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Bush Visit and North Peace Process![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is a disgraceful and disgusting piece of theatre by Bush, Blair and Ahern. This is a disgraceful and disgusting piece of theatre by Bush, Blair and Ahern. The first SF knew about this visit was by phone call from BBC office shortly after 3pm. We have been fucked over on this. A BIG decision was due to be made this weekend by IRA, I am not sure that it still will, but the Brits had agreed to the schedule and their response had been seen and approved by the Republician Movement. Then some genius in the US State Dept, from what some Dublin contacts tell us, gets wind of it and next thing we know is that Bush is on his way to coattail on the historic decision. We have been fucked over, morally this is wrong for SF and politically we are stuck. Stuck and fucked. No idea still what leadership are planning for next week but, if you like, 'draft' decision is to go. Although contacts have been made with SDLP to organise joint boycott. The dilemma is; If we meet this piece of imperialist shit we have collabarated with his piece of propaganda. Namely that he and Blair are peacemakers. If we don't meet with him we will be left out in the cold with regards to the irish peace process and any final deal will be dealt by SEVERE repressive security measures. Whatever prick came up with this idea should get a nobel prize for deviousness. I, for one, am dumbfounded how to ensure the Republician Movement delivers on it military compromises without critically damaging its political appproach to a united ireland. Other Republicians/Shinners/etc; any ideas on this one? |
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Comments (15 of 15)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Usual brain dead anti American, pro delusional united Ireland nutters.
Long live the divious Americans.
Join the anti war protesters outside or join the warmongers and their war summit inside
by JP - Nationalist Sat, Apr 5 2003, 9:08am
How can Sinn Fein meekly participate in this war summit is baffling. All those predictions of SF increasing popularity in the republic are void if Adams and co attend. All a bit confusing of what Sinn Fein think they can possibly gain by going. Tiocfaidh ar la. I really doubt it.
and press releases
by keeping it together. Sat, Apr 5 2003, 10:49am
Green Party NI
Globalise Resistance write some more:
Raghillaigh writes lots
iosaf gives you his experience with Bushes.
Sparks gave you his article
Belfast anti war group thiers:
Now the ceist is whether the yanks were told by Blair, or by the BA, or by Trimble, or Ahern, or the gardai, or whether your organisation is so riddled by the whole lot of them that you are like a bloody sieve.
You knew that you would be unable to trust the brits, or you should have known. Don't you know your history? You were finished the moment you decided to do a deal with those deceitful kiddy-fiddlers.
Announce Your plans to further the peace process, or this big IRA decision seperately. Disconnect the two issues in full public view and take the side of the people in full public view. Or attend their summit refuse to shake hands with terrorists while their campaign of violence is ongoing (might raise a few eyebrow, and memories) and then publically condemn their actions. This is an immense oppertunity for Sinn Féin to show their growth into peaceful negotiaion and political pressure. Be selfish, hijack the event to highlight their insulting hijacking of your event, in full knowledge that the vast majority of people on the island of Ireland - which you obviuosly still hold in view as one country by right, am I not right? - support such action and will stand by you. Condemn Bertie for his betrayal of the Irish people. There are a gazillion ways to approach this, save face and politically come out the better person.
we all remember the threat of "WAR" that hung over St. Patrick's day celebrations for the global Irish community.
We also remember the SF leadership choosing to place their political agenda of close relations with the American Irish lobby over the wishes of the majority of their members in either of the Irish states.
Now a SF member tells us that that same leadership who naturally shared whiskey with the Bush admnistration had to wait to be told by the BBC that Bush typically maladept as ever seeks to sell himself as "Peace maker" to the american public at his scheduled "end" to the Iraqi conflict.
Now if the SF leadership had used their brains properly they would have known that the White House was attempting to use the "Irish" peace lobby over the "Israeli" to achieve several key aims.
1. is to shore up Blair.
and the others I will not tell the SF leadership today, because in the words of one of the members they have been "FUCKED OVER".
That is exactly what the SF leadership did to the anti-War movement of the majority Irish State by not registering the people's revulsion at US/K strategy.
So Sinn Fein leadership, less whiskey on Monday and Tuesday and a little bit more "thinking".
the whiskey has quite spectacularly "fucked you over".
in your own words you have a
"recognition problem"
as neither public, protesters, or gardai
can recognise your younger members of the majority Irish State parliament.
in short
SF you really ought try harder.
Bush is not the usual type of US president.
he has you, Blair, Ahern by the balls.
Because you all tried to take the usual short-term advantage from his WAR.
you really can't be trusted to do the anti-Bush protest you know.
Sinn Fein would "fuck it up".
stick to what you know guys.
grass roots GO!-
No offence meant to those who write books on protocol, but the idea of SF trying to be polite is giving me fits here.
Walk in, sign the document, walk out, join the protest. In full view of the media. That should accomplish both goals.
(and don't shake hands)
Now who is silly enough to think that Adams will actually do this then?
Gerry Adams is a close friend of Bush loyalist, Congressman Peter King, although King is a Thatcherite and is pro-war. The Bush visit will further process the peace process as Bush puts pressure on Ahern and Blair to fully implement the Good Friday Agreement. The Bush visit will proactively reopen the window of opportunity and will promote peace for everybody on this island, North and South. That Bush has taken time out from his busy schedule, especially at this time, shows his concern for everybody on this island. Bush is not just US president; he is also commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. And for Bush to come to this island when his troops-along with Sir Mike Jackson of Bloody Sunday fame-are busy liberating Iraq, well it just shows the very high regard for the people of this island and it is a tribute to Gerry Adams' diplomacy in cultivating friendship with Irish-American conservatives.
Bush to push for completion of IRA surrender
by Jim Costello Sat, Apr 5 2003, 1:43pm
A spokesman for Downing St. says that Bush will 'encourage..the acts of completion the prime minister has outlined'. The commander-in-chief of the US armed forces will pressure the IRA to complete the surrender process. Bush's forces, along with the British led by Sir Mike Jackson, the Bloody Sunday murderer, are engaged in a war of conquest in Iraq. The assimilation of provisional Sinn Fein into the Anglo-American empire has reached a new low. To suggest that the leaders of Anglo-American imperialism, Bush and Blair, can play a progressive role in Ireland is laughable. Bush/Blair policy in Ireland is no different than in Iraq: to subordinate both countries to the interests of Anglo-American imperialism, with the help of local collaborators like Ahern and Adams.
dept of Irish history
last updated 1991
not very up to date are they?
they mustn't have the wee north at the heart of their interest ow must they?
What the Republican Movement SHOULD be saying:
The Republican Movement is genuinely interested in peace between all the ethnic groups on this island and elsewhere.
The Republican Movement is dismayed that those, who for the past three decades have been lecturing republicans and telling us that violence is futile, have now seen fit to start an illegal war in defiance of world opinion.
The Republican Movement totally condemns the barbarous acts of terrorism now being perpetrated by the Bush and the Blair governments, and colluded in by the 26 county government by it's provision of airport facilities.
But they won't say it, will they?
As a SF member I am deeply disappointed with the decision of Gerry Adams to meet these terrorists on Irish soil. I feel let down and have a great sence of sadness that the name of the anti-imperialist movement in this country will forever be sullied by our giving credence to these evil men. I understand the reasons why Adams will be there, but I feel that certain people like Rita O' Hare have too much influence in the party consequently people are too willing to put forward a 'softly-softly' approach vis-a-vis the USA. We have been well and truely screwed by the people who dreamed up this visit. It may 'advance' the peace process but I am afraid we will never again be able to claim to be true anti-imperialists when we participate in this charade.