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Update: American Catholic Worker 24 hour Vigil/Fast, US Embassy, Dublin![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Update on American Catholic Worker Vigil/Fast, US Embassy, Dublin Nuin arrived at the Embassy this morning just before 8am. She has been joined in her fast and vigil by two other benign ladies. People are invited to sign a petition calling for the U.S. to disarm their Weapons of Mass Destruction and end their illegal/immoral belligerence in Iraq, etc. She has been receiving some harrassment from the authorities to leave, but her willpower is beyond petty tactics which attempt to curtail freedom of expression. Please show your solidarity by giving Nuin a ring(0879638398) or join in/call over to the fast/vigil at the U.S. Embassy, Ballsbridge, Dublin. When asked about the reasons for initiating the vigil/fast, Nuin replied: 'We are gathering in front of the US Embassy in a vigil of solidarity with Iraqi people injured and killed by American Weapons of Mass Destruction. We also express solidarity with three Dominican Sisters - Carol Gilbert, Ardeth Platte, and Jackie Hudson who are facing 30 years imprisonment for disarming a Colarado Nuclear facility. The three sisters saw through the hypocrisy of a nation intent on disarming Iraq while ignoring its' own Weapons of Mass Destruction.' 'We have come to: * express grief and repentance for U.S. colonial wars (past and present), including the current attack on Iraq and its resulting US Military presence in Ireland. * Ask the U.S. to disarm it's Weapons of Mass Destruction while listening to the millions of people saying 'NO' to war. *Celebrate Resistance to the U.S. colonial war machine.' Nuin Dunlop (31) is an American of Irish-Scots-East Band Cherokee-Dutch descent. She has been working for several years in community service; in the Catholic Worker (, hospital chaplaincy, and with the marginalised. She is a Catholic anarchist. Her activism stems from the belief that the Creator breaths life through everyone: War is the most serious violation of life. Born in the nation with more weapons of mass destruction than any other, she is moved to respond to the current US-led assaults on life. Nuin is a member of the Dublin Catholic Worker 'Pit-Stop Ploughshares 5' ( that disarmed a US Navy plane at 'Shannon Warport' on February 3rd, 2003. She consented to bail at Limerick prison on Friday, March 21st after a 46 day prison witness against the war. Karen Fallon from Scotland continues to resist the war from Limerick Prison with consent to bail.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9What form did the harassment to leave take? Was it just some random guy saying "Why don't you just fuck off for yourself"?
Is that what she said verbatim "When asked about the reasons for initiating the vigil/fast"? And who asked her? And did they use the expression "vigil/fast"?
And when she was in fact replying, how did she pronounce the "*" before each of her little bullet points?
And did she explain to them about her "Irish-Scots-East Band Cherokee-Dutch" ancestry? I hope so; it's very important.
In light of the gravity of this war and destruction and death it is already wreaking, it's depressing that an honest and sincere attempt by an American citizen to show opposition to her government's policies is met with reductive flippancy.
Everyone has their own way of opposing the war; the movement would do well to recognise the legitimacy of diverse forms of direct action.
Nuin's heritage is important in the context of an overall critique of the history of American colonisation and imperial policy. What we see now is part of a direct historical continuum; much of white America's first acts of colonisation, slaughter and economic exploitation took place in America itself.
The act of illegal aggression toward Iraq is a part of a larger picture of economic, cultural and military imperialism in the quest for a "new world order". Iraq is not the only country affected by this; in opposing this war, we are also opposing this larger policy; the policy which often befriends and sustains dictators like Saddam, as long as they are willing to co-operate with America's strategic and economic interests; the policy which violently deposes governments that refuse to comply with these corrupt interests due to the prioritization of the interests of the poor within their own countries.
If Nuin's protest offends your sensibilities then you perhaps think about why you're even bothering to comment. At least she's putting herself out there and opposing this slaughter. Those who wish the movement would remain sedate and respectable in the face of a war which is devastating a whole population should perhaps think about their own motives, rather than criticising those of others.
I suppose we just have to put down such idiotic comments to ignorance and fear.
Best wishes to Nuin and all other Catholic Workers and all others taking action in opposing the fascists.
You know you're right, you know what your hearts feel.
We who call ourselves American citizens must accept the responsibility to say "NO" to our government's dangerous and immoral arms build up and its continued fighting of this illegal war.
As the Colorado sisters prepare to being their trial, and as my community members sit in jail in St. Louis for protesting the US use of deadly herbicides to destroy the food crops of Columbia peasants, or prepare for trial for protesting at outside the plant of weapons manufacturer Boeing, we need to remember also to come back to prayer and fasting.
I will be continuing the fasting vigil on Friday in solidarity, and in penance for the killing of Iraqi children with US bombs.
Way to go Nuin,
we had a great action in Derry today occupying the Raytheon plant. 12 folks inside, 3 of us out
...folks are moving from protest to resistance (some are still stuck in cynicism and will be spinning their wheels forever like Mr. cupplaquestions here......but being a first world pseudonym that's an option) know where you are going you have to know where you come from,
don't know where he got the idea we were resisting the ste for his entertainment uhh?
where you come from...something the 40 shades of green political parties here seem to be clueless about
Stay staunch sistah
Why not oppose Anglo-American imperialism in Ireland? Or are ye more comfortable opposing imperialism thousands of miles away? But by doing so and ignoring imperialism in Ireland you contribute to its legitimacy here.
Fuckin idiot!
Are you suggesting no Catholic Workers have been involved in peace and justice solidarity work in the north? I think you are mistaken. In any case this is irrelevant and unjustified, more abuse than argument, like suggesting animal rights activists don't care about human rights or anti-abortion activists don't care about born children.
Just wanted to say that I'm proud of what you are doing. While I'm always concerned for your safety and well being, I cannot forget that there are those of us who have a certain calling in this lifetime. You have found yours and I will always love and respect you for that. May you continue in this fight for peace with strength and blessings. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice.
Your sister in love and light,