If you missed the spectacle of the fat porcine plodders wielding truncheons this bank holiday monday, dont worry, because the pantomime will be reenacted for your optical pleasure on thursday outside Pearse St Bacon Station.
You'll see Pig-Nose Ní FatFuck and Bronze BobbyHat O'BiggerBaton oinking each other on while complimenting each other on their tans and red necks, all the while applying their truncheons to tree-hugging Rainbow McFlower for his own safety. No doubt he deserved it. You can decide for yourself on thursday at 6pm.
Notes to editors:
Biographies of protagonists
- Rainbow McFlower -
Grew up in Foxrock
Parents both doctors
Now lives in a squat in Parnell Street
Lives on his allowance
- Pig-Nose Ní FatFuck -
Enjoys being a spolisport
Spends weekends plodding, hat in hand, to every speech,
off-license opening and IBEC social in the hope that her
idol Mary Harney, will notice her one day.
- Bronze BobbyHat O'BiggerBaton -
When not near his truncheon, he adores licking Fianna
Fáil's vacation station cavitites and,
Fondling what he comes upon whilst prowling the bushes
in Fitzwilliam Square (for free of course)