Want to do something positive EVERY DAY?
You don't have to block a door, or chain yourself to a tree. You don't have to wear plastic cuffs behind your back, or sport a black eye for your acts of resistance. No... you can do something much simpler and long lasting. You can scare the hell out of them with an act of defiance that they would never dream you would commit to doing. And you can commit to this. Yes you can. If you want to help stop fueling corporate wars against humanity and the environment, then embrace this one simple act.
Comments (9 of 9)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9You can do something to bring down revenue from multinational petrol sales, by supporting your local independant red diesel sellers.
even if they're powered with diesels. Bikes are good: they're affordable, keep everyone healthy (no nasty emissions), keep people in touch with each other instead of atomized and alienated, they're quiet.
I luv bikes.
The war is one aspect of how the corporate society destroys the planet. Biking is one good way of stopping support AND demand.
See yiz all out there on the open road!
What do you mean you are too lazy to cycle? Dublin is a small city and if you can't find time to cycle somewhere at least once a week then you are a total waste of space. Get out of your car and do something for the environment or otherwise keep your fucking mouth shut and stop pretending that you are Green or that you care. You are a wanker. Goddit? A wanker!
Rory, too lazy to cycle? I could understand if you were apprehensive about having to deal with the Dublin traffic, but cycling does not demand too much energy, it is a very efficient way of getting around.
Caspian, it is inappropriate to use the term "wanker" as an insult. Masturbation is a normal bodily function.
No need for everyone to get personal. I agree with BikerX, the bike is beautiful and perfect. Rory, give it a go, you'll feel incredible power and satisfaction if you do.
In certain situations it's also a lot easier than being bothered with a car. Especially if you're in a city -- which I am.
The peace pledge at the link makes a good link between how we create a demand for oil and stimulate war as a result. It's worth thinking about.
It's not my main reason for cycling, but it sure helps any time I feel like being lazy and rolling out the air-polluting, kiddy-krushing monster.
It was pretty and shiny and it had lovely Z1 bomber forks and i built it myself over a few years from a second hand frame and some prick thought it would be clever to steal it.
As a silent protest i'm not gonna cycle anymore, I'll walk instead, or take the bus
Yeah I used to live in that lawless cyclist-unfriendly urban sprawl on the Liffey .... and my bike was nicked on more than one occasion .... One time they couldn't crack the lock (probably some amateurs) so they just stripped it of lights etc. and mangled the front wheel .....
I can understand people stealing but that was pure mindless vandalism ......
Youse need something like Dyncorp there to sort those f**kers out ...
Dublin must count as one of the worst cities in Europe for cyclists both from the point of view of safety (i.e. practically no cycle lanes) and also from the point of view of security (not having your bike nicked or vandalised by some mindless twat) ......
Thank God I left it far behind me and now live somewhere where I can safely cycle to work every day .......
I don't know that this pledge is enough because even if everyone were to suddenly get on their bike and ride around there'd still be a need for the USA to control oil because plastics get made from it and all sorts of other things.
That said it's good as far as it goes and they do have good stickers to print out in the Propaganda part of the site.
I've had two bikes mangled just off Grafton St. You'd think some fucker would have seen them arsing around with them and said something but people just walk on by and don't help out. Mindless fucking vandalism.
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