Independent Media Centre Ireland

School student walk out against war tomorrow at 1pm

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday March 13, 2003 12:03author by RED DAWN 1917 - CWI

Notice of the School Student walkout against war

Just to remind people that there is a school student mass walk out organised tomorrow by Youth Against War.

In Dublin City we are meeting at the Dail Kildare Street- 1pm

In Cork City there will be a march to peace park -1pm

Suburban areas contact their local ant war committees.

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author by Kindergarden Coppublication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:09author address author phone

Non voters take to the street, i can see bertie sitting up and taking notice

author by Joepublication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:22author address author phone

Well the government was happy enough to ignore 100,000 voters so I wouldn't let that stop them. If they want to get noticed the Dublin ones could always head up to Casement aerodrome where we now know US bombers (Hercules C130) have been using for training. A bit of runway inspection up there is called for.

author by Durutti Columnpublication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:26author address author phone

Surely the only appropriate action is to ask the Workers In Uniform in Casement Aerodrome to mutiny?

author by Why?publication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 13:04author address author phone

Why would the munity? they need jobs they need to pay the bills will the faternal socialists help their families while they are in prison and employ them when the come out after such a munity, you are a twit. I think you might notice a c130 flight over dublin but then you can easily mistake a US C130 for a Irish Air Corps Cassa CN235 which look more or less the same to an uneductaed eye or to someone with their head firmly implanted in their anus.




try google to find such information.

author by Joepublication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 13:22author address author phone

Why the presence of C130 is not based on speculation or even on observation. It's based on the Minister for Defence confirming their presence in the Dail as below


To ask the Minister for Defence if US military aircraft, or aircraft carrying troops or cargo for the United States military, have used Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel, County Dublin, since September 2001; and if so the type and number of planes

- Aengus O'Snodaigh - Sinn Féin


Minister for Defence (Mr. Michael Smith, T.D.,): I am advised by the military authorities that in the period in question there were twenty two (22) landings of United States Air Force military aircraft at Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel. The aircraft in question were on routine training flights. The type and number of aircraft in question were as follows:

Aircraft Type Number
Learjet 12.00
DC 9 4.00
Hercules 4.00
727.00 2.00

author by Joepublication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 13:31author address author phone

CIE goes to Baldonnel, just get the 68 from Aston Quay, see

author by Why?publication date Thu Mar 13, 2003 14:48author address author phone

4 c130's in 18 months? harldy a mass movement of troops 22 planes in 18 months, you can spend a months camping there and see 1 maybee 2 US planes land, i'm glad you have so much time on your hands joe!

author by NO VOTE!publication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:51author address author phone

Children dont get a vote, so that means they shouldnt protest!
Wrong - that is exactley why they should protest, it is the only way there voices will be heared.
Protests do work! think historicly, protests have very little imediate effect (generaly) but work in the long term psyche of the country.
think vietnam - at the time "only a few hippys and draft dogers" now voice of a generation
think 1916 rising - at the time Dubliners spat at them as they were pulled from the GPO, now our national heros.
Only History will judge

author by Joepublication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 13:10author address author phone

I see why is seeking to replicate the pattern of information release that started with the prtests 18 months or more back with Shannon

1. You imagining the US planes

2. OK buts there's not that many of them

3. Well maybe they are but they are only carrying hamburgers

4. OK they are carrying weapons as well but what about the jobs

5. Your all hippies/foreigners/'peace thugs'/ so your opinions are irrelevant

6. I can't hear you, I can't see you la, la, la

The bottom line is that the gov has admitted that US bombers are trainging out of Casement. It's up to us to stop them - let 'why' play down the denial wish if he wants - we know what's at the end already.

author by Whypublication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 17:33author address author phone

a learjet is an executive transport
a dc9 is a transport
a hercules is a trasport
a 727 is a transport

none of these are bomber joe

author by pat cpublication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 17:55author address author phone

a learjet is an executive transport: which would be used to carry Generals & Admirals.

a dc9 is a transport: which carries Troops, arms, supplies

a hercules is a trasport: ditto

a 727 is a transport: ditto

author by pat cpublication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 17:58author address author phone

There was a lively & noisy protest at Dail at lunchtime. Well done.

author by PRpublication date Fri Mar 14, 2003 20:26author address author phone

Thanks pat, maybe your not all that bad...

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