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Donegal (possible national?) anti-war gathering MARCH 1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We invite other towns and cities to join us "Never doubt the ability of a small group of people to change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has" - Margaret Mead PEACE VIGIL SAT. MARCH 1ST, 2-4PM In solidarity with the Iraqi people and the direct action at Shannon 'warport' Come along and show the war-mongers that you don't support a war that will cause untold suffering and destruction and will lead to the ongoing global domination by capitalist fundamentalists. Bring banners, pictures, family, flowers, art, food to share, music, instruments, songs, poems, your dancing shoes, prayers, action plans, info to share and whatever else you want. Bring your granny, drag your boss, spread the word and cause a fuss. It's now or never folks! GET ORGANISING!!! - Public planning meeting Donegal Town next Thursday 27th 087 9672549 - Poster attached. Leaflets/posters available via Simple Simon stores in Donegal town and Letterkenny + Health shop in DONEGAL ANTI-WAR ALLIANCE: 21/02/03 On Saturday March 1st from 2pm to 4pm, people from all over Ireland and from all walks of life, are invited to hold a COMMUNITY PEACE VIGIL in their village, town or city. The various branchs of the Donegal Alliance Against War from Bundoran, Ballyshannon and Letterkenny, will be holding their vigil in the market square in Donegal Town. They will be inviting local TDs and politicians, the media, church groups, students, workers, the unemployed and anyone that really wants to get out and make a stand for peace. The vigil will mark the unnecessary destruction that war brings to Iraq and the globe while displaying publicly that the Irish people do not support a war that could cause endless suffering. The vigil will also be in solidarity with the Donegal protesters who will join the Grassroots Gathering in a day of nonviolent direct action targetting the U.S warport at Shannon. To do nothing is not an option. Bush promises an 'endless war' and his 'administration' has a list of up to 35 target countries. Bush and his cronies are behaving like terrorists and are certainly creating them. The world stands on the brink of a disaster (in humanitarian and ecological terms) unlike any the world has ever seen. Each individual has a responsibility to act (in whatever way they can) to prevent this madness. -------------------------------------------------- Donegal Town: Falcarragh: Ballyshannon: Sligo:
Turn off that propaganda box and tune in to alternative radical media via the net Tune in to for up to date Irish and Global news and for the latest protest news in Ireland. has all the latest reports from across the globe and + has some deeper perspectives. Non Violent Direct Action at Shannon The Grassroots Gathering has called a direct action protest at Shannon for March 1st, meeting under the arhway at 2pm. The form of the action is yet to be finalised but it will be some form of mass non-violent civil disobedence. There will also be a march for those who don't want to play a direct part in the action. -------------------------------------------------- Protest if war begins If war begins we must move quickly to build large protests everywhere. Protests are already planned across the country and across the world. Please take note and spread the word, as we will have very little time to organise once war starts. Local anti-war groups should begin to plan for these protests now. On the Evening of an attack at 6pm. Protests in every City, Town and Village across the country. In Dublin 6pm at the US Embassy, Ballsbridge ----------------------------------------------- Don't forget: their actions paved the way for our voices A protester from Shannon airport was this week found guilty
-------------------------------------------------- Friday 21st FEBRUARY 2003, Issue 393 WAKE UP! WAKE UP! MAKE YOUR BED NOT WAR! PEACE SOUP "The fracturing of the Western alliance over Iraq and the huge anti-war demonstrations around the world this weekend are reminders that there may still be two superpowers on the The biggest anti-war movement the world has ever seen has only a few weeks left to stop the first world war of the 21st century. Bush and his corporate backers are intent on re-carving the map of the Middle East to ensure US dominance But Britain is the weak link in the attack plans. Tony Blair is acting like Bush's shiny-suited lawyer, desperately digging up pseudo-legal and very pseudo-moral justifications for an invasion of Iraq. But unfortunately for US interests, Weapons of Mass Dissent But marches on their own are not enough. We need to do more. In the words of one of Saturday's speakers, we need to "turn up the heat". Civil disobedience on a vast scale, involving The anti-war movement is incredibly united around the need for action - there is little room for Judean People's Front style bickering - and people are determined to be listened to. A typical example of the new unity that is taking root in the anti-war movement is Brighton-based group Sussex Action for Peace. The group includes direct action veterans, left wing activists, local union organisers and dozens of individuals from all sorts of backgrounds. Meetings are They understand that direct action goes hand in hand with leafleting the Groups like Sussex Action for Peace exist up and down the country, so if the bombs start to drop, phone in sick and join in the mass civil disobedience planned across the country. To find out what's happening in your area see Statutes of Liberty? All demonstrations in Manhattan have been banned since September 11th, and unsurprisingly, a New York judge made no exception for the February 15th anti-war march planned in the city, citing supposed "security" fears. Still, half a And yet despite all this, many New Yorkers still managed to make the most of the day, including our personal favourites, GLAMericans for Peace, who held signs bearing such only-in-America slogans as "Makeup Not War", "Baby, I AM the -------------------------------------------------- The real story behind the proposed war on Iraq. Many of the peace protesters claim that the war is not about weapons of mass destruction but about oil. American's motivation for war is not based exclusively upon monopolising Iraq's oil, but the fact that America's own supplies/reserves of oil are in steep decline mean that it is desperate to secure another source of oil. Iraq is the second largest supply of crude oil in the whole world and America's determination to secure Iraq's oil proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that the World oil shortage is NOT a scientific theory anymore, but a scientific fact (see list of links at the bottom of this page for more information...) And now here is my problem - What I can't understand is how the hundreds of millions of peace protesters (consumers) around the World, think that they are in no way responsible for the massive demand on an ever diminishing oil supply. Virtually all the peace protesters are consumers and virtually all of them buy and use products that depend upon vast quantities of oil that will soon be no longer available. Statistics show that between the years 2005 and 2010 the World's supply of oil will not be able to match demand and then the oil companies will be relying on reserves and as consumers of oil based products, so will the rest of us. My main point is this: - Unless all the millions of so called peace protesters are prepared to completely change their lifestyles so that they are not so totally dependant on products made from oil, then how can they be justified in protesting against a war fought for oil? The peace protesters all try and paint George Bush et al as being evil because of their lust for oil, but without the public (including peace protesters) demand for oil based products, then there would be no profit at all to be made from supplying vast quantities of oil!!! This is very similiar to the issue of banning fox hunting. It seems there is a very large majority of people in the United Kingdom who are opposed to fox hunting on the grounds that it is inhumane. On the face of it, this would seem reasonable for all these people to declare their opposition to an barbaric sport. However the fact remains that the vast majority of foxes killed in the UK are killed by motorists(100,000 annually). I would hate to think that any of the 100,000 foxes that die on Britain's roads each year were killed by motorists opposed to foxing hunting and yet statistically, this is inevitable. How many of the people who support a ban on fox hunting(which kills 10,000 foxes annually) are prepared to give up driving a car? Probably none of them. If confronted on this point they might respond with 'our journey is more important thant the life of a fox'. Exactly, so their so called morality only exists as long as it is convenient. The moment their lifestyle is impinged upon, then their 'morality' flies out of the window... This is exactly the same type of hypocracy that allows someone to think they have a right to protest about a war for oil on the one hand, and then take an active part as a consumer in a culture which depends very heavily on an ever diminishing oil supply. Back to Reality Dawns 2003 There is an online forum for discussing the points raised in this website please feel free to participate. Heres a series of truly shocking websites detailing the,Worldwide oil shortage. Fascinating, horrifying and reassuring depending on your point of view (highly recommended).
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5I love my Aunti War, Sligo, cos she gives me hope.............
by Pete Ranks - SLIGO ANTI WAR MOVEMENT Fri, Feb 21 2003, 11:22am
There is a Anti War gig being held in the Trades club, Castle St. Sligo on the 27th of Feb. from 10 pm. Open mic thang, feat. Ian Bordley, legendary skiffle group, the Latchicos and whoever else happens to get up and do their thang. Admission is free, with a whip round and raffle also being planned to help fund buses, popsters etc. for Shannon on March 1st. Also, Anti War meeting in the Trades club, every Tuesday@9:00pm, all are indeed welcome.
As far as I know, there is a national protest being organised for Shannon on March 1st. There are nationwide protests being organised for 8th March. Obviously, you can do your own thing in Donegal or wherever but it would be good to co-ordinate with other groups to achieve the maximum impact.
Of course Donegal is supporting the Shannon demo and action and some of us will be there but you have to keep in mind that it would be a 7-8 one way trip for some people - and that does not have maximum appeal. We therefore have a dual approach of plugging shannon + local alternative. We recommend other groups do so as well.
What is this about March 8th? Nobody told me/no notices anywhere....
Locally go for Top Oil they provide the aviation fuel for Shannon and have a list of their offices and depots on their website.
Manorhamilton, Leitrim: Open forum on war in Iraq
by Leitrim anti-war - none Fri, Feb 21 2003, 11:39am
8pm Saturday 22nd February, Glenn Centre, Manorhamilton
Speakers: Professor Terry Eagleton (Marxist academic), Michael Colreavy (Local Sinn Fein councillor), Chekov Feeney (anti-war activist, Grassroots Gathering & workers solidarity movement). An evening of debate and discussion about the impending war in Iraq - all welcome.