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Haifa Suicide Bomber's Mum 'Proud of my Son'![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This article is based in part on documents translated and provided by the IDF information unit and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On March 5, 2003, Mahmoud Hamdan Kwasma detonated the explosives belt he was wearing inside an Israeli bus, in the city of Haifa. Sixteen Israelis, including Arabs and Druze young people, were murdered. Scores more were wounded, many of them schoolchildren and students. Many of the injured remain in critical condition. The suicide bomber was 20 years old, a student of the Hebron Polytechnic University (from which a large number of suicide bombers have emerged) and a member of the Hamas terrorist organization. The mother of the suicide bomber, described as "Um Shadi," praised her son's deeds, and refused to act as if in mourning. The following is a translation of an article published on the Islamic Jihad's official website on March 6, 2003: "The women swarmed around the Um Shadi, mother of Mahmoud Hamdan Kwasma, who carried out the suicide bombing on Wednesday in Haifa.They had come in order to praise her for the death of her son in the service of Allah." "In the Kwasma household, situated on the first floor of a building in the Al-sheikh neighborhood in the city of Hebron, the Um Shadi served sweet coffee and 'Knaffe' [a sweet pastry eaten at celebrations]. The Um Shadi was not dressed in the ritual black dress of mourning, and did not serve bitter coffee as is customary on solemn occasions. She received the guests who had come to "mourn" holding, with a mixture of pride and matriarchal pain, the picture of her son clad in a red head dress." "The Um Shadi addressed the journalists and quoted a passage from the Koran: 'Do not treat those who have died for the path of Allah as dead, but rather as living with Allah and being fed by his hand. She added 'my son is a Shahid [martyr], my son is alive and being nurtured [by Allah] and he is not dead.'" The Um Shadi went on to say "I am proud of my son's deed, we must fight for our faith and not for our nation." A senior Israeli security source emphasized that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, parents of suicide bombers are supportive of the decision by their children to take part in suicide attacks. Mothers who send their sons off to perpetrate such acts gain recognition from organizations like Hamas, who give them special recognition for giving up their sons to fight the infidels until death. Families of suicide bombers are also compensated by the Palestinian Authority and by foreign nations, iincluding Iraq. The Hamas uses these women in television interviews and in internet discussion forums to encourage other mothers to send their sons to perpetrate suicide attacks. Bomber praised September 11 as act of God "One of the miracles of the Koran - We present it to the Muslims, Jews and Christians: The World Trade Center situated on a New York street corner on the edge of the water collapsed on 11 September 2001. Allah said 1,400 years ago that the end of the world will come on that street in that building." |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I dont know why the indymedia service should become an outlet for idf propaganda. this shit is meaningless as the israeli state is simply not a credible source. this cannard about iraq funding suicide bomber families originated with the idf but has not been backed up at all. i was in palestine last summer and met several people related to bombers who had recieved not a penny from saddam, though he likes to boast that he supports them. the mosque is the only source of income for many families in the refugee camps as they are systematicaly prevented from working by the israelis, this is the hamas/islamic link that the israelis are so quick to announce. the reward that families of suicide bombers recieve is to be targeted for reprisal and repression by the israeli army which illegally occupies their country, demolishes their homes and murders their children, 14 in the last month among 60 killed by the army.
the current government of "of the national union'' contains a party which is committed to the ethnic cleansing of palestinians {transfer in the sick parlance of these fascists). you can read about it on electronic intifada, the link is below.
the real issue here is whether palestinians, abandoned by the international community, the arab world and the un, have the right to assert thier self determination and the right to resist by arms the illegal occupation. israel have always targeted civilians, one would imagine from this sort of propaganda that civilians were left alone until the begining of this intifada when mad arab suicide bombers strted to attack them for no reason. this is bullshit, during the first unarmed intifada in the 80s the death toll ran 14 to one in israels favour. the vast m,ajority of the palestinian dead were non cambatants, as is the case this time round.
and so obviously fake is this connection with september 11 that it doesnt even merit comment.
people should check out the link below as it is a mine of info about the occupation and the intifada.
Are the Israeli soldiers who provoked this attack, by killing up to 40 Palestinians in the days preceding it, proud of their work also ? I suspect they are.
Couldn't agree with you more nolympics.
Avi Harari in particular seems to have been appointed to "own" this site (Mossad/IDF/Israeli Embassy) and rebutt all pro-palestinian postings as well as to actively post anti-Palestinian dis-information.
The Israelis have very successfully manipulated the world's media into believing their line exclusively and have succeeded in hoodwinking the majority into believing that they are under daily attack through no fault of their own.
They have chosen their words very carefully playing on Christian predjudice about suicide to paint the Palestinians in the darkest possible colours.
Strangely, however, the Israelis value suicide as a statement and celebrate it in their own historical record (Massada
Only the Israelis seem "surprised" that their policies since the foundation of their state has produced an assembly line for suicide bombers.
I put it to you, Avi, that these bombings have been "accepted" by Sharon and the Israeli establishment as the price of, as well as a cover for, continued enlargement (preceeded by ethnic cleansing) of Israeli settlements in the west-bank?
There is nothing particularly unique about what the Palestinians are doing as has been previously stated on this site. Targeting of civilians is nothing new (Northern Ireland) and neither is "suicide" bombing (Sri Lanka).
The only thing unique about the Palestinian vs. Israeli conflict is the level of imbalance, with the Israelis on one side with a massive NBC-armed and US-backed security apparatus engaged in what would be called state-terrorism and genocide were it anywhere else in the world, against a few thousand "suicide-terrorists" who would be called freedom fighters anywhere else in the world.
Don't listen to Avi, or me for that matter ... read widely and make up your own minds!
Enough of these lies Avi
Don't bother trying to fill our minds with that crap .
Does "Yod He Vau He" mean " go f**K yourelf" in Hebrew? Perhaps we should all ring our nearest Israeli consulate or Embassay and tell them to "Yod He Vau He"!
following on from your point kokomero, there is a record of jewish suicide bombers in the warsaw ghetto during the uprisings there against the nazis. it is recorded in a sadly forgotten book called 'ghetto fights', which documents the fierce resistance mounted by some jews against overwhelming odds and with both the nazis and the local jewish bosses in opposition. i add this to underline the point that suicide as a tactic of resistance is common for those who face an insurmountable foe. it was used to great effect also by hezbollah in lebanon during israels vicious occupation there. and we've all seen heroic americans and brits taking off in ww2 movies on'suicide missions' against the nazis, i cant imagine even sharon extending his critique to cover nice white people who engage in this sort of 'bestiality'.
There is plenty of evidence that Irag and Saudi Arabia pay suicide bombers and their families .
Arafat's P A pays them a a little but nothing from Arafat s own pocket -or 500 millions in his bank accounts .
There is NO evidence that Israeli soldiers are proud of any killings they have to do --if they prevent an attack -and there have been at least 16,000 of them since Sept 2000 ----then they are satisfied that killers have been prevented from carrying out more murder and mayhem .
Frankly Johnny you haven't got a clue and there is no semblance of balance in your posting.
The IOF is amply rewarded by the US in terms of military aid, and you can be sure that the IOF "rewards" service in the west bank with medals and promotions as do military in the rest of the world.
One need only look at how British soldiers such as Lee Clegg convicted of killing unarmed joy-riders was transferred out, pardoned and promoted for murder.
Thankfully there is ample evidence that many IOF conscripts are refusing to be involved in Sharons ethnic cleansing of the West Bank .