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| Call for TOTAL PEACE and stewards on thursday![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() GR must provide stewards . If the protest on thursday goes ahead let's make it completely non-violent. If one stone is thrown the Gardaí are in the right to bring in batons again. Be as loud and as angry as you want, but no property damage and no direct threats / violence towards any Gardaí on duty. Anyone acting in this way must be immediately suppressed. Since Globalise Resistance have called the protest, they MUST PROVIDE STEWARDS, with clothing clearly marking them as such. The stewards will then actively seek out anyone acting or attempting to act violent towards property or other people, Gardaí or otherwise, and prevent them from doing so. If any violence breaks out there'll be a repeat of monday. If GR fail to provide stewards, others should take it upon themselves to be constantly looking out for signs of any trouble and immediately contain it. Don't wait for someone to tell you to act as a steward, just be aware and act quickly. The Gardaí MAY PLACE INFILTRATORS in the crowd to stir up trouble. This is a very successful tactic used in dealing with protests across the globe. These people must be identified immediately and dealt with. If you see someone about to throw a bottle, don't think - just stop them straight away. I appreciate feelings against the Gardaí are at an all time high but the more violent we are the more violent they will be, leading to a downward spiral and in the end they will win because they have guns.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28All it will take is one bag of flour or one single egg from a hot headed kid. Call off the protest. Repeat: CALL OFF THE PROTEST. There is enough evidence via video footage and photos now, and the mood against the Garda is building steam in all the mainstream media sources and amongst the general public. We dont need a show of people at the door of a cop shop with placards and megaphones, it will achieve NOTHING. Everyone has been released from custody. It was a hastily called protest in the heat of the moment, not thought through at all.
GR please call off the protest.
GR please call off the protest.
People are saying that they don't want this protest. There are people who have been arrested. For chrissake will you ever stop acting so irresponsibly.
i was hit by batons while trying to save a friend and i have more reason then most to protest but guards will be on their best behaviour, trouble makers will be present along with large media coverage. come on people think. take our protests to the courts, take your stories to the press, don't fall into this trap.
Agreed - we had our day - the evidence is there - we can get that cop disciplined hard as it is - he used his baton in Dame St excessively - and even if he had 'reason' (pah) to do so - all the judge or a lawyer has to say is - "well if you were acting within the confines of the law then why did you feel it necessarey to remove your garda number from your shoulder??" - just keep the letters and phone calls going - people are paying attention - we dont need a protest outside the garda barracks with boiling blood - we can take the streets another day -
Please call off the protest
At the moment the memories are too raw and if anything does boil over then we become the bad guys. We are the innocents in this, do not give them excuses. We do not need to have a Garda sprokesperson saying "this is what we have to deal with".
Again I say Please Call off the Protest!
Thursday is essential, there will be more coverage at the protest than all the marches in the past year. It will be a chance to show there is a dissident voice, and a chance to that we are not violent. peace out .
there will be at least a few acts of violence!! put 5 Euro on it?!! send all cheques to
"Happy Dude"
evergreen terrace...
CALL IT OFF, its the worst thing you could do.
if there are upstarts then its up to the police to single them out and deal with them. video evidence (akin to the vilification of our large numberless thug)and later action etc, could be possiblities. The right to protest must be reinforced, and if then police cannot 'police' protests then further questions must be asked about their role.
dt, we are not media whores. we don't care about the publicity stunt, we are for dierct action, reclaim the streets, have fun and change the world. and we want the protest to be called off.
do you understand? off
Reading this thread I think people are getting too paranoid about the chances of trouble. I also think asking for GR stewards is foolish as there is so much bad feeling towards GR that having them order people around is liable to provoke rather then avoid trouble.
There is a need for a large public protest which should be peaceful. We cannot rely on the courts to sort this out for us, what other cases of Gardai corruption have the courts sorted out? They are after all part of the same legal system as the Gardai. We obviously cannot rely on the internal Gardai investigation. What we can do is force action by having a large demonstration and showing that this issue will not go away.
I have not seen or heard any evidence that anyone is planning violence for Thursday. I find it very unlikely that this would be the case. However the paranoia being generated here will simply add significantly to the chance of this happening.
What is needed on Thursday is a huge number of people bringing their own signs and banners and if there are to be speakers these should be people who were on the protest on Monday rather then political hacks.
Please, call it off.
fine, call it off. im not one for causing any grief. i hate grief. but Im not saying anyone is or should be a media whore, but to have the chance to redress all the 'where was the media today' type statements Ive heard at demos might be good no?
And use of the media is not necessrily a from of prostitution, it is a valid reclamation of a vehicle that has been used against protestors all over the world, .
Look it's happening the S.W.P. Central Committee are not going to call this off in a million years.
What is needed is for the smart people (such as people making the posts above) to turn up, organise into groups to make things peacefull and bring your own banners, flags etc.., talk to people that don't seem to be regular attenders at Dublin demos. etc.. so as to defuse the potential for the S.W.P. to exploit this and turn it into yet another stunt to recruit a few well meaning but bascially conned young students into their joke of Leninist crapola.
political hack is that not you andrew
Mickey your right that I'm also a 'political hack' of sorts but I haven't been putting myself forward as a speaker or as representing anyone other then myself or those who have asked me to speak for them. I was actually at the RTS protest but I'm certainly not about to insist on speaking ahead of people who were actually batoned or arrested. In general I'd much sooner see new faces who have something to relate doing so. What I don't want to see is a few self styled 'leaders' speaking off the backs of those of us who were there.
There should be a protest. But if people no matter who start making speaches at it the wrong message will come across. Alot of people wernt happy with what they saw on monday and to get them attend it cant be political
Although many people in the SWP are well meaning, the party colonises any remotely left of centre cause in the hope of building power. Many people don't feel like contributing to their pseudo-Marxist pipedreams by marcing behind one of their banners, regardless of how noble the cause they're hijacking. The SWP contribute to the maintainence of an injust status quo by putting reasonable people off of publicly demonstrating. They damage just causes by marrying them, in public perception, to their hopelessly simplistic vision of social order and social change. Maybe further demos should be postponed until the self-defeating lunatic fringe has been brought under control.
Who are we really getting at here? Silly me but I thought we were angry at the police for using violence to break up a peaceful demonstration - not angry at the SWP for being there. Whether we agree with the politics or tatics of the SWP - they go to these demonstrations for the same reasons the rest of us do - to protest. I think its time we tried to work together with all the people / organisations that want the same thing as us.
We should go to the protest this Thursday. I agree with the sentiment that people should bring their own banners and make it be known that they are not in anyway attached to the SWP.
But please - stop the bitching!
People are exasperated and angry. They can no longer control themselves. Our freedom to protest has been hijacked by a sect (SWP/GR) of nasty oportunists who jump on every bandwagon.
We must do something about it.
I think the reason people are getting annoyed is because the two are getting tangled together. The SWP weren't involved in organising the RTS (nor was I), few of their members were there, and the SWP completely disagrees with the non-hierarchic methods used by RTS. But they still jumped in, without consulting with anyone else, to call the demonstration tomorrow. This leads some people to worry (with some justification) that if they turn up tomorrow it will be to hear speeches from senior SWP members (who weren't there on Monday) and be sold papers by junior SWP members (who weren't there on Monday). On top of that, there's a good chance that the SWP will bring along a couple of hundred placards with their name (or that of their GR front) plastered all over the place, in an attempt to associate themselves with Monday's party, even though RTS is avowedly non-political. The effect of all this would be to turn an event which should be about protesting police brutality into a photo and recruiting op for the SWP.
I'm not saying the protest shouldn't go ahead, because it should. And I'm not saying the SWP shouldn't attend, or shouldn't be allowed sell papers - they have a right to try to get their ideas across. But if they try to take things over, or completely surround the place with paper sellers - as another poster put it, trying to grab the spotlight and put it on themselves, rather than the issue - then people are going to get pissed off, and rightly so.
oh its so universal i can't help feeling it.
There is a very slim change that this protest will be called off and if this is case, please come even if you have asked for it to be called off. We have to show that we will not be frightened away by police brutality. We need as many people as possible to show that there is a large backing behind us. It is though, very important that it remains PEACEFUL. We can not allow a few trouble makers to destory the meaning of the protest and give the Gardai a reason to attack. Yes I know that SWP/GR have jumped on the bandwagon and this is why many people are angry about them making themselves spokespeople but put this hatred aside and don't boycott it because they've put themselves in charge, go to show that the Gardai were in the wrong on Monday night and go to protest about their actions.
if you do protest on thursday and it goes wrong it will not help the cause,
No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique. Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.
Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
By discovering the enemy's dispositions and remaining invisible ourselves, we can keep our forces concentrated, while the enemy's must be divided. We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the enemy's few. And if we are able thus to attack an inferior force with a superior one, our opponents will be in dire straits.
Peacock's Principles of War
It's looks like whatever happens, this is
going ahead (well it was announced through
the national media). The trick now is to keep
it peaceful - theatre, banners,etc... My worry
is that because of an ongoing culture of garda
violence over many years, there is a distinct possibility that there are many who will utilise this opportunity to exact their revenge upon the
Call it off and they have won.
Our best option is peaceful protest.
Leave it to the courts and all that will happen is people will get money and the gardai will get more angry.
Call it off? Yeah good one. Let justice run its course in the courts that are well oiled by cops and lawyers hired by cops.
I'm all in favour of agitating for any form of protest, but to agitate against a protest - that takes some beating (sorry).
If you're against a protest for whatever reason, then the solution is simple - don't go to it.
After reading all the comments, I am still in a quandary. Firstly, I am annoyed at once again the SWP seemingly propelling themselves to the forefront when they were largely inconspicuous on Monday. Notwithstanding this, we should be united; as the venerable troubadour Bob Marley said: Let's get together and feel alright!
However, my real concern is: that whilst it's imperative that there be a protest/demonstration at Monday's events, I think people are still very inflamed and won't think straight. I would be concerned that passion and ire overcome reason and lead to trouble. It's too soon after Monday for anger and rage to subside.
If it goes ahead, I will attend but with some trepidation that some shit stirrer will let the cops off the hook by giving them armoury to claim that THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!! Afterall, on Monday there were cans fired at the cops and one person was calling to 'storm the cops'. This is folly of the highest order. Remember one chance is all the cops need to get out of this and demonise the protesters. Caution and vigilance must be exercised as best as possible! And serenity and focus on PEACEFUL POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!