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Diplomatic missions of the G8 occupied round-up![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As a direct result of the Martin Shaw incident. Diplomatic missions have been occupied in Barcelona and Berlin. BCN- French consul. Berlin- Swiss Embassy. €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ The 5th international of crusty hippy loved up trippy muppets is not the _·Black Block·_ but we understand the meaning of an ancient Brehon Law or celtic proverb "Ná díol caorach dhubh, Ná ceanaigh caorach dhubh, ná bí gan caorach dhubh" Martin Shaw is an English activist who lives in Barcelona, and has contributed to actions accross Europe including Ireland. The state authorities bear the responsibility for proper and safe conduct. It is quite apparant that the authorities have many questions to answer... the standard factsheet in English @ UK imc. =Difuse. a report of an Irish eye witness account of the bridge incident. the details of BCN. the text of those who have occupied the French consul in Barcelona :Flyer comunication of the okupación of la consule de la republique francais
Ante el despliegue policial de más de trenta-mil efectivos, la gente también ha desplegado su imaginación para impedir el "normal" funcionamiento de la cumbre; bloqueos, cortes de tráfico y manifestaciones de todo tipo se han ido sucediendo a lo largo de la mañana. El corte ha provocado la inmediata caída de uno de ellos, desde una altura de veintún metros, ocasionándole lesiones de gravedad en el bazo y fracturas en ambos tobillos y en dos vértebra de la columna. Los médicos suizos que le han atendido han calificado de milagroso que haya sobrevivido. La otra chica se ha salvado de la caida gracias a los reflejos del grupo de apoyo, que han logrado sujetar la cuerda a tiempo. Durante diez minutos ha estado suspendida en el aire, hasta que han podido descenderla, quedando en estado de shock emocional. Hasta la llegada de un helicóptero media hora después del suceso los dos activistas no han recibido atención médica alguna. Los policias que han cortado la cuerda no se han preocupado por nada. Como se puede ver en las imágenes grabadas, su reacción inmediata ha sido restablecer la circulación. En un primer momento la policía ha negado los hechos, pero ante la avalancha de evidencias, el policía ha confesado y ha sido arrestado. Pero la represión no ha cesado. Durante todo el dia se ha sucedido el uso de gases lacrimogenos, provocando varios heridos de distinta gravedad y deteniendo más de doscientas personas en las zonas de acampada. Por la noche la policia ha asaltado el centro de medios independientes en el Centro Social La Usine, de Ginebra. La sociedad suiza está conmocionada y escandalizada por esta brutalidad policial. De hecho ha sido portada de todos los periódicos y los vecinos y vecinas de Suiza han mostrado reiteradamente su rechazo a la militarización de sus calles, uniéndose en muchos casos a los manifestantes y prestándoles auxilio. Denunciamos estos hechos brutales y exigimos el castigo de los responsables, pero queremos aclarar que ésto no es el resultado de la acción individual de un policía alterado, sino el fruto de la creación consciente y planificada de un clima de histeria y represión inducido directamente por el G8. Al igual que ha pasado con la guerra de Iraq, 'nuestros' dirigentes siguen autistas, fieles seguidores de la agenda de las grandes multinacionales, que no es la de la gente de a pie. Por ello incrementan los niveles de manipulación mediatica y de represión policial. Estos dias la respuesta del poder ha vuelto a ser sintomática, y ya estamos hartas. Que se vayan todos!
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9To my suprise, black block activists and anarchists had taken over not one, but 2 bridges in Geneva. By 7.30am on Sunday morning, around 250-300 people had full control of both bridges, with barricades up and fires burning. The bridges were 'apparently' going to be used by delegates of the G8 summit who were staying in the area. Personally, I thought it made irish anarchists look like a joke.
hanging about on ropes is an established form of
_·civil·_ _·disobedient·_·direct·_·action·_·protest·_
and as such has been practised not without incident for a long time.
People quite famously spent time hanging about on ropes from trees in England, and some of them went mad, in Barcelona quite famously people have hung off ropes from buildings and proved _·quite a challenge·_ to the local blue block who last time (espai alliberat contra la guerra placeta del Pi #2) had to do a deal with TV España for a loan of a crane to get the people who do this sort of thing down.
The people who do this sort of thing, are generally very good @ it. & really many people should think more about what it is like to do. Sitting hanging from a rope being chatted to by a sheriff, policeman, security man, TV interviewer, goodybus groupie, evilbus newspaper seller, personal astrologer, local politician can be stressful.
Stressful and scary.
Give a thought to those who sit about hanging on ropes!
'To my suprise, black block activists and anarchists had...'
are you sure these were all anarchists or just guessing? were you there? did you read their official 'i'm an anarchist' ID badges? how do you know this? or are you just cheering your side against the other side, while forgeting who the real enemies are?
if you are fighting and condemning your fellow comrades, which side are you on?
for photos of the civil disobedience thingy for which i was not present as I was stripping wallpaper and plastering a wall, oh graft graft, go to the links.
Firstly, I am not condenming ANYONE who took part in any of the blockades in Geneva. I simply ment that I have never seen any sort of mobolisation by Irish people who associate themselves with anarchist beliefs. Not saying that there has been a great need to so far. (come the w.e.f.)
And yes, I was there. Many of the people who were at the two bridges in question, had the A symbol which is associated with anarchy on their bags or clothing. The same 'A' was painted on many of the boards which were blocking the police from getting to the bridge. The majority of people were completly covered up in black with thier faces covered up. Something commonly done by anarchists and black block activists.
I suggest veryone in Ireland who has an anarchy badges or even wears black clothes get together and we put in a bid on this smashing vehicle - its better then anything the gaurds have and should give us a fighting chance!
(note it may not work just by clicking CUT N PASTE THE ENTIR LINK AND IT SHOULD WORK - though with my luck....)
Nice idea, but for $85k!?
video of the BCN lot okuping the Frnech consulate.
as for anarkos w/ special gear...
I remember when all you needed was a little lapel pin, and a biro and a corner of a good pub, oh the Dublin city where everyone is a mediocre intellectual, and well, if you want to go off getting the aibeseilling rope, and the gasmask and the tip to toe black "the lacy likes oh but she loves milktray" suit, and the parachute for base jumping off difficult buildings, and there is no reason, not a one, a single impediment to us all having patops with webcams and first aid boxes, and matches dipped in wax they way they taught you on the scouts, and always have a condom or two, and a penknife and a bite to eat, and a bottle of water.
and some smoke helps too.