You give your head but no secrets
The communist leader Ýbrahim Kaypakkaya was only 24 years old when he was slaughtered to dieth by the Turkish state. He was the first person that ever brought the issue up that kemalism means facism and announced that there is e Kurdish nation. He was a convinced MLM ist and believed in Peoples war. He was only 24 yars old when he died it was on the 18 may 1973 the party is celebrating its 30. anniversary also this year. Ýbrahim Kaypakkaya was murderderd because he did not give any secrets price only resistance on 18 may 1973 he was cut into pieces and given to his Father who was about to visit his son. this year we will remember him with speeches and songs at 10.00 pm and some will go to his grave.Ýbrahim was e real communist leader we call everyone to remeber him and also not to forget