Poets against the War
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Tuesday March 11, 2003 13:01
by pat c

Thanks to nthposition readers, their friends and their friends' friends, several hundred thousand copies of the free downloadable versions of '100 poets against the war' are being read world-wide and are spreading the message that however much we loathe Saddam, war is not the answer.
We've run into the first major roadblock of the '100 poets against the war'
project: we operate more swiftly than Amazon.com! It can take weeks for a
book to appear on their site, and in the meantime, war is rushing closer.
Thanks to nthposition readers, their friends and their friends' friends,
several hundred thousand copies of the free downloadable versions of '100
poets against the war' are being read world-wide and are spreading the
message that however much we loathe Saddam, war is not the answer.
Now 110 of the powerful poems from the downloadable versions are available
in a beautiful 200+ page book, and ALL PROFITS are going to Amnesty
International. And I'm begging your help again...
Please forward this email to friends and colleagues. Ask your local
bookshop, library or school to order copies - we want to reach as many
people as possible.
I've added a paragraph about the project so that if you forward this email
to someone who hasn't heard of'100 poets...', they'll know what we're trying
to do.
The details are: '100 poets against the war', published by Salt Publishing,
ISBN: 1 876857 98 6. Cost: £9.95 (UK), $13.95 (US), $27.95 (Aus).
Please order your copy from your local bookshop or online. If your local
bookshop has problems, they should contact Bertram Books or Whitakers
Teleordering System (for the UK and Europe); or the Ingram Book Company (for
the US).
You can order via Blackwell's in the US (http://bookshop.blackwell.com) and
UK (http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk - they don't charge for P&P within the
UK). You can also order via Amazon UK
And if you're STILL having problems, contact [email protected]!
The first online edition of '100 poets against the war' went online just one
week after Todd Swift, the editor, sent out a call for poems on 20 January.
The second edition, '100 poets against the war redux', went out one week
later; and the third, '100 poets against the war 3.0', a week after that.
They were available for free download, and we asked people to share them,
email them to friends, print them up and - above all - enjoy them. They're
still downloadable free from www.nthposition.com, but now you can buy the
printed version.
The poets in the book include Robert Adamson, Charles Bernstein, James
Cervantes, Mahmoud Darwish, Ruth Fainlight, Sandra M Gilbert, Marilyn
Hacker, Bob Holman, Mimi Khalvati, John Kinsella, Sarah Maguire, Nadine
McInnis, Adrian Mitchell, David Morley, Sinead Morrissey, Sean O'Brien,
Michael Redhill, Mark Rudman, Grace Schulman, George Szirtes, Edwin Torres
and Ghassan Zaqtan. The Times said the collection gave "a new lease of life
for protest poetry" and the Guardian said it was "remarkable". No one who
believes that people and language matter should be without this collection.
It's excellent, it's good value, and you'll be contributing to Amnesty
International's human rights work, so rush out now and buy your copy! And
thanks for all your help so far.
Best wishes,
Val Stevenson
38 Allcroft Road, London NW5 4NE
[email protected]
"packed with provocative articles on a variety of topics that would probably
have never been otherwise reported." Newsbytes.com
Shortlisted for the 2002 European Online Journalism Awards
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