Keeping queers out of marches seems to be a US tradition. Protest this one as well.
Washington, D.C. January 22, 2002. Leaders of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL) were arrested today at the 29th annual March for Life. The arrests were conducted by the United States Park Police by direct orders of Miss Nellie Gray the March for Life Leader and holder of the permit, according to the Park Police.
PLAGAL President Cecilia Brown and Vice-President Eric Jurek were at the March for Life for the sole purpose protesting the 1973 Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion-on-demand. They were simply carrying the PLAGAL Banner -- which states the organization's name and "Human Rights Start When Human Life Begins." Brown, Jurek, and the rest of the PLAGAL delegation were approached by the officers and ordered to remove the offending sign. Consistent with their deeply held pro-life convictions, they refused. Police back-up arrived at the scene. At that time, though not resisting arrest, Brown and Jurek were wrestled to the ground and dragged to an area away from the crowds were they were handcuffed and taken away.
"How can Miss Gray claim to stand for the dignity of all human life while at the same time denying gays and lesbians our dignity in openly defending the rights of all human beings to life?" asked PLAGAL Vice-President, Ms. B.A. Keener. She then went on to comment, "Most every group that attends the March for Life openly identifies itself with signs and banners -- be they Feminists, Democrats, Catholics, etc. It seems that PLAGAL has been targeted by the leadership of the March for Life simply because of their sexual orientation. PLAGAL and its leaders have a long and solid history in pro-life activism."
"Nellie Gray, in a meeting a few years ago, stated PLAGAL may participate in the March for Life so long as we do not identify ourselves as lesbians and gays," stated Moses Remedios, VP for Media Relations. "That's as offensive as telling an African American, 'you can ride on the bus, but just sit in the back.'"
Prior to the arrest Brown stated, "PLAGAL participates in the March because we believe in positive, life-affirming alternatives to the tragedy of abortion. To say that we have no place for open participation in the pro-life movement is not only counter-productive, but it simply wrong." She then went on to say, "We urge Miss Gray to set aside her personal biases, and "FREE THE MARCH" for Life, by allowing all peaceful, pro-life groups to stand in solidarity with women and the unborn."
"We are appalled that Miss Gray is incapable of setting aside her personal sentiments against gays and lesbians, thus prohibiting, with the use of police force, our open participation in the pro-life movement," stated Ms. Keener who went on to say, "By this malevolent act and to her detriment, Miss Gray has moved the focus of the March for Life away from the protection of the unborn -- where it belongs -- to the participation of lesbians and gays."
All those wishing to express their disgust with the March for Life for this malicious and divisive act of exclusion are encouraged to contact the March for Life at [email protected]. For pictures and the latest information on this developing story please visit our website at