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Fr Brendan Purcell - UCD Fascist Philosopher and Government Propaganada![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() justifies government secrecy and war on Iraq RTE presented another propagandist from UCD on "The Midnight Court" with Damien Kiberd .
Whe the entire panel decried the Government for restricting the Freedom of information act, Fr Fascist from UCD said he "has a problem with the Freedom of Information Act anyway", and that it was better done away with as it causes too many "problems". He wants less tribunals in Ireland and war in Iraq as it has already broken agreements that justify war(?). Most of all, this man of astounding philosophy said the following in defence of a fascist state where we question nothing the Government does. "If I vote for a TD I give HIM the responsibility to behave HIMSELF for HIS five years. I really don't feel I need to know........but effectively I think by voting I have expressed a trust in the person in there and I really don't want to be following (events), I really think I have to trust HIM." This is what he impresses on young minds in UCD? Do not Question? Trust the politicians ? There needs to be serios inquiry into who put the likes of this guy where he is and how do we weed him out.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Not up to you pal! The whole point of a university is that different views are allowed and discussed. Free speech sucks doesn't it?
Why the hell should he be weeded out? Are you not happy with weeding out Israelis? (a previous gem from this author). Faced with the choice of deciding "who is fascist?" between someone who wants a professor to be kicked out because he thinks the war in Iraq is right and someone who argues that the freedom of information act is wrong, I'd certainy choose the former.
Come on. I don't think any Catholic thinker can defend the war on Iraq, but unlike you I think there is a possibility, you know, that I might be wrong - and that contrary views are not necessarily evil or fascist. The Midnight Court is a discussion show - when you finish weeding out the dissenters would you rather the show continued with suitable views only? And should a man or woman not be entitled to support the (in my opinion, illogical, undemocratic and obviously self-serving) FF view of FOI.
Every time you call someone 'fascist' because you disagree with their views, you devalue the genuine struggle against fascism. If this priest wants to go on TV saying silly things why shouldn't me?
Well love free speech! It allows the likes of Fr Fascist & Co. show us his true feelings and values. It is people like him who ask us to accept and not question authority who are against free speech, not us.
His well practices PR act shows he is well aware of how unaccecptable some of his views are to the general public and indeed how they are unjustifiable and irreconcilable with the values of a Christian Church or country.
University is meant to teach people how to think ad not to download one or other possible viewpoint Johnno.
Open wide for a nice big mouthfull of weedkiller Fr Purcell! We have heard your case in your own words and you have been found guilty of treason against Ireland. (I'm sure UCD students will pass on the message to underneath whatever rock you are hiding )
it shouldnt surprise you that threre is a priest lecturing here in ucd, it shouldnt surprise you that he is quite right wing (fascist is a tad far....) , and it shouldnt surprise you that rte have him and justine mc carthy and damien kiberd etc on a programme.
this isnt news,nor is it does show the sorry state that ucd is though.between people like himself and kieron allen, ucd has quite the collection of fuckwits.
We see the same old brigade throwing the word "facist" around in much the same way yanks used the word "Communist" back in the 50's.
Suggestions that this priest swallow weed killer etc..
For crying out loud, cop on!!
I have no love for the Roman Catholic Church, but I respect his right to his own opinion, his own beliefs and his right to free speach!
Now I myself disagreed with everything he said (I do recognise that the crusades played a major role in Western development, and supsequent victories against the ottomans were critical to the survival of western civilisation), but the rest of his thinking goes against my political views.
However I don't villify the man for no good reason. University is supposed to be a patchwork of different ideals and concepts and learning, not one monoculture of thinking, so sod off with calls for his removal.
And the programme was a talk show, not a lecture!!
I would not describe Kieran Allen as a 'fuckwit'. I have political difference with him but I recognise that he has done alot of work in building the anti war movement in UCD and outside of UCD and he should be given the respect he deserves. He is also a decent lecturer. Especially considering this is coming from a person and group that have done absolutly nothing to build any anti war activities except maybe for that farce down in Shannon.
sorry colm for calling the editor of the socialist worker a "fuckwit" or "halfwit".
i was wrong!
i forgot the selfless work the swp/socialist worker/kieron allen have done in creating broad cover groups, and then not dominating them, in promoting open discussion, cutting edge journalism, freeing the minds of those oppressed by simplistic analysis , and moronic answers!
did i mention the beeauty of the swps graphic art, and the socialist workers beautiful layout?
spot the difference
it just occured to me there
spot the difference!
Brendan Purcell is simply not facist and there is no need for him to be weeded out of the philosophy department where he has lectured for years.
While no doubt he is a right winger, what he covers in his lectures is near on harmless. Why is he lecturing there in the first place?
Well the UCD philosophy deparment is historically quite conservative and quite right wing. It employs a number of relatively conservative Catholic priests as well as a few hardcore pro life advocates like Dr. Iglesias who covers anti choice material with quite a bias in her lectures.
The UCD philosophy department also employs one Gerard Casey (leader of the the Christian Solidarity Party). However the most objectionalbe thing about his lectures is his monotone and boring voice.
Prominent lecturers from the philosophy department also were at the forefront of trying to prevent the establishment of the UCD lesbian, gay and bisexual society in the 80's. They were completely unsucessful.
Should any of this surprise us?
No. One Cardinal Desmond Connell was afterall head of the UCD philosophy department before been apointed archibishop of Dublin.
Should anything be done about right wing bias of the department?
No. I don't think its necessary. The department also employs a number of left wing lecturers who have for example spoken at anti war meetings etc. And in fact the number of left wing lecturers is growing as the influence of Desmond Conell evaporates. Many of the more conservative lecturers are also nearing retirement.
I am glad you conceed that UCD has and is a hotbed of right wing Catholic bigotry. It is good to know as Cardinal Conells influence wanes that the old bigots are retiring and a few more balanced views are being introduced.
So at what point do we expect UCD to join the real world and stop seeing it's duty as one of promulgating ignorance and adherence to dogma and trust of those in power? At what point will it behave like an educational establishment and not as a poitical/propaganda tool of the Government. When will they realise WE pay them. We do not pay them to lie and mislead our children. Their mind pollution is no better than paedophilia or murder and it must be stopped now.
Oh dear, how silly can you get?
First of all, Brendan Purcell is certainly not a fascist.
I say this because one of the long running themes in his work is a sustained and penetrating critique of fascism, and of all ideology in general.
You have to understand that fascism is a very specific type of phenomenon, and really has nothing at all to do with what is considered "right wing" by most naive users of political terms. Support of the Iraq war isn't fascism, per se, it's just somewhat questionable. (Western cultural imperialism, perhaps?) His views about the tribunals aren't fascistic either - he's a neoconservative - in the classical sense of the term - he likes writers like Leo Strauss. But that isn't fascism. That's neoconservativism. That's a particular political philosophy, with a long and distinguished tradition, and it differentiates itself from fascism as decisively as, for instance, liberal philosophies do. His views about free speech are controversial - in a society where we all think we have free speech. But if you actually read the relevant section of the constitution here, we don't. We have it with a long proviso that includes conditions like acting against the interests of the state, of public blasphemy, and of speaking against the moral order, whatever that means (or could be interpreted to mean, in a court.) Purcell's views derive more from a philosophy in which free speech isn't protected, and isn't a right, but is considered part of a social order which organizes itself for the most part. You really ought to read what he says (or might say?) about it, rather than taking soundbites and blowing him up into a "fascist," by reference to them.
This said, Purcell has some rather controversial views about a good few things. I know this. I've talked to him myself. I find it hard to fathom how he can hold these views. I don't agree with him. But I must say that, knowing him as a person, and as a philosopher, I do respect these views, because he is a highly engaged and thoughtful member of society, who does take his role as a philosopher and as a civic person very seriously, even if he has ideas about it that are dissimilar to my own.
He talks an awful lot of sense, too, if you would be willing to listen, or to read what he writes. It's actually quite shocking how open minded he is. A lot of his philosophy touches on existentialist themes, and he has taught a course on evolution in which he utterly demolishes the Creationist arguments against evolution, and argues that the evolutionary story that we have is quite fine, and doesn't have to be seen as having anything to do with faith based belief.
Further, I'd like to mention the department at UCD. I've been an undergrad in this department for three years. I'm currently finishing my MA here. This is a really good department - it's comprehensively multi-lateral - not only is there a diversity of views on subjects of a religious matter (which don't tend ever to come up in the courses) but there is a diversity of staff members, from all sorts of different backgrounds. There is an American lecturer, an Armenian/Iranian, a Spaniard, several English people, a French Canadian. There are five or six Irish teachers there. The school is diverse in terms of philosophical subject matter too - more than most universities in the English speaking world - the UCD school tends to teach equal amounts of Continental and Analytic styles of philosophy - which is actually a really radically open-minded way of thinking.
It's really silly to pretend that the school of philosophy here is a collection of right wing, religious anarcho-fascists. I've been around some of the more prominently religious people for a long time, and never once have they made their views known to me, although it has come to me through other channels - namely the appropriate ones for that sort of thing - public fora, the media and suchlike.
That's just utterly lazy political thinking. I would think you could earn a great deal by growing up and realizing that this political talk is actually a lot more sophisticated than you think it is, and that you actually have to do some hard thought to say anything meaningful within it, anything useful, anything that isn't a facile, knee-jerk reaction to something you don't understand, but think you don't agree with.
Before people start flinging unfounded epithets around here is a link to Brendan Purcell's CV and list of scholarly writings: