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September 11, 2001 were sponsored by Israel with assistance from the US military

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Monday May 06, 2002 09:12author by http://www.jfkmontreal.com Report this post to the editors

Independent investigator Carol Valentine(Footnote 86) has written several persuasive articles concluding that the suicide plane crashes on September 11, 2001 were sponsored by Israel with assistance from the US military

Independent investigator Carol Valentine(Footnote 86) has written several persuasive articles concluding that the suicide plane crashes on September 11, 2001 were sponsored by Israel with assistance from the US military. Her premise—as I interpret it—is based on two key points. First of all, the airspace over New York City and Washington, DC was intentionally left unprotected by the military agency tasked to protect it. That group is the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Secondly, the suicide jets were controlled by "advanced robotics and remote-control technology, not hijackers." NORAD has had this capability since 1959.

Valentine wrote in great detail how NORAD has the capability to track planes in distress and take appropriate actions to defend US airspace from foreign aircraft or from aircraft within the US.(Footnote 87) In fact, NORAD had at its disposal a number of US Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program known as SAGE.

Another example of remote control technology is a jet, made by Northrop Grumman, called the Global Hawk. This jet has a wingspan of a Boeing 737 and has flown unmanned across the Pacific Ocean.33 Valentine further observed that President Bush and Robert Ayling—a former official with British Airways—both claimed that such a technology was a thing of the future. The two men made carefully prepared public statements which envisioned remote-control capabilities as a lofty goal to be achieved in years to come. In fact, President Bush was quoted in the New York Times offering to give grants to airlines to pay for "new technology, probably far in the future, allowing air traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control."34 Both men were obviously deceiving the public.

Valentine compared NORAD’s lack of reaction on September 11th to its rapid response to the LearJet carrying golfer Payne Stewart and several companions on October 25, 1999. With Stewart’s ill-fated flight—which was en route from Orlando to Dallas, NORAD’s reaction was fast. One or more US Air Force fighter jets were launched to control the situation shortly after air traffic controllers knew something was wrong. On September 11th, NORAD apparently did nothing because no jets were launched—at least no evidence has been presented indicating that NORAD jets were launched. Based on prior emergencies, there was more than enough time for NORAD to send jets to control the situation.

But how could Israel coerce the US military into committing such an act of treason? One word: OPIUM! History repeats itself. This is what was done when President Kennedy was assassinated. In exchange for helping the Jews kill Kennedy, the military and organized crime were given a war in Southeast Asia in an area where growing opium poppies was big business. Afghanistan and Pakistan are two major producers of opium today. A pact was apparently made between Israeli planners, US generals, and elements of organized crime stipulating that America would wage a war against Afghanistan in retaliation for the self-inflicted September 11th attacks. Osama bin Laden would be blamed, his Al-Queda group would be labeled terrorists, and America would wage war against Afghanistan for harboring these terrorists.(Footnote 88) US forces would drive out the Taliban, who successfully banned the growing of opium poppies in Afghanistan,35 and replace them with the Northern Alliance who would legalize opium production.36 Windfall profits would be shared by the participants from the illicit sale of opium and its derivative narcotics (cocaine, heroin, etc.). The wealthy interests of the Western nations would also share in the illicit drug money as they have done for over a century. It’s the same technique used in the Kennedy assassination.

Everyone would benefit except the American people and the victims and their families. Israel would use the "terrorist" attacks as a pretext to intensify the war against Palestinians. Clearly a cover story was written and distributed to the Western news media prior to the attack.(Footnote 89) To achieve such a vast conspiracy, the plan must have been announced by the president of the World Jewish Congress. That individual is presently Edgar Bronfman, son of the late Sam Bronfman (reference Chapter 8). The junior Bronfman followed the path of Joseph Caiaphas, high priest of the Sanhedrin who sanctioned the plot to kill Jesus. Bronfman also followed the path of Nahum Goldmann, who apparently sanctioned the plot to kill President Kennedy.

Osama bin Laden was made the patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald was years earlier in the Kennedy assassination. The US government provided a video of bin Laden taking credit for the attacks in a secret meetings. While that may seem authentic, we should remember that the US government produced phony pictures of Oswald holding the alleged murder weapon (Mannlicher-Carcano rifle) in the backyard of his Dallas apartment in 1963 (Chapter 6). We also know that the CIA provided the Warren Commission with a fake photograph of Oswald at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. The photograph supported the false claim that Oswald had applied for a visa to Cuba. The Warren Commission used the alleged trip to Mexico City as further proof that Oswald was a communist (Chapter 6). This is the same old story, but most of the actors changed.

If I Were a Jew

Over the past three years I have studied Judaism as a political force and Jewish law as described in the Talmud (Chapter 13). Based on my research, I have developed a degree of mistrust and apprehension toward people of that ethnicity. But recently I asked myself, what would I be like if I had been born a Jew? Would I feel superior to Gentiles because of my Jewishness? Upon reflection, I thought of the words of President Kennedy when he spoke at American University on June 10, 1963:

So, let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.

President Kennedy was right. We should be hopeful, but not naïve. We should never be blind to the differences among peoples and their diverse cultures. There are so many differences between Jews and Gentiles (Chapter 13). But we should always remember that we are all mortal. Gentiles and Jews should interact on a personal level. Both should enlighten the other about their cultures. It is fair for Jews to enlighten Gentiles on the negative historical and religious points of their respective non-Jewish religions. But equally, Gentiles should have the right to criticize Judaism and to encourage Jews to challenge Jewish authority as Christ did so many years ago when he blasted the Jewish Pharisees for their evil practices. Here are a few examples of Jesus’s words from the book of Matthew, Chapter 23 (revised standard version):

27 - Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.

28 - So you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

31 - … You are the sons of those who murdered the prophets.

33 - You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?

I don’t believe Christ meant that all Jews will burn in Hell. He was speaking specifically of those who implemented Jewish law as practiced by the Pharisees. As a Jew, Christ was quite familiar with Jewish law and believed it was evil. The Pharisees believed in oral interpretation of the teachings of Moses. More specifically, they believed they were a master race and consequently interpreted the Ten Commandments in a way that made them apply to Gentiles only, but not to Jews. It could be argued that this is the essence of Jewish law. According the Pharisees, it was acceptable for Jews to lie, cheat, steal, even murder, so long as the victims were Gentiles. The practices of the Pharisees in Jesus’s time were the beginnings of what later became written Jewish law known as the Talmud.

One of the most unethical practices in the Talmud is called the Kol Nidre which frees Jews from fulfilling their vows throughout the year because apparently taking vows is a sin for Jews. The text below is directly from the Talmud. It provides insight as to why Christ was so angry with the Jewish Pharisees. Read on and become enlightened.

"And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null.' HIS VOWS ARE THEN INVALID, PROVIDING THAT HE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE TIME OF THE VOW." (Caps in original.)

(Nedarim, 23a)

The American Heritage dictionary defines Kol Nidre as "The opening prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur. …" It means "all the vows." The Kol Nidre is sung to an ancient melody. This song is sung by Jews in synagogues across the world on the eve of Yom Kippur, a major Jewish holiday. In other words, all practicing Jews know of the Kol Nidre.

For more information on this topic, I invite all inquisitive people to do a search on Kol Nidre on google.com (a search engine used by many journalists).

I looked up Kol Nidre in the Encyclopedia Britannica and it provided some extremely interesting information:

….According to some historians, forced Jewish converts to Christianity in 7th-century Spain recited the Kol Nidre to annul oaths forcibly extracted from them by their persecutors. All that is known with certainty, however, is that the prayer was used as early as the 8th century. Rabid anti-Semites in the European Middle Ages, brushing aside the repeated Jewish assertion that the absolution referred only to matters between God and man, used the prayer as a pretext to question the trustworthiness of all oaths taken by Jews in Christian courts. Fears of misunderstanding led to the elimination of the Kol Nidre from the Reform Jewish liturgy in the 19th century, but revised form was reintroduced in 1945.

One has to ask, Why was the Kol Nidre reintroduced into Reform Jewish liturgy in 1945 after being eliminated in the previous century? 1945 marked the end of World War II and the end of the Holocaust. Could it be that Jewish historians have written a pack of lies about the Holocaust, a pack of lies sanctified and encouraged by Jewish law, specifically the Kol Nidre? Could it be that Hitler’s war crimes against Jews were greatly exaggerated by Zionist Jews in an effort to get Jews to migrate to Israel, which was established in 1948 (just three years after the Kol Nidre was reintroduced)? Could it be that six million Jews did not die in the Holocaust and that gas chambers were not used? Could it be that between 500,000 and a million Jews died from disease and starvation in Nazi prison camps, not by Nazi extermination in gas chambers?

Most of what we have been taught about the Holocaust appears to be directly linked to Jewish law and the practice of evil, not by Hitler alone, but by organized Jewry itself. But just because Jewish law is evil, does that mean that all Jews are evil? In my opinion, No. But I also believe that any devout Jew should not be trusted because Jewish law teaches devout Jews that they are superior to Gentiles, that Jews are a master race. In fact, everything that Jewish historians have told us about Hitler and the Nazis is also a description of devout Jews who practice Jewish law. Completely intolerant, superior, a master race. But still, is it reasonable to assume that someone is automatically evil just because he/she was born into an ethnic group that encourages the practice of evil? I don’t think so.

Some argue that basic religious teachings are the building blocks of an individual’s value system of an individual’s personal sense of ethics. I agree that religion plays a role, but not necessarily a complete role. The United States is a secular society and its people are influenced by many things above and beyond religion. One of the most positive secular influences in the U.S. is its Constitution. If someone was born a Jew, had minimal training in Jewish law, but had a strong and sincere belief in the principles of the U.S. Constitution, then that person would probably be a decent human being, in my opinion. And lots of Jews admire Martin Luther King, Jr., President Kennedy, his brother Bobby, John Lennon, Mohandas Gandhi. The list goes on. These are all positive role models admired by people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. Such powerful role models force us all to develop our own sense of ethics that transcend our collective religious heritage.

After all, we cannot choose our parents, our race, our ethnic heritage or the religion we were born into. These things are all forced upon us. But God gave us minds to recognize the difference between good and evil. YES, Jewish law is evil. Christ recognized it, and was likely crucified for stating it so plainly and so openly.

It is up to us—Jews and Gentiles—to use our minds to overcome the backward teachings of any ethnic groups or religions.

If I were a Jew, what would I be like? I think I would be the same. I would search for the truth. I would be proud of the positive aspects of my heritage, and truthful about the negative ones. Like Jesus, I would probably criticize Jewish law, and would likely become the enemy of many powerful forces. Like Yitzhak Rabin, I would be willing to give my life for the cause of peace between Arabs and Jews.

If I were a Jew, I would call upon the US Government to crack down on those who practice Talmudic law (Chapter 13), recognizing that it is no different from Nazi law or Ku Klux Klan law. Talmudic law encourages hatred against non-Jews, racial superiority and ethnic purity. If I were a Jew, I would call upon the U.S. Justice Department to break up the Jewish monopoly of the electronic news media, the printed news media, the Hollywood movie industry, the musical recording industry and CD distributors, the major book publishers and distributors, and the banking industry. I would recognize that those Jewish forces who control those interests are malevolent forces. I would recognize that these Jewish forces are well versed in Talmudic law. I would recognize that those Jewish forces believe it is acceptable to lie to Gentiles, cheat Gentiles, steal from Gentiles and even murder Gentiles. I would recognize that those forces are like "serpents," and "brood of vipers," unable "to escape being sentenced to hell!"

If I were a Jew, I would believe in the US Constitution and in the separation of church of state. As a result, I would not support the Jewish State of Israel, for it does not adhere to that principle. And I would petition the United States government to declare Israel an enemy nation rather than subsidizing it. I would further encourage the United States government to arrest anyone who openly supports an enemy nation and try that person for treason. This would include journalists, bankers, politicians, lobbyists, media moguls, and Hollywood movie producers. The First Amendment could no longer be used as a shield for those who do the bidding of Israel. And speaking of shields, if I were a Jew, I would not use the Holocaust—fact or fiction—as a shield against public criticism toward powerful Jewish interests or the Jewish State of Israel. If I were a Jew, I would visit ghettos of the inner cities and assist poor black youths break the cycle of poverty, ignorance, drugs and crime. I would also visit American Indian tribes for the same reason. But I would not stop there. If I were a Jew, I would visit the Japanese cities of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the German city of Dresden. In so doing, I would naturally be reminded that "victims" come in all ethnicities. And suffering is not measured solely by a body count.

If I were a Jew, I would encourage public debate of all topics, especially dialogue among diverse cultures. I would remember the words of President Kennedy: "We are all mortal."

Above all, I would remind myself that I am an individual. And it is up to individuals to make the world a better place to live. I would also recall something else President Kennedy said in his inaugural address: "Here on earth, God’s work must truly be our own."

May God smile upon all enlightened people, Jews and Gentiles alike.

Reasons to be Hopeful

Although I am obviously quite skeptical of today’s world leaders, I am also hopeful of the future. One reason I am interested in the assassination of President Kennedy is because I truly believe his was a message of hope for mankind. Killing him only silenced the messenger, not the message itself. Although there is much evil in the world, I also believe there are many positive aspects to the modern age in which we live.

Unlike any other period of history, mankind today is unable to wage total war because of the advent of atomic and nuclear weapons. The only alternative is peace. In a sense, God has given us a great gift. In the nuclear age, He has given us two choices: total peace or total annihilation. Although Israel and other Zionist forces possess unconscionable international power and influence through their control of information flow and monetary systems, I do not believe such a tyranny will last forever. September 11, 2001 only reinforces my belief that they are quickly losing power. It was an act of desperation.

Unlike any other period of history, mankind today can communicate instantaneously across the globe via the Internet. Unlike any other period of history, mankind today can travel to all corners of the globe in a matter of hours. Unlike any other period of history, mankind today is merging the economies of the world.

President Kennedy was equally hopeful for the future. The following text is the last three paragraphs from a speech he intended to deliver on November 22, 1963 at a luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart. Unfortunately, he never got the opportunity to make that speech. His eloquent words become even more poignant when you recall that Joseph Milteer told an informant, prior to the assassination, that he believed Kennedy knew he was a marked man (Chapter 7):

… My dear friends and fellow citizens, I cite these facts and figures to make it clear that America today is stronger than ever before. Our adversaries have not abandoned their ambitions. Our dangers have not diminished. Our vigilance cannot be relaxed. But now we have the military, the scientific, and the economic strength to do whatever must be done for the preservation and promotion of freedom.
That strength will never be used in pursuit of aggressive ambitions. It will always be used in pursuit of peace. It will never be used to promote provocations. It will always be used to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes. We in this country, in this generation are by destiny rather than choice, the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask therefore that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time, and for all time, the ancient vision of "Peace on earth, good will toward men."

That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago, "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." [Psalms 127:1]37

Perhaps the world might fulfill the prophesy of President Kennedy’s final speech. At his funeral, Jacqueline Kennedy reportedly gave a brief but insightful message to Soviet Diplomat Anastas Mikoyan who was sent by Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Mikoyan later recalled that Mrs. Kennedy said the following words as she greeted him at the reception line: "My husband is dead. Now peace is up to you."38

Indeed, peace is up to all of us.

Related Link: http://www.jfkmontreal.com/conclusion.htm#911%20comparison
author by eorpublication date Mon May 06, 2002 14:05author email eamonnoriain at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

jfk was no friend of peace, ever hear of a place called vietnam?,ever hear of a place called Cuba.perhaps if you read more about real things rather than the revisionist hate-laden lunacy that you are so regrettably well up on, you might not sound as little hitlerish as you do.

author by Alan Maher - nonepublication date Mon May 06, 2002 17:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If I wanted to discredit the information on today's RTS gathering in Dublin, I would try to get the website publishing the information to publish some silly conspiracy about Israel/US carrying out mass murder in New York on the same day. That way, people visiting this site would quickly be convinced that indymedia.ie is a sinister meeting place for Anti-Semites.

Or maybe the far left and the far right are really just one and the same thing.

author by blissetpublication date Mon May 06, 2002 23:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Conspiracy theories are rife on the web about 911. It is probably already a greater fount of theories than the grassy knoll. This is common ground for debate in France where a book on the subject of 911 and who knew what when etc, was top of the bestsellers lists in the recent few months. Michael Moore is asking questions as others about who knew what when

Conspiracy theories on the subject www.copvcia.com and www.infowars.com

author by Joepublication date Tue May 07, 2002 02:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I heard Donald Duck was involved in the September 11th attack

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