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| PICTURES GARDA GOES BERSERK - Battle of Dame St.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WHEN GOOD COPS GO BAD - GARDA IN DISGRACE WHEN GOOD COPS GO BAD - GARDA IN DISGRACE Garda attacked minors, women, children, disabled and passers-by after totally loosing control of themselves and the situation on Mondays Reclaim The Streets Mayday Party The Battle For Dame Street The so called Justice Minister should resign in shame after his brutal thugs got caught in the act. police Brutality and random violence, who polices the police? Gardai investigating Gardai, Free and Fair? or a sham, a cover-up and a whitewash? Serious questions are being asked, where was this violate directed from? Europe? the Government? or just the over zealous thugs in uniforms? The Irish council for Civil Liberties condemned the "Garda Attacks" and "Excessive Garda force" This was just another example of the crackdown on civil liberties in Ireland and worldwide since Sept 11th. Garda are giving "No Comment" but all Ireland witnessed there disgusting actions on Monday night. Stand up to violence - Be Peaceful - Thursday 6pm Pearse Street Garda Station. No police were hurt in the "riot" and there is no evidence (picture or video) that the protesters were in anyway violent, there is however a very large amount of evidence to support the claims that the Police attacked (unprovoked) a peaceful street party leading too 14 people needing hospital treatment. The Gards irresponsible actions put everybody at risk and they must be held accountable for there sickening acts of random violence against unarmed people |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21that guy is a total psycho... see the look in his eyes.
If I was in dame street on Monday I would'nt have used a baton I'd use a BLEEDIN HURL to bate every hippy and long haired waster the length of dame street, The Gardai used the wrong tactics they should have set alsatian dogs on the layabouts.
Obviously your comments have shown your intelligence, and thats all I can say, your ignorance is the cause of so much hatred in the world, you use violent comments to get your point across, if I am a hippy then you are a scumbag.
I agree with Shamey. It's up to all true blue dubs to stand up to these lefties. I would encourage a counter protest on thursday and we could have a go off these hippies The cops were heroes when they lashed into england fans at the battle of landsdowne Rd a few years ago and now when they do the same against these good for nothings they are now portrayed as the Bad guys. If you want to talk about violence you'd want to have dancd at Kojaks in the 70's you took your life in your hands when you asked a mot to dance for Jaysus sake.
What's the reason for the macho language?
For God's sake, you yourself described it as "sickening acts of random violence against unarmed people".
It takes 2 or more sides to have a battle. This was an attack.
Shamey, it's people like you that really tire me. You'd rather be shopping at Woodies at the weekend than do anything else. I'll tell you what macho boy I'll meet you anytime and see if you canbate up Dame street with your hurl. Name the time and place you no mark!
The Dublin 4 lefties got a taste of reality on Monday If these hippies attacked cops in America they'd be shot without hesitation or any other law abiding country Everyone rants on about zero tolerance and dealing with joyriders but when these do gooders get a taste of zero tolerance they are all up in arms squaling and crying about garda brutality, welcome to the real world.
As a Dublin person Shamey you should maybe stop criticising the so called "hippies" for doing their bit and get off your own hole and make a difference for the city you are so proud of.
Why should we all get riled up by Shame-y. He's only a wannabee nazi (and probably a closet homosexual), who hides his pretend Garda uniforn from his mammy under his bed and only wears it on special occasions, like when Deano the ballyer bum boy calls over. Lets all turn up the heat on Pat Byrne and go to the rallies tomorrow and leave Shame-y and Deano to play hide the truncheon.
everyone getting pissed off should read this:
he (shamo or whoever) is trolling...
When's this hippy bating to start? i'm getting me metal hurl out of the boot.
this is the first i have heard of disabled people being attacked and unless you can provide photo evidence or witness accounts i am of the opinion that this is a complete lie.i have no doubt that if there was any disabled person attacked they would be on liveline quicker than bertie in his car.
i do think the boys in blue were out of order but i also think that making a claim like this is out of order too.
i find its hard to believe some of the stuff on indymedia these days.
The Gardai should save their violence for the GAA pitch
There is NO way the gardaí should have launched an unprovoked attack against these peaceful protesters who were doing NO harm. I have lost any respect I have had for our so called "Guardians of the Peace".
One of the gardaí involved has been "reassigned to indoor duties" pending investigation. They should put him in a cell in Mountjoy with the rest of the violent criminals and throw away the key.
Shame on the people who are posting unsavoury comments about so called "hippies". We are all citizens of the same country and ALL of our rights have been violated.
Why answer this shamey lad.
In fairness he probably does not actuall think that hes just trying to annoy people.
If he does believe it then Hes more than likly not goingto be swayed by anything you say. Just Ignore the post and post somthing constructive.
On the contrary, disabled people WERE attacked, it's photographed, and I saw it myself. A young fella called James who was on crutches was fucked out of it by the police early on in the afternoon and dragged into the back of a police van on a broken leg.
Turn up on thursday shamie and well see how hard you really are.You wont be too hard to spot - probably got your name tattoed on your arm to aid memory.Some of us on monday werent from d4 or anywhere like it.If you had any balls youd start an Irish Nazi Party so we could all recognise you and your mate.What happened? Did you not make the grade for templemore? Might i suggest a job as a security guard.Get a life you sad fuck!
I thought Garda were given training in restrait
Jes, People talk about the police in the North, I dont think they would get away with that, they have a new Ombudsman in the North and I buy the Northern press and there are police there being arrested for incivility, thats outrageous. But the picture shown is disgraceful.