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IS policy on the Irish election![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Statement by the Organising Committee of the International Socialists, 2nd May 2002. The International Socialist call for support for SP/SWP and then where there's no socialist standing or as 2nd preference for Labour, Greens and Workers party but not SF. The Dáil election on May 17th will not result in any significant changes for workers no matter which right-wing party comes out on top. There is no difference between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. Both parties are equally committed to hammering the working class. Likewise it would be folly to believe that any of the reformist parties who may join them in government – Labour, Greens, Sinn Féin – are going to put up a fight against social partnership. As revolutionaries we do not believe that society can be fundamentally changed through the Dáil. The real power in Irish society lies elsewhere. Social partnership will not be broken except through class struggle. Nevertheless revolutionaries can use parliaments and parliamentary elections to promote the cause of the working class. In this election voters in twelve constituencies will have the opportunity to vote for revolutionary socialist candidates representing the Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party. We strongly urge them to do so. We do not give an uncritical endorsement to the platforms of either party. They are not the platforms we ourselves would have written. We have serious political differences with both the SP and the SWP, and we believe it would be dishonest to deny those differences. But our support for the SP and SWP in this election is not dependent on the programmatic stances taken by the leaders of those parties. It is based on the recognition that they are genuine socialist tendencies. A strong vote for the candidates of the revolutionary left would boost the confidence of working-class militants and be a shot across the bows of the Irish ruling class. In the thirty constituencies which have no revolutionary candidate, and as a second preference in the twelve which do, we recommend a vote for the reformist left. That means Labour, the Workers Party, the Greens and left-wing independents. It does not include Sinn Féin who are the deadly enemies of any attempt to build independent working-class politics in Ireland. The Irish working class has problems enough already without being diverted down yet another nationalist dead end. Vote revolutionary where you can, vote reformist where you must. Deliver a strong mandate for the left. But be under no illusion that voting is enough. The real struggle for socialism will take place in the workplaces and on the streets of Ireland, not in Leinster House or Stormont. For that, building a strong and principled revolutionary communist party, rooted in the working class, is essential. That will be a long and hard process, but there are no short cuts on the road to socialism. Statement by the Organising Committee of the International Socialists, 2nd May 2002. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6These guys are clearly oxy-morons. Just because something is based in Britain they think its international. These Trotskyist sects are run by half-assed, English, failed academics. Would the capitalist press of Britain and Ireland pay Eamonn McCann for his articles if they thought the SWP was any kind of threat? Look at the party which receives the most vilification from the Irish capitalist press. Its Sinn Fein. Critics of Sinn Fein like McCann are against armed struggle but are against Sinn Fein for bringing it to an end. What kind of analysis is this? Sinn Fein is a threat to the power strucure in Ireland, North and South. Swp and assorted Trots are schoolboys posturing and playacting.
Sinn Fein are on the same path that brought us the joys of Fianna Fail. Post Colonial nationalist party that replaces revolutonary rethoric with he cult of the personality (Gerry Adams said this week he's been compared to Michael Collins - I'll compare him to Dev).
The reason they shouldn't get your vote is - who knows what you're voting for. This is a party who's leaders says it's pro-life, a party that attracts people because there's the whiff of danger but then supports PPP and bin taxes. SF is good to be involved in - but if you're involved remember that it wasn't all about SF ministers in the North - it was about a different island and society. If you vote - who knows what you'll get.
"Would the capitalist press of Britain and Ireland pay Eamonn McCann for his articles if they thought the SWP was any kind of threat?"
No. But then they wouldn't invite Gerry to the Waldorf Astoria if they thought .......
"Look at the party which receives the most vilification from the Irish capitalist press. Its Sinn Fein."
It does not then follow that Sinn Fein is a good thing (see for example Le Pen).
"Critics of Sinn Fein like McCann are against armed struggle but are against Sinn Fein for bringing it to an end."
Yes, very good point. :)
Sinn Fein, Worker's Party, Green Party, S.W.P., S.P. - the cul de sac of electoralism and authoritarian politics.
(see Democratic Left, Labour, Fianna Fail, and German Greens for what's at the end of that road or in regard to Sinn Fein just look north of the border).
Don't Vote - Make Trouble.
Two words: Rurai Quinn.
they are reformists. They aren't left. quinns brother is working in aib. and quinn gave tax cheats a way out of getting into jail.
I will vote socialist and even Sinn Fein BUT NOT LABOUR
oooohhh you're going to make daithi mad.
I agree in principle with the above article. Opting out from the process achieves absolutely nothing. It won't cause Bertie or Mary to lose any sleep. Participating in the process does not mean that campaigning afterwards has to stop. The Dail can be used as a means to advance the struggle, can be used as a platform. Radical T.D.s such as Joe Higgins have shown that being elected to the Dail has a role to play in the struggle.