Has anyone read this warmonger?
Jesuit theological expert from Milltown Park is Propaganda expert from Hell
This prick writes in the Irish Independent but today he infiltrated the Pat Kenny show for a disgusting pro-war propaganda rant.
Just when Tom Connolly was called back to the law school in UCD for a breather out comes this Jesuit. Somehow an expert on war and the threat to our safety, Fr Seamus tells us how Saddam is a nuclear threat to the world.
He plodded out his Just War theory. He even tried to twist Liberation Theology to use it's justification for resistance to oppression with this present imperialist plunder.
He called the ideal ,"let there be peace at all costs" , "immoral".
"You can't say you are for peace alone. You also need to work out under what conditions you are prepared to use force and be clear on that now".
See how he prepares us for war. How many minds does he inluence every Sunday? He and his Brothers?
Speaking of his brothers: I attended a marriage guidance course in Milltown Park in 2000 given by Fr Myles Reilly. What a load of crap! I calculated on the day from the fee and attendance that Fr Myles and his Jesuit Brothers made £1800 for the few hours . Puts the Scientologists to shame.
At one point in his monologue Fr Myles advocated that a woman should have sex with her husband even if she didn't want to (submit to rape), if for instance he were to come home drunk and it would cause too much fighting and trouble with the children for her not to do what he wanted. My wife was actually the only person to confront him at the lunch break about it. He gave a patronising smile and said he would come back to it after lunch. He didn't.
A year later we heard of a female friend of my wifes who was going out with a male conservative neurotic control and power freak. He had been pressurising her to marry him because in his limited view of the world that was what he had to do to be able to have sex with her(I kid you not-here's one we've brainwashed earlier!) He took her to his counseller who pressurised her further to marry him, NOW. She was in a traumatic state about being told she had to choose immediately between marriage or the end of the relationship and aloneness ........by Fr Myles Reilly. Imagine this guy and his buddies counselling couples? Telling a confused , depressed and sometimes suicidal woman she has to marry or she will end her days alone in an attic flat in Rathmines ? Bastards! I suppose it's no worse than condoning the massacre of hundreds of thousands in Iraq and calling it the lesser of two evils. I thought you were supposed to reject Satan and ALL his works Fr Seamus, so why are you brainwashing people to accept evil as part of their world? But I guess that's theology and what would I know about Satanic Doctrine.
Sometimes the most insidious brainwashing takes place in the most unsuspected places but as the layers of clerical filth is being exposed these fascists who blessed the blueshirts as the sailed off to fight with the fascists in Spain are less protected by sheeps clothing to corrupt the young and the unsuspecting.
Comments (12 of 12)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Didn't the pope say that there is no moral case for this war? Papal infallibility and all that?
Another manifestation of the Churchs' dual-standards was evident yesterday evening when I was disgusted by the behaviour of Catholic schools in the North, exposed by spotlight on BBC.
The Church has no shame in allowing paedophiles to continue in their ministry protecting them every step of the way but throw girls who want to keep their babies rather than having abortions out of school for getting pregnant. What sort of example is this supposed to set?
The soon all schools are taken out of the hands of these people the better for all of our children.
thats just it innit? I betcha no benedictine worth his salt, or franciscan, would back the looming war. Those damned jessies, present as shit stirrers at most of the poxy things that have happened in this world........
It's Tom COONEY, not Tom Connolly from the UCD law school. Can't you even get the names of the people you disagree with right?
And as for your little rant about the guy who believed he couldn't have sex unless he was married, if you don't believe that then why are you going to the Catholic marriage guidance courses?
The reason the church has so much power in this bloody country is not because of the lunatics who believe everything they say, it's because of idiots like you who whine on and on about them, but still go along with their farcical bloody ceremonies. What's wrong with telling them to stick their church wedding up their arse and heading down to the registry office?
Jump a broom instead
Dan Berrigan is a Jesuit. All these idiots who see things in black and white don't let this get in the way of an anti-Catholic rant though.
I fully agree with you about the Catholic trip being bogus. Let's not get into how mad or bad it is . As for Jusuits: wasn't it Irish Jesuits that schooled Mugabe? They can't be all bad!
I can't help but wonder though how people like Dan Berrigan can remain in their church when it is not only obviously evil in it's earthly works but is theologically a cult centred on a lie.
I suppose we have to understand how deep the brainwashing goes and how the first lies are fed, literally, with mothers milk. But I wonder how "clearly" such people can see if they are blinkered in this area. They certainly have nothing to say to me when "Fr" is their credentials.
I would like this Father Seamus Murphy to see the first few tens of thousands of people to be massacred in Iraq. I would like it to be the job of this coward to bury them all and then we would see how brave his big mouth would be. I'm not asking him to kill them, oh no, that can be on somebody elses soul. Some kid from Chicago who hasn't even rationalised what he's doing yet and probabaly won't until he's fifty and sees the pictures in a book and it starts to sink in what he's done. Will Fr Murphy be there then to comfort this brave Enduring Warrior with comfort of how justified the war was? And he could be so angry about a few axe blows to a war plane? Hypocrite!
It's no wonder this country is fucked and bowing down to parasites at every level when we haven't had the huevos to run this pack of vermin from the country years ago with it's mental and emotional prison programmes. Social order through mental slavery!
Did anyone see the Hugo Chavez documentary? When the US backed coup took over one of the first ones in was a well fed, well dressed priest or bishop laughing away on his mobile phone as the soldiers and police gunned down people on the streets outside and Colin Powell and Ari Fleisher assured the world on TV that all in Venzuela was normal! Perhaps he was a seminary friend of Fr Murphys who was easy with such "lesser evil".
Now if a foulmouthed rant like the above last comment, mixing fact halftruths and abuse was put up here about say Islam, I think it might be deleted. will this one be?
It's distrussing to see that there are still dumb idiots here who still blindly follow the roman dogma (rumandcadillac church) and who still engage in that hypocritical wailing and crying every Sunday or worse every day. What about all the people who been raped, buggered, physically assaulted and even murdered by those scumbags in roman collars? The bastards!
If a Muslim cleric had come on radio in any of the "Free New World Order" countries and incited war with such a snide attitude to the value of peace he would be in gaol now and probably for a long time.
If muslims clerics were abusing children and being harboured and facilitated by their superiors(which they don't have) like the Roman Catholic Church has in this country and elsewhere there would be nothing else on CNN, Fox News and Pat Kenny.
Saddam Hussein for all his long past sins has sought peace throughout this whole attempt to provoke and justify war. Iraq is a broken country and Saddam and it are no threat to even Israel. Theologically I believe when an opponent sues for peace you must also engage in peace talks. You would have to get one of the Milltown boys to find you the exact reference.
Seemingly Fr Seamus chooses to ignore this dictat and the insruction of his "boss" in Rome. I'd say Satan is stoking up the fires of hell fer ya Fr Seamas. Enjoy the fruits of your treachery. Have you a nice wealty parish in the US to go to for the summer. Lots of doting yanks with loose wallets and so much stroking for the ego?
You wouldn't believe what a nice Irish priest would make on a wedding in a nice parish in the US . Funerals , mass cards and all sorts add up. A busy man with a good "stage presence" could rake in $10,000 a week all summer. I wonder do they declare this to Revenue when they come home to Ireland, as the hundred dollar bills are generally stuffed into cards or into slick wristed hands?
I know there are plenty of poor priests and nuns working for charity but not these "suits" . The likes of Fr Seamas has been bred and educated (brainwashed)to believe he deserves better than that. How else would he close his heart to human suffering and sell war propaganda?
You can't have peace at any cost.....
I'm so glad that the war's going ahead because all you fools won't get your way. Too bad no one will no what would have happened to the Iraqi people if the UN just walked away (albeit that the sanctions have killed over a million of them already).
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