The 1st of March was an eventful day for the rag tag bunch of peaceniks that arrived from Belfast.I feel that the carnival atmosphere of the day was only slightly marred by the overzelous arrests. As peace campainers we must remember always that 'violence creates violence'and our actions must remain peaceful although direct. I don't think fences have feelings! Don't let the media and governments split the anti-war movememt we are all on the same side .Don't let egos get in our way co-operation is the key. One last point dont be afraid to show your face the balaclava does not create a healthy peace loving image...there are other ways to get on tv Dont damege the peacemovement's image cos you want to play cops and robbers. Lets Stop the War...Peace Lisa.
Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Any pictures of Joe Higgins making his Virtual Warriors speech?
It seems the Gardai have infiltrated the group of peace drummers.In the 3rd photo down you can clearly see a suspected Garda on the left with a drum,complete with mandatory 'tasche and beergut.Beware.
Good point, Higgins was attacking the protesters as 'virtual warriors' pretty much at the moment they were trying to pull down the fence with grabbling hooks and getting arrested. What a hero! What solidarity!
You were arrested. Great, good for you! Now, should we give you a medal for it or wat? I think Joe has better things to do than to play childish games with the police. Look people how brave I am. By the way how would you people have reacted if Joe got arrested?
He 's trying to recuperate the movement. (Publicity stunt for his party, because if he would have been arrested you wouldn't have got any coverage at all)
He simply wanted to sell his paper to the police......... :)
The virtual zzzzzzz was using virtual grappling hooks and getting virtually arrested by virtual cops.
i really like how the northerners are doing their thing. re. schools, colleges, grass roots thingys, across the whole spectrum of activism and awareness the wee north is doing really well.
Maybe coz the wee north has seen more bad ways of doing things than the south.
anyway well done!
Too bad the back of the Belfast bus looked like a Turbonegro video on the way back on Saturday night ! :)
Since when were northerners not welcome in Shannon?
For Gods sake, would ye give that GNAW debacle a rest and move on? Marches this coming Saturday in Waterford and Cork. Try focusing on that!
There is a picture of Joe Higgins making his speech in Shannon on the SP's UCD website. I think that it's probably one of the best Shannon pics, the lighting is very good in it.
Go to the images section, and then click on the option for March 1st in Shannon.
"picture of Joe Higgins making his speech
by OK - SP/CWI Thu, Mar 6 2003, 1:44am
There is a picture of Joe Higgins making his speech in Shannon on the SP's UCD website. I think that it's probably one of the best Shannon pics, the lighting is very good in it."
Did OK even read the comments? He is proud of JOe making a speech condemning virtual warriors while GNAW was trying to pull down the fence.
The only vrtual thing there was Higgins integrity.
Interesting pictures all right, have a look at for a particularly good one of some cops and a fence but you can't help feel something is missing. Looks like those virtual protesters Higgins was so busy attacking simply never existed!
It appears that the word on the street from the Government Machine is that the "peaceniks" at Shannon cost the taxpayer a million when we could use it will elsewhere.
This is of course black propaganda (lies) and the heavy police presence waas simply a ploy to incite violence which failed miserably.
We must be careful not to give this bunch of propaganda spinners too much ammunition. I appreciate GNAW conducted themselves very well but the wole incident was portrayed in such a way as to display clearly we are not playing games here and must think out everyting fully before actng or calling for "Direct Action" : What is that? I'm only familiar with violent protest or peaceful demonstration of the strength of the people.
I have some pics of Joe Higgins making his speech with armed branch men on the roof behind him. I will upload soon. Also pictures of Garda Comissioner Pat Byrne and Justice Minister Michael McDrool watching their "riot scene" from upstairs in the airport. They both ducked for cover when they realised a beam of sunlight had illuminated them behind the darkend glass in the lounge beneath the "shannon" sign at the front of the airport making them fair game for my long lens.
I guess these cryptofacsists and fetist dominatrons couldn't resist watching their handywork. What a buzz for such impotent men. Sorry we didn't give you and the media the rit you wanted lads !
Maybe the armed Branch were there to protect Joe Higgins from the wrath of the proletariat.
Not while tens of thousands of US troops are passing through it on their way to commit mass murder in out name.
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