national | miscellaneous | news report
Monday April 29, 2002 16:32
by rowan
in descending order of importance
On fri 26th April in NCAD, Dublin, we sacrificied 10 tvs using a sledgehammer, an axe, an aluminium baseball bat and a pick axe. Here we list ten good reasons why.
much of this paraphrased or taken from
10. turning everything into entertainment
The problem is not that TV presents us with entertainment, but that it presents everything as entertainment.
What this means is that if it doesn’t contain contain sex, violence, drug, guns or car chases, it’ll probably get relegated to early afternoon tv. When we watch the news, only those events which have a high entertainment value get airtime, and other important events get pushed to short announcements before the weather.
9. Tv is the centerpiece of the living room
Walk into any living room in Ireland. The furniture will all be arranged nicely so that every chair and couch points towards the centre of attention: the tv.
As a classroom is designed for schooling, a living room is designed for television schooling. Each piece of furniture is arranged so that no matter where you sit, it’s more effort to look at someone to a conversation, than it is to watch tv. Your head will always automatically fall back to the tv.
Next time your in this situation, keep making conversation with someone, and see how their head will always be drawn, like a magnet, back to the tv.
8. TV is the world
(from zentv.html
Marshall McLuhan says TV opens out onto an electronic global village. It would seem, rather, that it gives us only the illusion of being. It reinforces security by presenting danger, ignorance by presenting news, lethargy by presenting excitement, isolation by promising participation. The media confines reality to itself. And it limits knowledge by giving the illusion of knowledge. In the same way that the most effective way to deflect, diffuse and terminate a social movement is to announce that it has been achieved (the feminist movement must contend with this on an almost daily basis), the most effective way to deflect inquiry is to present it as fulfilled. TV acts in this guise as a thinking presentation device which offers non- experience as experience and not-knowingness as knowing.
In the words of Mat Maxwell, "Television becomes the world for people.... The world becomes television." The overall and cumulative effect of the media is to heighten our insensitivity to reality. Rather than breaking the chains of ignorance, political domination and illusion in our Platonic cave, something insidiously similar yet different is going on. Instead of actually turning away from the shadows to see the realities, instead of actually leaving the darkness of the cave and going up into the sunlight, we merely watch an image of ourselves doing this, we fantasize about doing it and think it's the same.
7. Selling Dissatisfcation
TV tries to make us feel dirty, smelly, hairy, too tall, too small, too fat, too skinny, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and incomplete. And then it promises to cure the aching dissatisfaction in our hearts, with its perfect cleaning solutions, its cure-all-instant-wipe-away-all-your-problems quick-fix solutions. Advertisers need to make us feel bad about ourselves to make us buy their products.
So, television is a happy happy land where everbody is spectacularly good-looking. No program is complete without good-looking women and men.
After hours of watching television, images of these "Beautiful People" will become burned into your mind, and your concept of what is ‘natural’ will become altered to the new ‘everybody is beautiful, I am not’ mantra.
And the result of all this is two things.
1: Advertisers sell their products. Think this doesn’t have an effect on you? think what’s in your bathroom right now: a load of pantene and garnier products…
2. Widespread dissatisfaction. Dislike of your figure, dislike of your hair, dislike of your nose, your ears, your eyebrows, your legs, your arms, dislike of yourself. How many people do you know that are completely satisfied with their body?
6. Replacement for Human Companionship
TV has become such a mechanical friend, such a substitute for social interaction, that one's solitude becomes acutely magnified, doubly experienced and doubly reinforced if one is deprived of its glowing, life-like presence (as if one wouldn't still be alone if it were on). If one is alone in one's room and turns on the TV, one actually doesn't feel alone anymore. It's as if companionship is experienced, as if communication is two-way
5. Promotion of world domination
The global media system is now dominated by nine giant firms. The five firms are AOL Time Warner, Disney, Bertelsmann, Viacom, and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
These few corporations have massive holdings not only in tv but also in films, video rental, books, magazines, newspapers and internet sites. The entire system has little interest in issues that may be important to the world at large but fail to serve the interests of the business and upper-middle classes.
The main point to remember is that all these media firms are hierarchic. Control of each firm ultimately comes back to one person, usually a man, who sits at the top of the hierarchy. But he in turn is controlled simply by the whim of the advertisers. Any issues not conducive to good business don’t get shown on tv. This means the views of a small handful of men are broadcast worldwide into the homes of literally billions of people.
MTV may have once stood for music television, but it now stands for Money television.
4. Propaganda
Probably every conflict is fought on at least two grounds: the battlefield and the minds of the people via propaganda. The "good guys" and the "bad guys" can often both be guilty of misleading their people with distortions, exaggerations, subjectivity, inaccuracy and even fabrications, in order to receive their support. While we can often see obvious propaganda from other countries, especially from "enemies", we sometimes don't notice, or acknowledge propaganda in our own nations and from our own friendly nations.
3. Brainwashing
It may be a mild form, but TV brainwashing follows the same rules as full mind control techniques. The first step in the process of brainwashing is deprogramming: the removal of any previous belief systems, literally, washing the victim’s brain clean. Russian psychologist Pavlov documented that the first stage, whether it comes from an army sergeant or a cult leader, is characterised by continuous exposure to sound and light. Television (the defendant), though it may be a mild form, is guilty of this through fast choppy edits and cuts, flashy, shiny hypnotic images, entrapping our attention, excluding any outside influences from the real world.
This deprogramming breaks down our concept of what is 'real'. The cleaner our brains are washed, the more ready we are for the next stage: reprogramming.
As we are brought into the dozing, hyonotic, tv watching state, any messages conveyed will sink deep into our subconscious. The deeper the trance, and the more repitions of the message, the deeper it will sink. Perfect for advertisers to etch their the names of their products deep into your brain.
Why do you think they’re called programs?
2. Advertising
Advertisers and networks don't want the viewers to think. They want them to just be good consumers and spend money on their products.
Sales, by definition, is the process of convincing someone to purchase what they don't need. Advertising tries to convince someone that the solution to a problem or the fulfillment of a desire can only be achieved through the purchase of a product
Perhaps there is a need for cleanliness. But that is not what advertisers sell," Mander explains. "Cleanliness can be obtained with water and a little bit of natural fiber, or solidified natural fat. Major world civilizations kept clean that way for millennia. What is advertised is whiteness, a value beyond cleanliness; sterility, the avoidance of all germs; sudsiness, a cosmetic factor; and brand, a surrogate community loyalty."
As the C.E.O. of Westinghouse, a nuclear power plant company that is also one of the top 9 world media corporations put it "We are here to serve advertisers. That is our raison d'etre."
the no. 1 reason for television's death by sacrifice:
1. Zombification
A long time age, humans were active, dynamic beings who actually moved from place to place while doing things. Our lives once consisted of work, play and rest. It was an idyllic scene: people outside, in their gardens, children playing. Now life consists of work, and tv. Play and rest have joined to become one activity: zombie-izing
If you monitor the brain activity of a person reading a book or peforming some active task, the subject’s brain will appear in the beta wave state, indicating alert and conscious attention. If you then turn on a tv for the subject to watch, within about 30 seconds or so, the brain will enter the alpha state, an unfocused, aimless, daydreaming, subconscious level, half way between awake and asleep.
Television has been called a form of sleep teaching.
If you turn the tv off and let the subject go back to reading a book, the active, alert, beta wave state reappears.
Life used to be based around activity, around doing things, creating, inventing, observing nature, exploring the land. Now we don’t need to explore. Tv can do the exporing for us, while our bodies and minds sit passively in the alpha state, zombified.
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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17didn't neds atomic dustbin have a song, "kill your tv" years ago - were you inspired?
yep. Sample at:
(others at http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/sounds.html )
Rowan ya mad bastard, hows tricks? Fancy stumbling across you form a link on a hotpress site!! Really sorry I missed the main event and petes b-day. What a shocker- Paddy on d internet!!
I just don't know whats gonna be next.
oh you must be so pleased with yourselves, smashing tv's.
i suppose it would have taken far too much of your dope smoking time to actually do something creative about the dross we are served up on television - the drug of our nation.
could you not have deposited them outside the tv stations with a banner across the screen saying - no news today except on indymedia.ie - christ knows the stations need news to fill their schedules.
then you might have been able to use it as a tool against our oppressors.
oh and by the way
their is an election coming up
A generation of children brought up on Digimon, Power Rangers, Rugrats, The Simpsons etc. is a frightening thought. Not to mention Play Station or Gameboy.
Let the LUDDITE revolution begin.
I agree T.V. is definitely all of the above. We should then set an example by centering our lives around the REAL ISSUES OF THIS WORLD.=) I do think, though, it is nice to observe how the entertainment center is brewing.. I like to watch T.V. for the pure reason of seeing what they're up to next! And laughing, usually.=) It's a fun pasttime with friends. Anyways.
well done to those students who have the sense not to become part of the sad tv culture we live in. i have for many years myself extolled the virtues of conversation, reading, getting outside etc etc to aviod the box. today the tv plays an almost non existent role in my life and everyone to whom i speak about this says they ADMIRE this!! why the hell don't they stop staring at the box then? because they are making the choice to be zombies. can anyone tell me where is the attraction in that?
We do not need a ludite revolution.It is not technology in itself which is opperessive, but those in control of it. We need to find ways to use technology to create a positive future for all rather than destroying technology outright.
Television and other electronic media needs to be controled at a local level and power taken away from global media corporations. For example Channel nine in Derry is a localy owned and operated tv station broadcasting to over 100,000 people in the Derry and Donegal area. Your luddite revolution would mean an end to the internet and this exchange of information would be terminated.
David, it appears you don't understand Luddism at all. I'd suggest you look it up on the internet.
What's the point? Anyone educated enough to know that TV serves out all this rubbish and as such is a bad thing... is also educated enough to be able to question all the same crap they complain about on TV, and as such has no need to smash it.
For example, if you hate TV because it encourages you to buy Coke, and you know it's doing this, JUST DON'T BUY COKE! The only people who are so influenced by TV would never smash theirs anyway.
Cultural change necessarily involves resistance to change. The term Luddite has been resurrected from a previous era to describe one who distrusts or fears the inevitable changes brought about by new technology. The original Luddite revolt occurred in 1811, an action against the English Textile factories that displaced craftsmen in favor of machines. Today's Luddites continue to raise moral and ethical arguments against the excesses of modern technology to the extent that our inventions and our technical systems have evolved to control us rather than to serve us and to the extent that such leviathans can threaten our essential humanity.
I was trying to describe ways we can take control of technology away from global corporations and back into the hands of localised bodies.
>After hours of watching television, images of >these "Beautiful People" will become burned into >your mind.
It's true; it can't be a coincidence that after 10 years of watching "The Simpsons", I'm beginning to look Homeresque. And as for Johnny Vegas...
For those with the anti-television fixation, I might point them to Sturgeon's Law - ""Ninety percent of everything is crud".
In the meantime, would anyone like to organise
an event where pretentious arts students are crushed to death by consumer electronics? Please contact [email protected].
Your smashing is lauded as a success. However, it should be noted that the broadcasters are still bombing the airwaves with their lies and propaganda.
Therefore, we would laud any IRA members who can leave their mark in the tower.
The poor of the United States will soon have an IRA in addition to a Sicilian style of police force.
The local and state governments have turned upon the poor and common man. Many people pray, "Let the hills fall upon us today." "Let our children witness and know this world and stop reproduction, as it is at its happiness end...The Pigs Have Won!"
View them here, as the analogy is always "On The Road"
That's Situationism that is. Smashing up TV's. Nice one.
If ever I see her; I'll smash the eleventh one over Davina Mc'Call's head.
So let's all smash our TVs. Brilliant. And then what?
People will stop watching telly when, either one or all or a combination of the following happen:
a) it becomes so piss-poor that we get physically sick of it (quite likely re: Your a Star etc.)
b) we get something better to do (ooh we could read books or something couldn't we, but that'd be far too difficult, too much strain on our poor brains)
c) we learn to use our non-working hours for their most obvious purpose - socialising (not likely at all, given that most people in this country find it impossible to socialise publicly without ingesting huge quantities of piss
Telly will live on, mostly because people are thick and afraid of progress
firstly, there's fucking lots of brilliant thought-provoking and educational television out there, particulary from Ireland and UK.
RTE, BBC, Channel4 and others produce some excellent documentary and serve almost all sectors of society. And if your dumb enough to buy mc donalds cos you saw it advertised you deserve to get fat. The ads on TV are the bits when any normal person changes channel or makes a cuppa.. lets not get anal about it. Business is business and art is art etc etc. You dont see businessmen complaining about art and creativity.
For all your pseudo-chomsky paranoid i-need-a-cause bullshit theres far more important and immediate ethical issues facing Irish [and non Irish] people in the new millenium.
Smashing televisions wont make shit tv go away [ ok - i know- it was metaphoric ], nor will it make you a better person. I can imagine most of the NCAD heads smashing televisions and going on Pro-cannabis rallys and suing bouncers for not letting you in to their pub and feeling like a rightous kinda indy, but why dont you go out and do some charity work you fucking morons.
I think you really are missing the point, and are obviously just as prone to influence from sources such as peers and media as anyone else.
Smash televisions all ya like, its pointless, patronising and fails miserably to communicate the point. Im sure bemused onlookers thought "oh what are those crazy students up to now" and nothing more.
And lets be honest- everyones always wanted to smash a tv- it was probably great fun. admit it.
Go make urselves usefull and give ur grants to homeless hostels and disability organisations instead of getting pissed on beer [probably produced by a multi national corporation] and patting each others backs.