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Fascist chased off UCD campus

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday February 27, 2003 15:49author by Never again Report this post to the editors

The holocaust denier 'David Noone' (Brian Wallace?) was spotted in the UCD arts block today with more of his holocaust denying/fascist recruitment posters. He was confronted by various UCD activists before being rescued and escorted off campus by security. A Here are a couple of pics of this odd character who is so odd that he is even shunned by fellow fascists and his family.


author by Phelimpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 16:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How about getting rid of the Stalinists next and all the left wing apologists for world dictators. Let's get rid of all the the fascist and left-wing scum.

author by Eoin O'M.publication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 16:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Em, Phelim, I think you may have missed the point!

author by TROTWATCHpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 16:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It was not just under Stalin. Trotsky and his 'Red' army massacred hundreds of thousands of Anarchists, Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries. Thats not counting all the whites.

In particular Anarchists were massacred by Trotsky
after they had helped the 'Red' army to defeat the whites in the Ukraine.

The SY and SWSS will tell the truth about this.

author by Eoin O'M.publication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 16:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...talk about the fascists on ucd campus and not who killed how many people??

author by james redmond - socilaist alternativepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 17:03author email antrophe at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Okay, so theres pretty much a clear context in which this has happened, its no coincidence that this guy first appeared on campus after a racist assault, and then once again after the recent vox pop in the observer. In the latest addition of the same paper, theyve given this one guy space to air his views and claim some sort of support from students in a front page article distributed in thousands around campus.
While he was being escorted off today, a number of students made the usual assertions about 'freedom of speech' and democratic debate, so after the mid term break some of us are talking about forming an ad hoc group against facisim in UCD. If anyone is interested in leafletting and getting involved, get in touch. On another point and an important one, he claims some people in science are members of his group, before we cleraly thought this was a pile of crap...but today while he was being escorted off he was texting and ringing people who he said were going to meet him, clearly in some attempt to 'rescue' him. So the possibility is that there are sympathisers in the campus, so organsie now, before its too late. Get in touch and lets get moving.

Related Link: http://www.socialistalternative.cjb.net
author by redJaDepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 17:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

always good to see a nazi symp outed, congrats to the photog!

if you would like to discuss and coordinate with other photogs on future actions, join the IMC-IRL Photogroup


author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 17:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It only truly exists when someone is free to say something unpopular.

author by Andrewpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 17:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I've nothing against bookshops selling revisionist stuff even though I think its gibberish. But our odd friend above is not simply interested in putting forward odd ideas. The material he is distibuting includes ads for the fascists stormfront web page.

We need to be clear, these guys are keen to organise fascist groups. And when these groups get organised they don't involve themselves in polite debates. They involve themselves in physical attacks on those who disagree with him.

When did he appear in UCD? After an African student had been attacked and one of the student papers did a 'humorous' poll as to why people did not like asylum seekers.

Hitler was pretty clear on this. After coming to power he said the only thing that could have stopped the Nazis was if their opponents had physically smashed them and prevented them organising. If a bookshop wants to sell Mein Kampf I'm not going to picket it. If a later day Hitler starts trying to organise a group I'm not going to wait until they come looking for me. It's not about free speech, its about allowing people to organise who intend to hunt us down.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 17:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I certainly can't argue with that, he's a scumbag of the highest order, and while I agree with running him off campus wholeheartedly, I'm wary of people who advocate silencing even very unpopular groups lest one day I find myself being silenced (and to be very clear, I disagree from the bottom of my soul, with everything that bulbous white supremacist fatboy has to say)

author by antrophe - socialist alternativepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The holocaust denier 'David Noone', who possibily also operates under the name of Brian Wallace was escorted off UCD campus by an assortment of UCD activists on February 27th. The Holocaust denier was spotted distributing revisionist literature and fascist recruitment posters on campus. Immediately the activist who spotted him gathered others from an anti war stall taking place and by phone. The fascist was then duly escorted out of the arts block, and told to leave the campus. Noone made attempts to engage the students in deabte, relishing the idea that we would organise a debate for him in the college! The students were having none of that and surrounded him outside and then began to walk him off campus.
Noone hesitated and was advised to move off. Providing ample time to take photos of him, enabling furtehr tracking of his attempts to organsie. As he was being escorted to the bus stop he appealed to college services to intervene. The students outlined their opposition to his presence on campus and told services to take him out of the college, or they would do it for them. After threatening the activists with the seizure of their student cards, and in order to diffuse what could potentially have turned into a violent confrontation they obliged. The activists followed closely behind to ensure he was removed and saw him off at the bus stop.
It's been little over a month since UCD campus was plauged with a racist assault, and the confrontational vox pop in the university Observor which asked the question 'which ethnic minority do you hate the most?'. The ensuing controversy resulted in a motion of condemnation at Student Union Council and the subsequent sacking of the papers editor. But the long term damage of the papers actions are only being felt on campus now, as UCD has clearly become a target for fascists who believe the potentially rascist atmosphere fostered by the University Observor provides a recriuting ground for their organisations. this is the third time that literature denying the holocaust and attempting to recruit has been distribued around campus.
Noone describes himself as being from the Revisioinst Education Organisation and claims the support of a number of students in the UCD Science faculty. While being escorted off, he did make an attempt to ring people to meet him on campus, who these individuals are, if they exist has yet to be found out. His website links to openly NAzi organistions like the British Stormfront.
As Noone was being escorted off, some students watching the spectacle unfold, accused the activists of denying him his freedom of speech and democratic right to self expression. Adolf Hitler himself said that the only way to stop the rise of teh German Nazi party was to stop it organising, on this point we agree with him. Fascists are not interested in freedom of speech, they seek to proliferate their ideology using that freedom as a pretext, then to organise into groups with others like themselves to smash the very freedoms they previously appealed to. Once organsied, and once they have the numbers political debate is not an issue, as has happened abroad they will physically attack anyone disagreeing with them. It is now the job of anti-fascists to organise against this threat and make UCD a no go area for the fascists. While groups from outside of UCD are not allowed to distribute literature on campus and are removed by the college, activists should not depend upon this as a bulwark against the far right on campus, such measures can equally be used against anti-fascists and the left in general. If Noone does organsie and get the support of students on campus, then there is nothing in the internal bureauracy of UCD can do to stop students organising. The job is going to have to fall to anti-fascists to organise and oppose the far right. In the next few weeks the students involved in this confrontation will be organising a meeting to outline why fascists should not be allowed to organise and to set up an anti fascist network within the college which can mobilise at a moments notice to ensure our colleges remain free from nazism and hate mongerors.hen we s

Related Link: http://www.socialistalternative.cjb.net
author by Red Bannerpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good to see these fascist bastards are nipped in the bud. Now the new SU is now left leaning they should take up a clear anti fascist postion calling for no platform for fascists. It's not a question of freedom of speech, their goals are to break the workers movement and subvert democracy they should not be allowed to get any foothold. That is why we should ban their literature and confront their activists with necessary violence

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I never knew beating people I disagreed with was a viable alternative to debate and education.

*psst*, better not let the government not know this little secret though, something tells me they disagree with a LOT of people on this site.

author by damnbutterpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think there is a difference between physically preventing right wing scumbags peddling their poison and denying people free speech. Who really expects people to sit back and let them get on with their shit stirring because it's "free speech"? If the fascists have a right to free speech, then I have the right to express my opinion to the contrary by whatever means necessary, with the intent of denying them a platform to spread shite and lure the gullible and confused. Give those bastards a milimetre and you are inviting a lot of grief.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If by "denying them a platform" you mean inform/educate people about their lies then groovy, ignorance is their greatest tool after all. Through direct confrontation you fight them on their terms, by censoring them you give them another platform and give them something else to draw attention with.
Suppress them though and they'll just pop up elsewhere.

author by Jo - Anti Fascist Actionpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:40author email afa at ireland dot comauthor address C/o PO Box 3355, Dublin 7author phone Report this post to the editors

A contact of AFA has reported that he spotted Noone giving out leaflets at the Nassau Street gate of TCD at about 2pm today (what time was he in UCD? Likely he went straight in on the bus).

Noone was accompanied by a male teenager of about 16-17 with a blue and grey rain jacket and a shaved head. Anyone like that seen with him in UCD?? Security were already moving him on at this point.

Fair play to the students for shunting him off Belfield campus.

In answer to some of the points above, there is no reason why physical and ideological (i.e. educational) means cannot be used in combination. Indeed they have to be and this is AFA policy. The point is that you can't 'educate' hard-line fascists (or even nuts, as Noone seems to be). You educate the people who might listen to him or support him. You deal with the actual fascist in a more robust way. Even if a person doesn't feel confident in a physical situation, that is fine. Follow the racist/fascist or get information on him in other ways.

Sorry, in a bit of a rush, but will check back here tomorrow.

Related Link: http://www.geocities.com/irishafa
author by damnbutterpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

By denying them a platform I mean, informing, educating people and also knocking seven shades of shit out the fash. As for fighting them on "their terms", i.e with violence, are you suggesting that we leave the right with a monopoly re. political violence. Be Ghandi if you want but allow the physical option to those who have a different opinion (free speech and all that). And if we suppress them and censor them enough we won't be giving them any platform we will ensure that they will be denied the space to organise effectively and leave them to their two hand wank internet fantasies.

author by mariannepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Glen this is incitement to hatred, not free speech. I can see where you're coming from but this guy dedicates his life to this shit, and people in Ireland are getting more and more racist, looking to blame anyone for the government's failings. Other people cant devote their whole lives to arguing rationally with someone as brainwashed and irrational as he is. There are a million constructive things to be doing like helping stop Irish support for the war in Iraq for one.

author by luke - TCD studentpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 18:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I saw him by trinity today getting destroyed in an argument by a acedemic. I returned a little later and gave him a peice of my mind he is not very smart and is very fickle and hazy on points of history. I really don't think you have much to worry about anyone conned into this will be a simple mind and easy to bring back.

author by Johnnopublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 19:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The last thing we need is propeller-head 'activists' dictating who we can and cannot hear. While I have a right to disagree with people and they to disagree with me,I also have the right to beat the head of anyone who attempt to prevent me from listening to others. So beware!! I'd hate to break a few heads for a revisionist piece of shit like this guy is but I reserve the right to do so!

author by Phuq Heddpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 19:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Free speech doesn't extend to those that that actively seek to organise fascist groups.

The liberals are quite happy to have fascists like this run around because they're not the ones attacked by them (until later when it becomes a tragedy never to be repeated again, no never!).

Good job! to those that saw this scum off.

author by Johnnopublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 19:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Free speech doesn't extend to those that that actively seek to organise fascist groups."

This is irony, right?

It's a truism that every one who diagrees with left wing orthodoxy is labelled a fascist

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 19:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Damnbutter: If needs be, then I'll Ghandi my heart out thanks all the same :). I'm not a pacifist but equally I don't believe that violence, tresspass or vandalism are ever an option. Neither I, nor Bush, nor any one of a million peace activists you'd care to mention, have the right to injure someone (physically, spiritually or financially) simply because I hate them.

I mean, how does that work? you disagree with them (and rightly so I might add) and that grants you the right to attack them? I hope not.

Marianne: You're probably right, but having better things to is not a good reason to start censoring people, even the assholes.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Free speech doesn't extend to those that that actively seek to organise fascist groups."

Should it, therefore not be retracted from groups advocating/organising a large scale civil disobedience, advocating the destruction of property and such? It's not like those of you heading to shannon have actually DONE anything now is it?

author by Phuq Heddpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And _then_ trivialise it and display your ignorance. As it is your're just sad, but with a bit of work you could be truly amusing.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I mean, both are illegal after all.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As opposed to displaying it prominently in the top line of the post.

BTW, liked the put down, real mature. Has me reeling, trust me. Next time though, call me a whinger, begrudger and poopy-head, that should really have me on the ropes.

author by jeffpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Vile as his arguments are, as are his alleged links to "British Stormfront", as is the absurdity of the fact that this gentleman looks nothing like a prototype "Aryan"( more like a South American pimp-I'm sure he'd love to hear that about himself!), I still do not agree with people physically removing him from anywhere. It is different if, say, known nazi gangs were targetting Parnell street and using violence, then physical retaliation is justified.

However, free speech is free speech. Who exactly is a fascist anyway? Are Fianna Fail fascist? Fine Gael have their roots in the Blueshirts. Do we start removing them off campus? Granted, neither of those parties have distributed race hate literature, but comments about refugees and asylem seekers from members of those parties have in the past been quite stereotypical.

If there is explicit incitement to violence in those aforementioned pamphlets, then, of course, removing such is lawful. However, leaflets about alleged racial superiority alone, abhorrent as they are, still constitute free speech.

Why did no one attck The Slate for it's "What's wrong with paedophilia?" title? Free Speech, thats why. Much as I despise nutters of the fart yea right, free speech is free speech, and thus, anyone who thinks otherwise is being hypocritical.

Free Speech is free speech. If the government started clamping down on Anarchists because of their classist, anti property views, you would all start bleeting like lambs.

author by Phuq Heddpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's not about preventing people from saying what they like, it's about preventimg people that are actively organising fascist groups to carry out racist/homophobic/anti-left attacks.

Free speech is a concrete right granted to those that ascribe to minimal principles. Fascists do not ascribe to those principle so they don't get Free Speech.

While you're busy breaking heads in defense of Free Speech you can explain to the Japanese woman beaten up last year jogging (one of Joe C's pupils) and others that their right to not be attacked is less than you're right to defend a moronic absolute principle.

author by Phuq Heddpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

none of the parliamentary representative parties that you mention are fascist. They do not believe in a completely non-democratic authoritarian government.

They share some of the attributes of fascists, but there is still room for the organisation of those that oppose them.

Free speech doesn't exist when fascists are in power, for everyone.

Free speech doesn't exist for fascists when everyone else is in power.

It's either fascists OR free speech.

author by Glen Moranpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Free speech is a concrete right granted to those that ascribe to minimal principles"

Whose minimal principles? Yours and mine seem pretty far apart, never mind what the "powers that be" would consider them.

author by mariannepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by mariannepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

have you seen the Irish forum on the stormfront webpage???

I suggets you take a look.

That's who is fascist, for one. He's on there all the time

author by mariannepublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 20:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

check out the kids page

It's all there

They're pure evil and I dont think freedom of speech can override incitement to hatred, sorry.

author by Dave McHughpublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 22:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by ipsiphipublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 23:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A spokesperson for the Raelian cult a French based religious cult who have claimed to have faciliatated cloned human births appeared to explain the thinking of their group.
These are eugenic. The symbol of the Raelians is a composite of swastika and star of david a very odd combination. The interviewer a clichéd TV presenter asked the weighted questions as always, TVEspańa wasn´t going to give these people oxygen, and I was very intrigued to see how they would "deflate" the spokesperson.
The TV presenter finished with these words
"Franco was legitimate but not moral".
he then pointed out his own homosexuality. end of programe cut to advert breaks I seem to recall maybe presume it was an advert for a car. (often is).
The point is this, legal legitamacy has been afforded almost all "family name fascists". From Mussolini to Franco to Hitler to Pinochet they have all easliy carried "legal legitamacy" but they have all wanted in "morality".
Those who break fences to protest a War, those who seek to throw spanners in a War machine, those who stop trains laden with ordinance, those who stop man o´wars setting forth from port, those who facilitate the ·looting· of food in times of shortage, lack "legal legitamacy" their actions prove hard to defend for the "armchair activist" or "lumpen bourgoise" but they are moral actions.

This misguided man photographed above has not surfaced without encouragement. He has been "activated". It would be a most wise use of time to identify by whom.

author by conor mc gowan - ucdsapublication date Thu Feb 27, 2003 23:30author email conor at ziplip dot comauthor address www.socialistalternative.cjb.netauthor phone Report this post to the editors

we need to organise and fight this (like we did the fees - which is now well on its way)

i was talkin to redmond today(in the non-electronic sense), and he was all for startin a group to kick them out.

anyone wany to call a meeting time? etc....

with urgency please (1/2 term is soon)

there is clearly a shitload of underlying racism out there in ucd.that vox-pop showed up what most believed true (whilst also shit stirring) - that a very very sizeable % of ucd students have a very very sizeable amount of racial prejeduce.

does anyone know this gut from his time in UL? care to give an account of how youse got rid of him and his fascist mates?

hopefully next years SU will also help run a fucking great anti racism campaign (among others).as a non arts student/SU hanger on myself, im not even aware if there was on this year.

in defence of the observer (i dont have anything to do with it), the front page did draw attention to his nazi past in UL and wass mainly negative in tone of the revisionists.it would take quite the ignorant fucker (even by UCD standards) to come out with anything but a mal opinion of the "revisionists"

hello david if youre out there-or any gardai too (im sure youve worked out the ninternet now that that pulse system is working....tee hee).why not join forces and ressurect eoin o duffaigh.could be just like the old days!

author by mariannepublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 00:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I wont be here next year : )
But I really dont like this guy and his cronies (if he has any) and stormfront makes me sick.

Iosaf's right tho, there's someone behind all this, he's not the big cheese. He's a minion for someone...

author by F**k Nazispublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 00:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Scary shit!!!! We have to oppose these Nazis scum!Look at what happened in Germany

author by People's Republic of Corkpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 00:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Noone' is actually a former UCD maths student. Born in 1975, his real name is Brian Wallace and he lives with his parents in Lucia Place in Passage West on the outskirts of Cork city. The fella is an all-round eejet with a personality disorder. He pushes holocaust-denial stuff on the basis that this is the thin edge of the wedge and if neo-nazis can win this argument, they can then push the rest of their shit. He is anti-jewish, anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-traveller, anti-Irish, anti-republican, anti-women, etc. etc.

On stormfront.org (an American white nationalist site) he opined on 6 February 2002 that "strictly speaking blacks aren't human". On 14 May, he wrote that "Jews are the disease, niggers are the symptom". There's plenty more hate in this guy's soul.

He leaflets universities as part of his quest to get Irish academics to apologise to the German people for propagating the 'holocaust lie'. So there!

author by MartynSmyth - TCD studentpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 02:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why is it that UCD attracts so much hatred? There is alot of racism in that college and i avoided it for that reason. On the open day i was actually AUTOMATICALLY treated as an international student because i didn't grow from a bog and have a nice red neck like most of the population of UCD.
Perhaps people should picket the college next time a shaddy character gets an audience there again(it will happen)

author by People's Republic of Corkpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 03:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Brian Wallace is a persistent pain in the arse, but it would be wrong to exaggerate his importance. The person that helps him at TCD goes under the name of 'Ted Roach/Roche' and he seems to be the only person offering anything other than encouragement. Most Irish neo-nazis see Wallace for the oddball that he is and disagree with his focus on the past. They egg him on but do fuck all to help him in real terms. He's not an agent for some unseen force.

Wallace is unlikely to ever bring people together because he is so obviously a fucked up individual, but his advertising of neo-nazi sites should not be disregarded. He has also actively assisted Cork anti-immigrant candidate Ted Neville in the last general election and is a supporter (surprise, surprise!) of the Immigrant Control Platform. He also puts up NSRUS stickers around Cork.

Incidentally, on stormfront.org, he has sneered at his opponents as 'reds' who are all mouth and no action when they meet him. Also, relevant to some comments above, Wallace has remarked that 'red' opposition to his leaflets and posters provokes people to defend his 'right to free speech' and hence breaks down hostility to anti-holocaust ideas.

Re. the holocaust (or 'holohoax' as he calls it) he has commented (on stormfront.org) that he was "disappointed to find out that 6 million human cancer cells hadn't been given chemotherapy". Charming.

author by People's Republic of Corkpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 03:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Below are Wallace's remarks in full on the UCD action, taken from stormfront.org

"Red action in Dublin today
I ran into an angry group of Marxists in ucd who have been driven to a freenzy of hatred by the small number of highly effective leaflets dropped around there by a Dublin member.

Their mob action against me resulted in several ucd students coming to help me . No doubt the scumy mobbing of myself by marxist scum will be of more use in spreading the word around UCD than any number of leaflets I could have distributed there today.

I need racial activists to help organise security for future leafleting outside ucd.
I realise many here are sceptical as to the value of revisionist leafleting.
It is one of the easiest things we can do to further the struggle for the survival of the west ,to spread doubt about the holohoax around our colleges.
I will help stem recruitment of the marxist societies there i suggest and , the total bigotry displayed by these types will bring many students to awakening as it has done so far in ucc.

I am available for public talks and I think we need to use this weapon our enemies have given before the west is so monkey-culturalised that the jews can announce on television that the holocaust didn't happen , aren't we as clever as the greeks who tricked the trojans."

author by Seanpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 06:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Once you start to set the limits to free speech you start the long slide into Totalitarianism. We must let the Fascists and the Marxists go about their business.

It is up to us to come up with a better alternative, and to maintain the conditions where these murderers cannot thrive.

author by kokomeropublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would love to to have seen this guy defeated in debate and sent packing off campus by the students themselves rather than escorted off by security.

The latter approach allows people like this to live to fight another day and even to look like a martyr in certain quarters.

Take them on today, tear down their posters and pamphlets and recycle them, heckle and debate them to the point they're so exhausted they can only crawl back to their caves!

author by cmpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 14:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

that website is damn sick.. check out some of the comments in the forum.. "noone" is his real self in there...

author by Glen Moranpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 14:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And the thing is, the crap spewed on that site is so moronic and inane that you might actually find yourself thinking that they're too stupid to be dangerous.

author by Someonepublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 15:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Or else they're putting up stupid crap on their website to lull us into a false sense of security but actually they're quite clever and Glen Moran is really Brian Wallace. It doesn't take a genius to figure that they'd be keeping an eye on this site and making contributions.

author by jeffpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 15:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Free speech is free speech. I have read Noone/Wallace's sad scribblings. The best thing you can do is e mail him and ask him why he looks like a jew!( Of course there are Jews that look "Aryan", Noam Chomsky and the blond lady from "Friends", blah, blah, one can't say whatever, etc, etc) My point is this; Wallace wakes up every morning and sees not the blond prototype he wishes he could be. Instead, he looks like a Turkish pimp!

After calling "a spade a spade", then do the right thing, and tell him it is alright to look like a Jew, Turk, Armenian, southern Caucasoid, whatever. Blond girls love dark man! Race treason is okay! Loads of cool people are dark; Samuel L. Jackson, Rollo Achmed( 1930s occult author), the Palestinians, Larence Aitken + Desmond Decker( ska musicianS), Lee Scratch Perry, The Master Musicians of Jajouka, this Zairean bloke I know called Chris who is 6 foot 6, my homies Raj, Desh, Dana, Monet, and Thapelo, all studying Medicine in U.C.G, the late Sun Ra, Lenny Macmillian (P.E instructer in Loretto on the green, where my sister goes to school, he used to teach me P.E when I was in C.U.S)...

The list is endless. Anyway, Wallace should stop being a Race Traitor and stand up and be proud of his REAL racial heritage, which is definatly not Anglo- Celt, but probably Southern Caucasoid come Semite, which is just as interesting. So cop on, Wallace, and fuck up.

author by FelixMacpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 16:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On the Stormfront Ireland page, Wallace (aka Wal) claims to be half Italian and half Galwegian. I pity him for the latter!

author by FelixMacpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 16:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some postings of Wallace from internet pages. They guy must be really fucked up and his passion for denying the Holocaust obviously

UCC Maths Society webpage (http://www.ucc.ie/mathsoc/guestbook00.html)

G13636 (Wed Apr 25 11:22:47 IST 2001)
name: brian wallace
email: [email protected]
comment: hello everyone remember me
im up in ucd,
in a class with two annoying idiots

G29060 (Thu May 17 10:40:24 /etc/localtime 2001)
name: brian wallace
email: [email protected]
comment: college degrees are ways for bourgeois
to pass themselves off as intellectuals
relying on linear memory rather than on
logarithmic problem solving difference
between individuals
also thanks to the leaving
irish universities are full
of marys and fairies
for example im the only hetero in
my class of three

G29015 (Tue May 22 09:35:34 /etc/localtime 2001)
name: brian wallace
email: [email protected]
comment: i am currently down in cork nearly got beaten up in paul st yesterday by a loon anyway some of the most intelligent students ive met didnt go to college at all because the leaving cert is such an insult to a persons manhood i personnally found it so boring i drank most of the two years and only did enough to get in to college by staying away from school for the last two months and studying at home the education system in ireland is rotten on every level and there is no culture of criticism

author by FelixMacpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 16:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

More postings from Wallace. This time from the RootWeb genealogy page (http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENIRE/2001-06/0991668007). Read and you'll see how he can claim to have an Italian father but an Irish surname. I'll leave it up to you to draw conclusions, but the guy really has problems and issues with himself.
From: [email protected] (brian wallace)
Subject: ireland is disgusting
Date: 4 Jun 2001 08:20:07 -0700

believe it or not i found my mother through persistent use of a search engine in fact google was the crucial one,showing a commitee my mother was on enabling me to make a very important phone call. it has taken me 4+ years to get here
mainly because the catholic church acts as a parallel state in ireland. they told me nothing but lies for years. the whole story is shocking
i only managed to get my birth cert this year by detective work going through a list of all children born in 1975 and finding those with the same birthday, and with the mother and childs surname the same(this is generally an indication that the child was born outside marraige). believe it or not half! of all children born outside marraige in ireland in the 1975 were 'given up'for adoption,and that wasnt the peak year women didnt have much choice as thanks to the catholic church there was no single mothers payment until the 1980's. decades later than most western countries youd think this would be an issue in a modern country but ireland still is in the grip of the pope,even poland now has abortion ireland is a country riddled with bigotry where most schools are church owned
and the church owns almost as much property as the state. [email protected]

From: [email protected] (brian wallace)
Subject: Re: ireland is disgusting
Date: 5 Jun 2001 01:25:26 -0700

adoption was never an alternative to abortion
irish women have travelled to england since abortion came there to
teminate their unwanted pregnancies
women who have their children adopted generally wanted to keep them
but due to financial circumstances are unable to
that is why since single mothers payments were brought in adoptions in
ireland nosedived down to the present where
they have buy children from poor eastern european women
adoption is about power and exploitation
like slavery alays has been
all those blacks sent from africa to work on plantations were
'unwanted 'people
in their own lands

From: [email protected] (brian wallace)
Subject: Re: ireland is disgusting
Date: 15 Jun 2001 11:33:33 -0700

all those other religeons dont have any influence in the state in the way the catholic church has
the fact is if i was an adoptee looking in england the whole thing would have taken me 4 days instead of 4 + years.
im going to take them to court in sep when i get organised as for that person from scotland ,youd be suprised what you can find out. it took me a while to develop detective skills. i found my mother using google although i found her address monthe ago. i found her work place through the search engine. in one week after i had her name i had found her address. most of the years were wasted as the people from the catholic church lied and procrastinated most people would find the whole thing too intimidating. direland will never be other than the butt of jokes until there is constuctive criticism. i recommend the discussion [email protected]
i just want to emigrate as soon as i can
if you look at the website for the irish adoption board www.adoptionboard.ie they completely ignore the existence of people like me even though they have recived thousands of enquiries

author by blah blahpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 16:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

these trendy lefties love chasing around after immaginary 'fascists' I would have thought Tom Cooney would have been more real and relevent in the UCD context. He is justifying US barbarism against a middle eastern race of people despised by Bush and his WASP backers

author by FelixMacpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 17:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Wallace admits himself that he is a fascist and has joined a US neo-Nazi organisation:

Source: Ireland First! website (http://www.eirefirst.com/cgi-bin/board/board.pl?do=brd&id=1)

"genocide of irish by nigerian plantation
By: wal On: 09/07/02 05:10 AM (#1) [Reply]
some people are doing something about it.
www.nsrus.com www.imigrationcontrol.org
i have joined the nazis myself as i know who is behind multiculturalism"

author by Glen Moranpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 18:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Glen Moran is really Brian Wallace".

I guess all I can do is reassure you otherwise.

Speculation like that doesn't do anyone any favours. I'm no more Brian Wallace than Eoin Dubski is an undercover cop encouraging protest ringleaders to come together in one place.

author by Someonepublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 18:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Accepted. I wasn't really suggesting that you are, merely that you might be and that we should expect Wallace to be posting to this site to develop an arguement sympathetic to his cause.

author by dowtchapublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 19:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I remember this twat around UCC a few years ago, he was quiet as a lamb then, a loner with very few friends, gotta wonder who....um....enlightened him.

That Stromfront thing is quite shocking. The thread on Samantha Mumba should make all determined to turn Paddy's Day into a national day of peace, bring peace signs, flags, etc etc........the New Ireland is awakening.......

author by jeffpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 19:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That guy is a real fucked up loner. I would hope he would snap out of his buzz, that is one of sheer bitterness and frustration. I hope a gorgeous Samantha Mumba lookalike seduces him and gives him the best ride of his life, because that is what he really needs; a good shag! This will make a real man of him, and not the neo claptrap pseudo masculinistic posturing he strives for.

And if he can't handle a black lass for the moment, give him some other nice lass, please oh Lord, Amen.

Wallace, if you are reading this, remember, the Aryan Brotherhood, the neo nazi prison fraternity in America, they are all queers, they would give you a very sore bum if you were locked up in jail with them...

I still believe free speech is free speech, and the "No Platform" policy is akin to statist intervention. I can listen to what I want. Arr!

author by donagh - gluaiseachtpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 22:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

all activists who want to stymy free speech, IN ANY WAY, make me sick. that's it. cop on, guys.
free speech is free speech. fucking vegetarians between meals. that dude, i dunno anything about him, but i suspect he's no more than a sad, deluded bastard, and hardly the real enemy; the real enemy is smarter, and subtler. the likes of him are only prime targets for activists living in some 1936 dream world.

author by King Mobpublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 22:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You lot are such a bunch of fucking moronic hypocrites. You go on and on about your civil liberties blah blah bleeding blah blah. Your fucking sick. There are obviously many people who are into his admitedly rather extreme views. Thats the question that you brain dead stuck in a 1936 timewarp lefties should be addressing, but oh no! You'd rather attack the right to free speech. 'David Noone' (Brian Wallace?) is as entitled to speak as anyone else, but oh dearie dearie me you stale old fashioned loony totalitarian lefties would rather pick on this poor unfortunate man. Scumbags the lot of you.

author by Resistance To Genocidepublication date Fri Feb 28, 2003 23:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A crowd of spotty reds think they are very brave ganging up on one guy on his own.Such bullying is not a good idea,and we have cameras too.

Related Link: http://www.nsrus.com/
author by blahblahblahpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 00:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

you have cameras too? .. very good.
Better watch your back while using them.

author by Fuck Nazi scumpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 01:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

King Mob you are a disgrace and really do have some cheek coming on here preaching about free speech. If I am not mistaken you recently put up postings saying in reference to the murdering of trade unionists in Colombia that "the only good leftiue is a dead one". You also put a posting up slagging of RAR and calling for a 'White Ireland', it was duely removed by the IMC people. King Mob you are a racist and a shit stirrer with some irrational hatred of Socialists and people on the left generally. So why don't you stop wasting everyones time and shut up.

You might preach about freedom of speech for fascists. But it is not you they are confronting and threatening, you are safe in your armchair. Fascists want to smash democracy and are enemies of workers and ethnic minorities. freedom of speech and organisation should not extend to these fascists. A friend of mine in a university in Greece was recently stabbed on a Freshers week stand because he was trying to recruit for a left wing party. Is this the kind of thing that you want to see in UCD next year?

author by Kill fascist scumpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 01:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We don't just have cameras we have the might of the workers movement behind us you scum. You are a tiny minority that could be wiped out in a day, if I find out were any of you bastards live I'd have no problem in doing it myself. so if i were you I would shut up and keep your ideas to yourself.

author by Burn 'Noone' in his bedpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 01:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If anyone finds out the address of this 'noone' person post it here. I'll be the first round to show that twisted masturbating fucker a lesson or two.

author by Paul Bolger - My Ownpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 12:34author email paul.bolger at oceanfree dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know David in another context. He was involved in a discussion group that I and others run. Eventually we had to ban him because the rasist/hate remarks were causing other people to leave the group.

However I can't help but feel when you ban or gag people like David that they win a small battle. Free speech is only ever free when people can say or write that which is most reprehensible to us.

However I don't feel that people have to offer people like that a platform to air their views. If David wants to state his case let him do so in the Public Street.

author by jeffpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 15:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anyone threatening the life of someone else, as the "burn noone" posting above, should be reported to Gardai. That makes me sick.

If someone wants to be rascist, let them, as long as they don't actually physically assault someone of a different race. Threatening the life of an individual for his practicing the right to free speech is the same tactic employed by Combat 18 against so called "reds".

The above posting has left a sour taste on what is supposed to be a forum for independent media. Fuck that...

author by Intransigentpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 16:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Oh no the gardai. Please don't call the gardai.

author by somebody - somethingpublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 22:21author email idontexist at yahoo dot comauthor address you'd only come to my houseauthor phone not telling youReport this post to the editors

I know this may sound rediculous but Irish people must stop regarding themselves as white.
There is no such thing as the white race. The clour of your skin depends on how much UV rays (sunlight) shone on your ancestors. It is entirely possible for celtic people to be black.
If irish people are celts (chances are we are) then we are one distingtive branch of the indo -European peoples like the rest of the Europeans, some africans, indians and many people in the middle east.
There is also no such thing as the black race etc.
Facism is a silly notion. irish people can think of themselves as white all the like but the rest of the 'whites', the anglo-saxon races in particular will always call us and the spaniards and slavic peoples 'inferior' or 'lesser whites'. The English, Americans and German nazi movements think they are the Aryans and all other peoples of non nordic descent are inferior, even if you are white in coplexion.
The idea of all 'white' people being on the same level was only used by Himmler to justify using slavic people in World war 2 against the Bosnian Muslims.
We have more in common with the African and
phillipino peoples as we like them were exploited by people who called us inferior.

Related Link: http://www.free6.com/
author by Eddiepublication date Sat Mar 01, 2003 23:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

One only has to look at his website to see what a real nutcase he is, the only way we can defect these people is if we discreit everything they say.
By beating them up we are going down to their leval.

Related Link: http://www.geocites.com/david_noone88/
author by Lokipublication date Sun Mar 02, 2003 19:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

author by Idi Aminpublication date Sun Mar 02, 2003 20:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

that's been plucked from his mammy's nipple and he's pouting now. He'th tho mad he'll thcream and thcream and break thingth!

author by Republicanpublication date Sun Mar 02, 2003 21:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Brian Wallace is a right-wing crank, and not much else. His anti-republicanism (and pro-British sentiments) do mean, however, that an eye needs to be kept on him in terms of possible links to northern loyalists and British neo-nazis (such as Combat 18).

author by Ill-will - ex-Red Action memberpublication date Sun Mar 02, 2003 21:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We knew how to deal with these fuckers in London and I don't know why everybody is getting into psycological profiling and making excuses for him. Fuck all that!

author by Nazi haterpublication date Mon Mar 03, 2003 15:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I dont give a fuck if he's a nutjob or if his mother didn't love him. He is a fascist and should be stopped at any cost.

author by FelixMacpublication date Mon Mar 03, 2003 18:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The reason why I posted these messages up is to give people a better idea of the kind of person we are dealing with. I'm not apologising for him in any way, but the more anti-fascists know about Wallace the better. There is more than one way to skin a (fascist) cat, and anything that tells us more about him is useful.

author by Republicanpublication date Wed Mar 05, 2003 02:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We already know what he has for breakfast. In fact, there is nothing about his public, private, and home life that we don't know.

author by AFApublication date Fri Mar 07, 2003 05:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know you are reading this, you nazi fucker! Yeah, you. You pudgy piece of shit! Will we be seeing you in Dublin again? Soon, please! Step up.

author by omega supremepublication date Sat Mar 08, 2003 17:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why not chase off the communists first, after all they killed far more people and are more organised already.

author by Ron Hylandpublication date Sun May 18, 2003 23:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

all the best to david noone and his campaign. how is he a nazi and facsist? typical media propaganda! good luck dave!

author by Florence Good, nazis badpublication date Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I see oul nazi hun brian wallace must admire my anti fascist posts, since he's seen fit to imitate me, I am BLAH, blah, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but anyone who knows me and I wouldn't be spouting anti semitic drivel as posted by my inferior imagination lacking nazi imitator blah, blah.

Brian wallace like most nazis couldn't beat a paper bag by himself. He is strictly an inadequate wimp, who spouts nasty race hate drivel, because that is all he can do, he is all mouth and no action like most nazis, is only brave when he is in a crowd. So for all the wimp arsed nazis threatening me, you know I kicked your arses many times, usually by myself. You know you're too chicken shit to threaten me, face to face, keep doing it behind my back, I know who you are and I will do youse, when there is no witnesses present.

I could do Brian by myself and I will, when there are no witnesses about. Wouldn't want lickel nazis touting to peelers on me would we.

author by INLA all the waypublication date Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'll kick Brian's crap in, in a fair one to one fight. Then see if Brian dares tout on me to the peelers, I will make sure someone visits him and holds a gun to his head. We'll see how hard brian and his nazi friends are.

author by Celticus - Nonepublication date Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You people are all the same. You're all for allowing freedom of speech for extremists as long as they're your type of extremist

But as soon as someone tries to propagate a viewpoint with which you vehemently disagree your support for free speech folds like a cheap suit.

Like a previous post said- the real test of whether you support freedom of speech is how you react to those whose viewpoint is anathema to you.

The question is not whether what someone says is offensive, wrong, hairbrained etc.

If you believe there are grounds for limiting what can be said (apart from obvious legal grounds such as incitement to violence etc), then come out and say so and justify the reasons you give, if you can.

Of course, being wooly brained, slogan chanting, emotional student types, you see no inconsistency in holding two mutually exclusive positions !!

author by Celticuspublication date Fri Aug 13, 2004 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

More wolly thinking from the idiot branch of the Left:
"Free speech is a concrete right granted to those that ascribe to minimal principles. Fascists do not ascribe to those principle so they don't get Free Speech."

What nonsense, and how very convenient for Anti Fascists.
I wonder who "dictates" these "minimal principles" and who grants the right of Free Speech?
Why that would be the Anti Fascists of course !!
Agree with the Anti Fascist viewpoint and you are "granted" free speech. Otherwise you are escorted off campus!

Boneheads, get this. Free speech is not something limited to those who "ascribe to minimal principles".
Free speech is just that- freedom to say what you damn well like, bar nothing (as long as you stay within the law.)

author by NooneWatchpublication date Sat Dec 10, 2005 23:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It seems Nazi Noone is now going under the name of "Desmond".

Listen to his latest rant on a recent politics.ie posting (http://www.politics.ie/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9309)

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