In a letter in todays papers Seamus Healy TD calls for a Left Wing alliance of the Labour Party, Greens, Sinn Fein and independents
This alliance would have support of 40% of the electorate and at last end the tweedledum tweedledee nature of Irish politics. FG, FF and the PDs belong together but with their false competition have fooled the people for long enough.The dynamic of an alternative alliance with a push on the streets by activists could change things. Seamus Healy proved that the Left could win. He won on a clear Left program in a prodominately rural constituency. This call is realistic and should be supported. Let us have a debate between the Left and inside the Left parties on this. Sinn Fein and the Greens shouod be persuaded that this is the way forward and not a coalition propping up the FG or FF right and destroying the hopes of their supporters. The SP and SWP and assorted Left should seek a part in this alliance.
Read and circulate the letter yourselves.
At last a chance.
Jim Monaghan