu Jun 05, 2003 19:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

First, I assume that as "Ali H" you take "Ali G" one letter further into nonsense. But I do love "Da Ali G show."

Second, the post alleged that nuclear weapon loaded jets were launched on Egypt.

Which I maintain is nonsense.

Now you say that the launch was countermanded by Johnson, after takeoff.

The truth is that nuclear weapons release is only made by the National Command Authority (NCA), which is the President and the Secretary of Defense.

So the planes wouldn't have been loaded with nukes and have taken off without Johnson's direct order, with all the encrypted verification needed to ensure security.

Nukes are highly secured, even onboard an aircraft carrier (if they were ever on an aircraft carrier, which I cannot confirm or deny). They just don't have bombs rolling around the flight deck.

It may be that planes were flying to a retaliatory strike, but they weren't loaded with nukes.

As far as the BBC goes, I guess their ideology is that bien-pensant leftism, tinged with anti-Americanism. You tell me.

author by David Cpublication date Thu Jun 05, 2003 21:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have personally heard from 2 different ex-US Navy sailors that American jets with Israeli markings operated from the decks of US aircraft carriers during the six day war. I heard this from 2 unrelated people who I believe to be reasonable and rational and whom I trust. These people say that they were there and that they saw this with their own eyes.

Personaly, I have trouble believing that this might be true.

author by Ali H.publication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 09:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You Americans amaze me continually by your ability to make supposedly authoritative pronouncements on matters about which you know obviously very little.

If you had seen the documentary, which you obviously didn't, you would have seen the former NSA official who alleged that the A4s were launched following receipt of a "Flash" message.

If you had an intellectual leg to stand on you would restrict yourself to facts rather than sweeping generalisations accusing people of posting lies and being anti-whatever.

author by Terrypublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In general I find that most comments by Americans on the actions of their own government tend to fall
fall into the category of 'This would never happen in America' or 'Our President would never do that',
in other words, quite naive. The fact that there are sinister people with sinister motives seems to
escape you. You seem to genuinely believe that what you have is democracy, a free press, and an almost
on questionable faith in allegiance to your flag and country.

I take your point that 'So the planes wouldn't have been loaded with nukes and have taken off without
Johnson's direct order, with all the encrypted verification needed to ensure security'

..but earlier you say: 'Ridiculous. Whatever Lyndon Johnson was, he was not the type that would nuke Cairo
in reprisal for an attack on one ship'.

How can you say that? Did you actually know Johnson? Even if you did, how well did you know him? Is it
because he's American, that he would never launch a nuclear attack? Is human nature of Americans
fundamentaly different than everyone else? How do you know Johnson called all the shots? Surely it is
the pressures of all those people around him and the people in the shadows that dictate the context of
what can and can't happen. Yeah, he has the final decision of sorts. Remember Kennedy brought you (+us) all
to the brink of global nuclear war. Was it really Kennedy that brought you there or was it all the people
around him (i.e. military-industrial complex, advisers etc). Perhaps it was Kennedy who saved you? Heck maybe
that's why they killed him. He was disobeying orders of the real sources of power and influence. Do you
think Bush is now leading the show? He might not be the full idiot they pretend he is, but one thing is
clear is that he's not leading, but following his cabal. Likewise Reagan.

And before you leap off with any more decrees on the sanctify of your leaders and country, remember that
Operation Northwoods had been hatched just five years earlier. This was the plan to launch a terrorist
campaign by the CIA on America citizens and then to blame it on Castro and the Cubans and use it as a pretext
to invade Cuba. It was obviously brought up to date over the years, with the Cubans being replaced by Arabs
and the pretext was changed to launch the War on Terror, which we all know is a War of Terror by the US
against anyone who they don't like or anyone who dissents.

This has a very real chance of leading to a nuclear war with either Russia or China, because ultimately in
their quest for global domination, the US will have to come eyeball to eyeball with them. And I don't think
they are going to back down. And why do I bring this up, because you people in the USA, ought to really
look deeply at the depth of depravity of your leaders, government and intelligence services, because that
is where they are leading you.

For details of Operation Northwoods see related link:

Related Link: http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/Northwoods.html
author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 15:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

OK, Ali H, can you tell me what a "Flash" message is?? What "Flash" means??

I know, you presume and pretend to know.

Lay it out, baby.

author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The problem is that someone at the BBC makes an anti-American agit-prop documentary which throws around terms like "Flash message" without correctly defining them and then uses a certain onomatopedic licence to make an innuendo that "Flash message" = nuclear weapons. Which it doesn't.

Then, nitwits like Ali H who have the "ability to make supposedly authoritative pronouncements on matters about which you know obviously very little" (as he accused Americans of doing) use the innuendo based on incorrect information to say: "That proves it!!"

One again, Ali H: what is a "flash" message?

author by Ali H.publication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Answer the question Irish American ... did you actually see the programme?

If you didn't how can you possibly question the veracity or otherwise of anything that was said in it?

As for what a "Flash" message is, try reading:


There is no need for the BBC or anybody else to make anti-American agit-prop documentaries, and I'm sure the British tax-payer would not pay for such an exercise, and why bother in any case when you Americans (stage-Irish or otherwise) do such a transparently obvious job of screwing up every country you "liberate"!

Finally, you think you can intimidate me and others, we'll you don't, personal insults are the ultimate refuge of those who have no arguments or logic with which to convince others!

author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by Dagdapublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors


On June 10, London's BBC plans a worldwide
release of its new documentary called "Dead in the
Water." In it the BBC reports that the LIBERTY
attack almost led to a U.S. nuclear strike on
Egypt, which was briefly but mis- takenly thought
responsible for the attack. The film, which
includes interviews with former U.S. Defense
Secretary Robert McNamara, former CIA chief
Richard Helms and others, reveals secret
collaboration between Wash- ington and Tel Aviv
during the Six-Day War.


The BBC has taken a look at the Liberty incident and developed new facts pertaining to the transfer of American Air Force photo recon planes to Israel, and a cancelled nuclear strike against Cairo in retaliation. They've produced a documentary, at that time known as, "Dead in the Water," which aired in England in June 2002, and was also shown in Germany, France and other European countries.

Related Link: http://ussliberty.org/wrmea602.txt
author by Ali H.publication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The information was immediately passed to Frank Raven, chief of NSA’s G Group, responsible for eavesdropping on the non-Communist part of the world. He and Welsh took the information to the director, Air Force Lieutenant General Samuel C. Phillips, who agreed that

a warning message should be sent to the U.S. embassy in Khartoum at the highest precedence — Flash — reserved for only the most important information.

However, to hide the fact that the warning was coming from NSA, the message was first sent to the State Department in Washington, which would forward it to Khartoum. "We wrote that an imminent Black September operation was going to occur in Khartoum. We didn’t know where," said Welsh. Also mentioned was a codename for use in the operation, "Nahr al-Bard" — Cold River — and the fact that a high level diplomatic reception was scheduled to take place at the Saudi Arabian embassy.

The decision to attack another country would be taken at the highest level and would be of the highest priority.


Related Link: http://www.randomhouse.com/features/bamford/notes.html
author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 16:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I didn't see anything about the definition of a "flash" message in the text of the link Ali H provided.

I read Bamford's earlier book, The Puzzle Palace, it seemed to be accurate, but if he's saying now that flash message = nuclear weapons release authority he has seriously gone off the rails.

I'm speaking here as a retired US naval officer with 7 years active, 18 years reserve service.

So readers can decide who knows what they're talking about, me or Ali H.

All "flash" means in a message is that the message is of the highest "precedence" or priority (although "priority" is itself a precedence) in the US military message system.

That means that the message jumps to the head of the queue in message queueing systems.

The US military message precedence scheme is as follows:

Flash - messages regarding matters of utmost national security matters which must be transmitted instantaneously

Immediate - Very high precedence messages regarding military operations

Priority - messages which require a quicker transmission than the routine, also usually in regard to military operations or urgent personnel or supply matters.

Routine - usually messages regarding personnel and supply matters of a routine nature.

These precedences are less important now, because digital communications, more satellites and incresed bandwidth have made almost any communications instantaneous, but in 1967 when most messages were transmitted by high frequency radio in analog format, by and through naval communications relay stations around the world, they were very important.

Certainly all operational messages regarding an attack on a US naval vessel in progress would have been transmitted with flash precedence.

So what Ali H said, and I infer what the BBC was trying to infer, was nonsense.

author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 17:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I didn't see anything about the definition of a "flash" message in the text of the link Ali H provided.

I read Bamford's earlier book, The Puzzle Palace, it seemed to be accurate, but if he's saying now that flash message = nuclear weapons release authority he has seriously gone off the rails.

I'm speaking here as a retired US naval officer with 7 years active, 18 years reserve service.

So readers can decide who knows what they're talking about, me or Ali H.

All "flash" means in a message is that the message is of the highest "precedence" or priority (although "priority" is itself a precedence) in the US military message system.

That means that the message jumps to the head of the queue in message queueing systems.

The US military message precedence scheme is as follows:

Flash - messages regarding matters of utmost national security matters which must be transmitted instantaneously

Immediate - Very high precedence messages regarding military operations

Priority - messages which require a quicker transmission than the routine, also usually in regard to military operations or urgent personnel or supply matters.

Routine - usually messages regarding personnel and supply matters of a routine nature.

These precedences are less important now, because digital communications, more satellites and incresed bandwidth have made almost any communications instantaneous, but in 1967 when most messages were transmitted by high frequency radio in analog format, by and through naval communications relay stations around the world, they were very important.

Certainly all operational messages regarding an attack on a US naval vessel in progress would have been transmitted with flash precedence.

So what Ali H said, and I infer what the BBC was trying to infer, was nonsense.

author by Ali H.publication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 17:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I posted an article on a BBC programme the content of which you do not contest on other than semantic grounds.

Is this really the best you can do?

By the way if you had read my previous post which you obviously didn't (this is becoming a pattern), it did contain a highlighted piece of text explaining what a flash message is (ie highest priority), all you provided in addition to this was a detailed explanation of the queueing system which is of no relevance as it is bypassed by a message of the highest priority.

author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

. . . do you mean Germany (the western part)?


South Korea?


maybe France?

how about Ireland, where "Stage Oirish" such as myself provided the financial means to pay for the IRA 1916-1922?

you could add the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltics, even Russia itself, for without US resistance the Berlin Wall would never have come down.

. . . do you mean Afghanistan, where, despite problems in dealing with tribalism and primitive attitudes, progress is being made, freedom is growing?

Related Link: http://www.centcom.mil
author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 17:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I admit I didn't read the post prior to the one I wrote about precedence, but it really corroborates my own.

A flash message is just a highest precedence message.

An attack on a US naval vessel, and the defense of the vessel would without a doubt call for a flash message.

So you and the BBC really were trying to make something out of no significance.

author by Ali H.publication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 17:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

My post was not intended as opinion, rather as a report of what I saw in the BBC programme for the benefit of those who did not see it.

I believe that the BBC made the programme in good faith, and there were no faceless unattributable comments from securocrats.

Every source in the program had a face, and the nuclear allegations were made by a former NSA operative.

From what I saw there are many questions to answer and the Israelis and US representatives interviewed declined to answer any of them ... this would make most people suspicious at least.

In my understanding of a democracy it is both legitimate and healthy to question what is going on in the world and it is perfectly possible to pose this sort of question without necessarily being anti-anything, although I freely admit I am no fan of US governments and foreign policy past and present.

Finally I suggest that you take a look at the documentary when it eventually hits PBS so you can judge for yourself, not second-hand from my post.

author by Irish Americanpublication date Fri Jun 06, 2003 19:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I look forward to seeing the documentary. I just finished reading a piece in the US Naval Institute's Proceedings magazine which was quite critical of the Israelis.


I take no position on that controversy, but if what you say about the documentary is true, its credibility is suspect.

If you use a fact, like "they sent a FLASH message," which means nothing significant under the circumstances, and you try to give it meaning beyond its significance, you may deceive the ignorant, but you will destroy your credibility with the knowledgeable.

I would admit that this is sometimes practiced by the US and other governments, and quite often by polemicists of all types.

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