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Comments (14 of 14)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Noone and a couple of his cronies were spotted getting off the 10 bus about 15 minutes ago.
Well if noone and his mates are planning some home visits they should be aware that standard policy is to pay these back on a 3 for 1 ratio.
This is (if true) very disturbing indeed. What organisation does he belong to?
Does anyone know what faculty he's in??
Doesnt seem to be in the arts block.
Have you tried Moore McDowells room ? Fr Purcells room? Have you looked in associate professor Tim Lynches office?
Tim is also associate director of the Boston College Centre for Irish Programmes up there on St Stephens Green. They specialise in influencing US foreign poicy on the Six Counties.
Moore McDowell is on the newly formed right-wing think tank "the Open Republic Institute" of which Constantin Gurdgiev is a director. Constantine a Bushite warmonger works directly through his own Global Trade Consulting company for many corporations like AT&T, which supplies telecommunications services directly to the US military.
Looking for a fascist in UCD?
As UCD is such a cross-spectrum place I'm sure there are also many professors with strong Al Qa'ida and Syrian Intelligence connections? Many belonging to Muslim civil liberties groups?Otherwise the excuse that such fascists are retained to give a broad range of opinion is a lie put out to excuse their extremism.
There is free speech and then there is incitement to hatred and violence. Calling for war is calling for murder. Clever education and much PR managment will never change that.
We used to wonder how the Irish Middle Classes, who were educated in places like this were so programmed and now I guess we know. And now we know we're going to weed them out! Take them out by the Grassroots!
The website mentioned above is a frightening nest of hatred and bile. Its almost a parody, except its not. Why not take a photo of the poster, write an article about the people involved and otherwise drag this slime out into the light? Or would that be helping them?
The bulleting board software used by these scum is from Jelsoft Enterprises Limited ( see ). They are a legit British software company with an address at Tagra, Birch Lane, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8RF, fax +44 8451 274322, email [email protected] . Their name is displayed on the nazi site. I wonder if they know how their software is being used?
Or maybe the best strategy is just to ignore them?
There's nothing so middle class as the Irish left - that's the real bastion - not UCD
i live in Barcelona.
I used to live in 202 amesbury avenue, Streatham SW23HU,London.
thats where the British fascists decided to sluaghter my animals.two dogs and one kitten.
this is because I and my squatmates wanted to welcome people of African and Kurdish descent into our small community.
The badly written note that "explained" the slaughter of our animals said "it was not in the interests of "South London" "white folk".
If you the fucked up sad vicious bastards would like to see my cat or dog today you can go fuck yourselves.
You probably have links on how to fuck yourselves at your websites.
While the likes of Moore McDowell do have despicable right wing ideologies it is a serious mistake to go around insinuating that they are facists.
If you use the lable facist lightly, then when we are dealing with a real facist, people are less likely to listen and take us seriously. (boy who cried wold theory)
Besides there is a long list of appropriate words that we can use to describe the Moore McDowells of this world without resorting to the word facist.
May I suggest:
-Capitalist Pig
-Greedy, sinister, twat
- PD loving gimp with a face uglier than Mary Harneys
-Piece of unworthy right wing trash that I wouldn't bother pissing on
Go on, use your imagination. I'm sure you can come up with lots of offensive names to call these people without mislabelling them as facists
Cian you are right, a fascist is not just an extreme right winger. A fascist is a very precise thing and should not be thrown around lightly. I would not call McDowell a fascist, he may become one given a different political situation but he certainly is not a fascist.
I do not think fascists should have the right to freedom of speech or right to organise. If I were to label all on the far right I would be an anti democratic authoritarian. It was stalin in the 1930s that labelled trotskyists and those in the opposition as 'social fascists' in order to justify their persecution. So we have to be careful who we call fascist, I think Noone is.
does anyone know where Noone lives?
Noone is wasting his time there are far more left wing activists in UCD than his bunch of misfits. Whatever posters he distributes will be quickly be ripped down. Also UCD is on an end of term break at the moment so there's not many around only hacks, nerds and staff.
Hiel Hitler!
Well son,
Heil, not Hiel.
There is a town in north-germany named Kiel, but no need to lay sieg(e) to Kiel.
Fascism is the ideology that combines reliance on state to control economic and social affairs of the society with the notion of social and cultural supremacy of one group of nations over all others. As such, it is (a) par excellence an ideology of the left; (b) has no room in the Open Republic which advocates giving people maximum power to choose their own destinies in life and reducing state and interest groups’ control over the domain of personal freedoms.
At the Open Republic we hold diverse individual views and no single corporate view. As such we represent neither the Left, nor the Right, and most certainly no single political party.
I personally support de-politisation of drugs, freedom of women to choose, removal of state controls in the issues of marriage and divorce, and many other traditionally so-called ‘Left’ policies. I have ardently advocated the need for greater freedom of movement of people around the world and for liberalisation of immigration in general. My positions never were, nor ever can be, fascist or nazi. If one is to seek the actual example of near-fascist entities active in Irish history, one needs to look no further than the list of the interest-group lobbyists that currently have access to power in Ireland: trade unions, cultural elitists and social well-wishers that often enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayer (a.k.a., the people). If one is to seek examples of real nazism in Ireland (either in the past, or today) one needs to look no further than some of the Irish nationalist movements that support ideas of racial and national purity, replete with the socialist-style control over the society by the state.
As far as myself being linked to the warmongers and fascists, an under-educated person from the country whose nationalistic political elites by-and-large stood by while Hitler, Mussolini and their henchmen from the extreme Socialist Left, massacred tens of millions of my compatriots and others, should check his words against my own history. Both of my grandparents spent 5 years in the trenches during the World War II. My grandfather died at the age of 66 from the causes related to many injuries he received in Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin. Several of my relatives were killed in that war. Your country (excluding some of your truly remarkable countrymen) chose to cowardly hide behind the veil of neutrality while sending pro-Nazi nationalists to Germany to devise a plan for the Teutonic-Gaelic Purebred Irish State. After learning from my family own experience, and after spending twenty years of my own life in the glamour of the Socialist (read: near-Nazi) Soviet State, I have some sense of what an average Iraqi may feel with respect to the US-led efforts in Iraq when all the religious and political bullshit dies out. After spending many years living in the state that uses propaganda in place of history and culture, I suspect that the author of these accusations against myself is hardly in the position to argue with my own experiences.